A few random recent average run photos, I swear soon I'll have something a bit better and not of the canal! Some of this may be a repeat, because I'm guilty of that, but oh well you can read it again and it may be a more organized manner or even contradict what I've said before, anyway......
I decided that if I'm going to live over here, well for now at least, I'm going to try to do at least one of these major races in Europe. After this past year of racing I qualify for pretty much everything so I thought it best to take advantage!
UTMB is intimidating. Mainly because I live in a flattish portion of England at low elevation. It starts in Chamonix, France and winds it's way through the Alps via Italy, Switzerland, and finishing back in Chamonix. Total mileage is 104 miles with 35000 vertical feet. The climbs and descents are what scare me as it is difficult to prepare for the length of them as well as the altitude. I do live within a few hours of Snowdon in Wales which will work well however it is still not at altitude. It is funny looking back at the places I used to live, they were all ideal training grounds for these races; Colorado I lived above 8000 feet, Arizona 7000, Tahoe 6000, all with access to nasty mountains.
So UTMB is the main goal and until I find out if I get in I'm holding off on entering other races. I'd hate to sign up and then lose my money but the downside is many of these fill up so fast you miss out. I really wanted to do Lakeland 100, the UK's biggest race, but registration opened while we were in Minnesota, my phone was off and I missed the alert, and it filled in a day or so. Anyway, I figure I qualify for UTMB I'm going to try to get in.
And if I don't win the lottery? Well a few other options are out there and to put them in perspective Superior had 21000 vertical feet. I've considered Lavaredo Ultra, 74 miles and 19000 vertical through the Dolomites in Italy; Ultra Trail Andorra, Ronda del Cims, 106 miles circumnavigating Andorra with 46000 vertical feet (yeah, that's very very very last on the list!); Zugspitze Ultra in Germany, 100km (60 miles) with 17800 vertical feet, and a few others that aren't so much priority. Mainly due to them being way too long or too short. I'd prefer 50 or 100 miles. More and more I look at it Lavaredo is a really good option.
Also a repeat at Superior 100 could be a possibility. The wife took a new job, which was much needed, but unfortunately it hampers a move to the US. So depending on funds a Minnesota trip could happen, I doubt it, but it could. Flight prices are the factor as the little one no longer flys for free and it may be best to squirrel that money away for a one way flight instead, fingers crossed.
As of late the running has been ok. Only doing maybe 25 miles per week. Official training isn't super important until February but it's still nice to get out. I've been feeling kind of blah for some reason despite my piriformis doing well. Just feeling unmotivated even with my calisthenics.
The fall always mentally hurts as all my life it preceded a real winter. The anticipation and excitement of snow and ski season is hard to shake yet I know now it will never come. Sure it may snow, but only enough to screw this country up for a few days and make me wish I had some rock skis to kick and glide down the canal. Even missing Thanksgiving, the beautiful color change of the leaves, the crisp weather. Here it just all goes to shit. Grey. Rain. Maybe some yellow leaves. The wife claims "autumn is my favourite season as well as winter" (spelling error intentional!), well, she's never seen a true fall in Minnesota, an aspen grove in the mountainous western US, or experienced an entire real winter where you are actually used to it and it's not a novelty of a vacation! Hopefully she'll get to see those things sooner than later.