Sunday, May 26, 2013

"It's On!"

Well the deed is done. I registered tonight. Time to start being conscious of EVERYTHING as it relates to this race. Three months to prepare, well more like two since the last few weeks are a taper period. I feel confident I should be able to put in the training to prepare. Just need to be diligent in keeping healthy and injury free. 

The few folks I've mentioned this to are psyched and excited to come up and hang out or even help.

So looks like we're doing this! Not too sure whether to be excited or freaked out! 

Anyway, got out for 15 yesterday and another 16 miles today and I felt pretty good, tired which is expected, but good. A few photos, could be nicer but have yet to find time to play on Lightroom, the little one seemingly refuses to let me get my computer out!

Following the Worcestershire Way towards Great Malvern. A good trail to train on since it has a lot of hills similar to Minnesota. 

footpath through rapeseed field

hmmm, not going to go that way! 

And this morning, out the canal towards Birmingham, obviously flat but nice after the hills of yesterday.

Dunsley Tunnel turnaround

Friday, May 24, 2013

Well I ended last week with a solid 50 miles of running which was nice. So I think I'm back on track. I should be about the same mileage this week, 50 plus. Feeling a bit tired but that is expected. I figure get after it through the weekend and then this next week take it a bit easier. Hoping to meet up with a friend from the US in Zurich over June 1st and will most likely do some hiking which will be a good break from running but also still keep active.

Well more and more it looks like this Superior 100 thing is going to happen. The wife has time off from work for the trip, the necessary accommodation for the race had been reserved. Now just need plane tickets to the US and also to pay the entry fee (which is non-refundable!).

I don't know why I haven't paid up yet. It's a daunting distance and with the vertical gain and loss of 21,000 feet up and 21,000 feet down this race is a doozy! Some may smirk at the midwest for its lack of "mountains" but I'll tell you what, I bet this race is far harder than many of the mountainous races out west. Why? The hills may be short but they will be steep and relentless. There is no put it in low gear and set a pace for a few miles, it's steep up and then down. There is a reason why the best nordic skiers are NOT from the high mountains, this is why!

So this weekend I figure I'll commit to this.

 I'm feeling pretty solid strength-wise. The Convict Conditioning calisthenics program I've been on since mid-January is definitely benefiting me in the overall strength category (core and upper body mainly). I've been doing quite a few squat variations for my legs but I think I need to focus a bit more on this to get stronger for the ups and downs.

My distance for running is ok, I should be running a bit longer now on my long runs but since I'd been injured I didn't want to jump up too soon. Maybe this weekend. My main concern is being ready for the uphills and downhills. The main thing is the downhills, they can make or break you so I need to try to be ready as best I can. Still need to do a little research on the best way to prepare and mainly  the amount of time I need to focus on this.

So that is where I'm at for now. Hoping to stay injury free is priority!        

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A few photos from this past week

Wow. Well after my little research on the feasibility of the Superior 100 things actually may happen! I don't know whether to be excited or scared! Nothing is 100% yet but the ball is rolling in the right direction and the people I would want there most will be there if it all works out which is pretty cool and of course very important to me. Sure hope this is go as far as logistics and of course injury free training, a huge thanks to those of you who jumped forward and are talking like this WILL happen! Freaks me out!

Anyway, so I ramped up the mileage this past week and am back up to where I should be but I've got more speed work under my belt. I've been feeling good too and injuries are staying away. Got out for a real nice 13 miles on Saturday and popped it off very comfortably at 7 minute miles which was nice. That's kind of my go to having fun, not working hard, just go run pace. Got a few nice photos as well.

Would love to write more but I'm just too tired right now, enjoy:

Canal towpath

Bullock Bridge

Canal towpath

Bullock Bridge

In the red means the Severn Way footpath will be flooded 

Cool caves revealed from this clear cut for development

Oh SHIT! Goose attack!!!!

After the goose attack not sure how to interpret this

Footpath to Wilden

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Superior Ultra? Could it even happen?

So today I was being unproductive as always (well lately at least!) during the little one's nap looking at logistics of doing the Superior 100 Ultra race up on the Superior Hiking Trail.

The race start is at 8am Friday Sept. 6 at Gooseberry Falls and I would hope to finish within 30 hours, so about 2pm Saturday in Lutsen.

Lodging needed for family spectating would be in Two Harbors Thursday and Friday night. Figure anyone involved could stay in Duluth Saturday post race, Lutsen is too expensive as it looks like they only have condo type rentals which would be cool for the weekend but would hurt the wallet! 

Any suckers willing to pace me or work as a crew throughout the race could camp with me if they wanted Thursday at Gooseberry and sleep as needed in cars on Friday night during the race. Essentially you're on your own during the race if you are willing to help me out! "Helping me out" is a broad term that could include making sure I'm eating and drinking enough at 3am or running with me for a while. However I do prefer to do these things self supported if possible but any distance over 50 miles is new territory to me and having a bit of back up is most likely a good idea, but this is a topic all on it's own! We wouldn't need to camp Thursday but could save some hotel money.

So looking at the grand scheme of it all it would be a costly weekend; between travel up north, hotels, food, race entry fee it adds up pretty quick! What happened to the days where everyone slept in their cars!? 

So the 100 miler would be a spendy endeavor, maybe a bit cheaper if I looked at the 50 miler which would only take up Saturday but still have hotels. Plus I wouldn't need any support so that makes any one willing to help life easier or at least much more comfortable!

So just a few thoughts on that for fun, I don't think it will happen, well at least not just yet! Running has been going well, injuries are staying away, and I'm feeling pretty good which is nice.   

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Injuries, plans, and beer!

First of all Happy Mother's Day to my Mom!

And like that I'm ok and surprisingly both injuries, the odd knee thing and my foot issues have disappeared. Can't complain about that. Running injuries are curious monsters. Not starting the Malvern Ultra was a good decision.

Started focusing on the Wyre Forest Half Marathon now. I figure that since I have no big long races until fall I'll focus on this with a specific half marathon program then start building my mileage for the longer distance. The race is about 8 weeks away I think. Half marathon training is about 50 miles per week anyway, just more speed work, tempo work, and less long runs. So the speed work will do me good anyway and besides that it's fun to go fast! It seems like a good thing I guess.

A few photos up which is a little better than my ramblings. Have yet to find the time to play with Lightroom and make 'em nice though!

So I usually run with a SPIbelt to carry my phone in the summer when I wear shorts. I busted out my shorts last week and I couldn't find my SPIbelt for whatever reason, daughter hid it? I hid it? No idea. So I bought a new one the other day while at work. The old one had a crusty salty zipper anyway so I really needed a new one, but I hated to spend the money when the one I've got isn't broke. At work I was looking at the label for some odd reason and the photos caught my attention. I've got a pretty silly sense of humor so I'll let you look at the photo below and deduce the humor in the stick man below! Hint, it's orange and seemingly erect!

So after my morning run today I rolled in about 0615 after 8 miles easy. Beautiful morning out, a few leftover drunks here and there stumbling around. I began my morning routine and my phone oddly buzzed. It happened to be my friend Britta from MN. She was in AZ visiting her sister who just got her Phd. Of course she was hanging out with our friend Ryan from Flagstaff and yes they were at the bar sending me Viber messages (8 hour time change). I really miss those folks. I've got such good memories and have had such good times with them. So as they toasted me with Tecates while we all wished we were together enjoying a beer I decided to join them and cracked open a Sierra Nevada at 0635 and indeed joined them. We all had a laugh and we went on with our days or night!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Alright I'm on the road to recovery. I've still been taking it easy but out running my foot is pretty good. Post run a bit of pain so still in the ice routine just in case.

I ended up working in place of the Malverns Ultra which wasn't all bad since I enjoy my job. I was a bit bummed about not doing the race but as I said it was for the better. I think this bit of a setback will refresh my head bit too just as long as I can keep away any more injuries!

Anyway maybe this crap could help! Got it as a sample from work, funniest thing is that beta alanine does give you a tingly feeling. I like how they market the side effect, I'll let you read the label below to find it! Things like this scare me so I may eat it for fun some morning!

I'll try to get some more photos up. With the light early now I may be able to capture some more to look at! I just need to remember to grab my camera.