Thursday, July 30, 2015

The little dude is derailing my training. Another 4 hours of sleep last night. 

Had a great run Tuesday night as I mentioned yesterday. I didn't mention I saw a fox and two kits up high at Coney Green Farm. I was downwind and they didn't pick me up. Unfortunately it was too dark to snap a decent photo, when they scurried off all I got were red blurs. 

Anyway. Here are some photos from that outing: 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I went through and updated captions and now all my posts, well at least the previous 4 - 5 are out of order! That's annoying! 

I think they're back to normal now.

This week is falling apart. Off Monday, Tuesday a solid 11 miler which I felt good for once! Today I missed out on getting to the Wyre with the little dude because the wife took him with to do some shopping, I busted my ass in the garden ripping out plastic lining, old rotten raised beds, and shoveling dirt! I hope that counts for something. Thursday will be off because I have JKD. Ugh! 

That Chariot run seems to have been a key workout for me. My climbing has improved significantly. It's been noticeable on the Ribbesford climbs. Just need to get a couple long runs in before Snowdonia but shit is it hard to motivate at night, especially when you're already short on sleep and you know you've got to deal with two kids all day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Falling down.

The running has been good but the sleep not so good. Kids. This seems to be the general theme. 

I'm still trying to figure out good loop runs from the house. I've got some great longer routes but I'm lacking in the shorter department. Mainly due to some of the footpaths being overgrown with nettles.

trig point from Ribbesford overlooking Stouport, my house is to the left, poor photo

Put in twenty miles last week on Wednesday which was good. Took the little dude out to the Wyre Forest and pushing him in the Chariot we got in 16 miles. Then at night I tested out the noise  factor with the treadmill in the garage. It was fine and I made up the difference from earlier to hit 20 miles for the day. Very happy with that. Felt decent too! 

Shorter treadmill sessions like that I'll put up the incline and suffer. It's a pretty simple treadmill and maxes out at 8mph so the incline is usually necessary.

St. Leonard's Church cemetery (built 1633!) 

Otherwise I had a poor week last week. Tired. Tough time motivating. I just need to remind myself that recovery is all part of the process and more important than the running. 

With Snowdonia 50 then Cotswold Century coming up I need to focus on 15 - 25 milers so I figure get at least 2 in per week and fill in as I can with shorter runs I should be ok. 

Looking back at my Superior training I did an ass ton of squats; 200 - 400 in sets of 50 per day, body weight, feet together, ass to the ground full range. I'm going to start that too which I think will help. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Back to normal?

Hmmmm, well this never published! So rather then me update it just pretend it's last week! 

Wednesday's plan to get back running post the crazy week happened, and in a bigger way than planned! I was still tired but dead set on running. As soon as the kids were in bed and my nightly jobs were done I suited up and was out the door about 815pm. An estimate of up the Severn Way to Arley and back the other side of the river following the North Worcestershire Path I figured would be 12 miles. With river crossings at Bewdley and then Arley I'd be committed.

Severn Way heading north to Bewdley

Well my estimation was wrong and as I approached Stourport it was dark and I could've used a headlamp especially in the trees! I ended up running 16 miles! I felt decent and I love that loop as it's about 95% single track along the River Severn. 

Severn Way single track 

Thursday and Friday I got out with the little dude in the Chariot on the Wyre as planned. I was crushed on Thursday. Must've been lack of sleep post 16 miler, I think I got 5 hours, but despite only getting 10 miles it's good to run when you feel like shit. If you never leave your comfort zone you'll never improve. 

Victoria Bridge just before Arley (Severn Valley Railway)

My garage is slowly coming together. The heavy bag is up, treadmill fits nicely, there's space for my wind trainer and bike if necessary. A quick Kali stick session with the wife noise checking and it looks to be solid enough for sound!  Just need to find a place for my rock rings, pull up bar, and maybe procure a heavier kettle bell or two, and possibly some form of dip station. 

River Severn from Arley footbridge

My body weight program has sloughed yet again. I've been no where near as diligent as in the past but I feel that for now as long as I can maintain I should be ok. 

property of the Queen

Today I'm working and for the first time I'll be driving. Parking is a bitch everywhere here and not cheap. So, I'm planning on parking (for free) about 1.5 - 2 miles away from work and running in! My co-workers do this and either walk or use scooters!  I need to figure the timing out and fine tune my running backpack. Theoretically I could get up to 9 miles in now on work days which is pretty sweet. 

North Worcestershire Path going SE along River Severn

Photos are all from my run to Arley. Sorry they're not fine tuned. I've been blogging from my phone app and haven't been making photo work with Lightroom a priority. If I like any especially I'll usually see what I can manipulate on Instagram which you can see to the right! I'll try to get captions up later today if they aren't up yet.

just before Bewdley

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wyre Forest Half, busy times

And too much going on has become my life it seems. The past week has been insane. As I've most likely mentioned the wife pushed for the keys for our new house and of course it fell the weekend of my 4 plus hour Jeet Kune Do grading and the Wyre Forest Half!

I've survived for now. JKD went very well and the half marathon went as it should've. I was exhausted for both with all that is involved in a house move. 

Knife flow drill, JKD

This was my fourth time running it and the start of the Wyre Forest Half was slower than normal. I shot off the front with I think four guys quickly dropping the majority of the field. The first long downhill I opened it up and soon it was myself and one other. After the flats this guy then made a move when the climbs started, maybe around mile 4. His singlet said Exeter Uni so I assumed the race was over, I hate it when the college guys show up, he took the lead for the next few miles running about 50 meters ahead of me but wasn't pulling away. 

Wyre Forest Half Strava map

Once up top I reeled him in and just drafted for a while to get a feel for how he was doing. I was recovering, the pace was too slow! He was spent! Or at least having a low and could bounce back. 

Splits and Race Info 

We were at the top of the long mile descent I'd been training with the little dude in the Chariot. It was time to really test to see if my downhill training had paid off. It had. I dumped the guy like a hot rock. I no longer heard foot steps behind me! 

Strava Wyre Forest profile, deceivingly hilly

I thought I had it in the bag until I hit the final flattish section before we gradually climb to the finish for 3 miles. The pitter patter of feet grew louder! No way that guy bounced back! But it wasn't him! Another guy had slowly crept up and as he passed me I knew it was over. He was just too confidently consistent with his cadence.

I was caught at mile 10. The next 2 plus miles are an easy but deceiving climb, then a rapid 200m downhill followed by a nasty 200m climb to the finish. No one in sight behind me I ran as best I could, pushed hard uphill to the finish, and finished second. 

I was beaten by just over a minute. In the grand scheme of things that's very little. Of course I was disappointed. If I'd had a normal week, been aptly recovered and rested could I have won? I don't know. I ran as best as I could and that's all I could do. 

race results

For second I walked away with a trophy, a bottle of cider (6% alcohol), and a £30 gift card to M&S! That will be transformed into £30 worth of Lagunitas IPA!  So great day, great race! 

gettin' my cash money! 

In other running news the half marathon week ended up being fairly low mileage, a recovery week was most likely needed anyway. This week is starting off slow. No running Monday or Tuesday. This move has crushed me. Stress is high with two kids and lots to do. I went to bed last night at 8pm, fortunately the little dude slept until 5am, so even though I was very close to running I think sleep was the best decision.

Hoping to get out tonight, then Thursday Friday should be Chariot days. I think I can squeeze in 50 miles this week. Next week is when my Chariot days get shut down to once a week at most. The next six weeks will be tough. Mostly night running and I need to do at least two 20 plus mile runs before Snowdonia 50. I guess the biggest motivator will be new running routes! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

And Rest.

I've pulled the plug. Too much going on. 

On Tuesday's run I noodled my way to our new house to check out some footpath access and ended up running an easy 10. Really nice loop and run! My right knee was acting up a bit, a tiny bit. Wednesday I opted out of running mainly due to that but since I've been exhausted without consistent sleep I'm not going to stress about hitting 50 this week. 

Instead I'm going to try to rest up to win the half this Sunday. Kind of a tall order since number one to recovery is sleep but taking a few days off running won't hurt despite squeezing in as much JKD and house moving as I can!

I need to get back on my meditation routine again as well. And also consistent calisthenics, even if it's just easy maintenance. Ever since the little dude arrived routine has been lost. Oh, and like everyone intends to do, stretching and rolling! 

Hopefully with this house move my garage will be back in action; treadmill, turbo trainer, heavy bag. That will help having my own space. 

Looking at the entire week's mileage possibly Sunday night I'll get out for an easy 5 - 7 miles and make it a 20+ mile day. That would be ideal but need to get a feel for how family will tolerate that. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Less than a week until the Wyre Forest Half. Pretty excited for this one, didn't do it last year because it conflicted with Lakeland. I've been running a lot out there on a pretty good chunk of the course which should help.

testing out the new PureGrit

Have had five solid weeks of running which is great. At least three runs of 13 - 15 miles a week as well. Consistency is key. I didn't have it for Lakeland, I did for Superior, so let's see if I can hold on to it while increasing my long run distances for the next five weeks or so until Snowdonia 50. 

out and back at Button Oak, Wyre Forest

Definitely feeling the two 15 mile back to back runs I did while pushing the little dude in the Chariot. The second day I pushed hard on a few of the ascents and really hit the descents to work the eccentric muscle contraction. We'll see if it helps, sure can't hurt. 

This will be a crazy week leading up to the half on Sunday. Moving house on Friday, JKD test Saturday. On the fence about the JKD test, I haven't had the opportunity to train as I'd like to plus I've missed a fair amount of class as well due to the wife. 

start of Staffordshire Worcestershire Canal at Stourport

I'm still pretty sure I'm these crazy times I'll be able to hold on to my 50 - 60 mile per week consistency. However it wouldn't be all bad to take a rest week. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I first heard about ultra marathons in the early nineties in a magazine article about Western States. Since then I've always wanted to run it. Now with the popularity of these big events getting in to the races is becoming more and more difficult. I no longer qualify with my previous Superior 100 or Lakeland 100 so I need to be planning ahead so I'm at least able to get into the lottery much like UTMB. Here's a great video of this past week's WS100:

2015 Western States 100 Sizzle Reel from Western States Endurance Run on Vimeo.