Friday, May 31, 2024

And everything seems to already threatening to be overgrown! The trails are fairly dry and green. My quad issue seems to be going away finally and I’m increasing my running. The bluebells have come and gone as well as the white flowers of the wild garlic. It’s amazing how fast it all changes. One reason why I hate to take time off, I haven’t been to the Wyre Forest for a bit, I’m sure it’s fully transformed from winter by now, the ferns beginning to mature and carpet the forest floor. 

This post will most likely be more photos than words as I don’t have much to say! 

Wild garlic

River Severn in Stourport

Ribbesford singletrack

And off to Scotland we go! Heading to Prestwick to visit Lauren’s family. Hoping for a big long run as my leg is allowing it finally. I made it happen and need up on a portion of the West Highland way.

I woke at 4am to walk to the train station in Prestwick, a bus was provided to Glasgow due to construction or something, no big deal. In Glasgow an early walk through the city to Glasgow Central Station and I’m soon on a train meandering through the city heading into the highlands. I arrive in Balloch, orient myself and find the bus station. Patience is paramount in these endeavors. Nothing is open and all I’ve got is running kit. I’m a bit chilled but at least it’s not raining! Turns out since it’s a holiday the bus schedule is not normal. So more waiting ensues. I don’t even know how much time has passed I just bide my time until it arrives.

I believe after about  5 or 6 hours of travel I’m at my destination in Balmaha! Patience pays off. And soon I’m on the West Highland Way along Loch Lomond.

Symbol for the West Highland Way 

Boats moored in Loch Lomond

Pub along the trail unfortunately no time to stop! 

West Highland Way

Loch Lomond 

Detour time! Going up!

About 7 miles in I took a detour off the WHW to climb Ben Lomond, the southern most Munro in Scotland. A Munro is any mountain over 3,000 feet. The highest being Ben Nevis which I’ve also been up. 

View down from part way up Ben Lomond 

Trail up

Took me just over a hour to reach the summit. Unfortunately it was fairly socked in. Wind was blowing and soon a light rain started. Really no complaints because I’d had great weather up until now. I got a tiny bit wet but lower down it stopped and I dried out on my run back to Balmaha. 

Lame selfie on the summit

I returned the same way I came hoping to get a beer at the pub and some hot food. Unfortunately I was tied by buses! I got back and waited, and waited, and waited. No bus. It never arrived. So in anticipation of a late but I lost time I wanted in the pub! The next bus arrived and food and beer less I was. Maybe in Glasgow I can get some food. Good or bad from Balloch the trains all lined up perfectly and I had no opportunity to eat! I had snacks and junk with but after 23 miles and 5000 feet of vert I wanted a meal. No luck. 

I arrived in Prestwick at about 8pm and walked myself to the grocery store, bought a pizza, and walked to the house. Grabbed a beer from the fridge. Oh well. I guess I. Saved some money! Long day out but as always well worth it!

Morning run in Prestwick 

Snuck out a couple days later for an easy early four miles. Nice to get out but there’s nowhere to take a dump! I’m hesitant to run due to this! Anyway, we leave in the morning and then as of Monday back to normal.

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