Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Welcome to Christmas, pretty much the most difficult time of the year to train ! It’s dark, cold, and busy! Sometimes I wonder where the “busy” even comes from! 

The health issues one close to me had been dealing with are better. A very positive outcome, however before the good news the bad news finally piled high enough on my mind that it crashed down. Mentally I was a wreck. When I don’t want to run things are bad, especially if it’s a day off from work, no kids, and the weather is good. Two martial arts friends noticed and checked up on me as did my boss at work. These three understand or have been there mentally. In general my training has been really off and on. The only constant has been my long runs. 

Sent  a message out to a guy for a new used treadmill. He got back fairly quickly and we’ve got plans to exchange tonight. This could save my training. It’s easy to hop on for a hour at night and watch a movie rather than battle the cold, dark, and cars. Plus it’s a great way to get quality tempo runs in. Got it for the price of a new pair of shoes so very happy about that. I hope having this flexibility I can get back on track. I never realized how much I use that thing! 

Arc of Attrition is still up in the air. I really have no excuse not to do it other than the worry about my ankle. I’ve ran 100’s off less so would likely finish but I want under 24 hours. With the time left and the treadmill I should be able to ramp up tempo runs on the treadmill which I had great success with for North Downs Way. I still have yet to have a full on successfully executed training cycle for an ultra. Consistent long runs, hill repeats, strength workouts then transitioning from strength to specific tempo runs and a few back to back long runs. I guess that’s life though. I’d love to see how I’d feel. Something has always gotten bumped off due to time and life it seems. I guess that’s part of the fun and challenge in the journey. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

As always don’t write on here as much as intended! Time isn’t short, it’s just a taking the time to make something a priority to get it done. Blogging obviously hasn’t been a priority. 

Life has been crazy as usual. Health issues with a family member being the main thing occupying space which is still ongoing, I’m stay8 g positive as I do about the whole thing. The time change as well as the season change is always tough and helps nothing as far as motivation to train. Dark rainy and cold is anything but motivating.

Hit another speed bump a few weeks back. I older my ankle really badly. Not really sure how as I was on the canal! I think it was a rock I hooked my toe on. Did a full on Superman, so besides really tweaking my ankle I scraped the hell out of both knees, elbows, and tore my gloves! I managed to get home. I took a week off and it seems to be recovering well, I can run on it fine, but I’m worried about doing it again. 

Previous to my crash I was on a long run and came across a dead rotting fallow deer! It must’ve been hit by a car and ran off to die. It was literally directly next to an overgrown trail I run on frequently, someone had cut the grass back and exposed it! It had a huge rack on it! 18 points on palmate antlers! I separated the skull from the body, maggots everywhere, and ran with it for a bit to hide it near a road for recovery. It sat for a good ten days but was next to a private drive so access was questionable via car. A week or so later on my long run I ran it back the other direction for easier access, then returned with the car. I ended up giving it to my martial arts instructor, he was really psyched on it and it really doesn’t suit out house. I know it’s in a good place! 

So between my ankle and motivation to run at night my training has lagged a bit. My plans to fix the running deck on my treadmill failed. I couldn’t find the an appropriate piece of wood to replace it. I was disappointed because it was a fun project but it would’ve ended to costing more money than I paid for the treadmill, so I’m currently hunting for a new used treadmill. I’m really missing having it with the dark nights, why don’t I run outside? Cars, people, noise, is all off putting outside of the weather. I also feel I can get a solid speed workout in on a treadmill versus outside.

Foot through the running deck! 

My board fit but was a few mm too thick and I think the sliding surface was going to be too grippy.

Going forward I’ve been on the fence about running the Arc of Attrition in January. I do have plenty of time to train, I’m hesitant about my ankle on a technical course. So, I’ll keep training as I can and see how it feels. I can’t get a refund and I’ve ran it before so I’m not overly disappointed if I don’t do it. It’s a fantastic experience though and I’d hate to waste the money so I’d guess I’ll likely run it if my ankle allows not matter how training goes. I’d love a sub 24 hour time which I know I’m capable of. 

In non-running news I took my Dacayana Eskrima black belt grading in October. I passed of course! Grading went smoothly and it has a motivated me to up my at home training in martial arts. I’m doing at least 1 hour a day at home now. I see this stuff as a replacement for running in the future plus it’s really good for keeping my brain engaged as I age. Absolutely loving all of it! 

Good friend Steve, me, Russ

And of course a load of running photos from training:

Pub logo illuminated over the canal

Severn Way

One last thing to mention. I met up with my old friend Alex in Oxford. He was passing through London so we met half way. Great to catch up, really good friend who I met in Aspen. We wandered the Thames Path with a pub lunch stop half way. Great day out catching up! 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Officially start training for the Arc of Attrition this week. I’ve had a decent week plus just past due to school starting and I’m excited to get back to routine. Kids started up last week, one on Monday and the second on Wednesday.  My boss was out of town all week on vacation so I had another week of work off. I was annoyed because I’d missed so much in August with the kids home from school, but I did get a bunch of random things done including running. September is tough as I usually get about half of a paycheck from August, I normally run out of money mid month. Once I accept the fact I’ll have no money I de-stress a bit but it still bothers me. 

A few odd structures on the Wyre Forest

Normal plan for training really. A 20 plus mile long run, a muscular endurance strength workout, a hill sprint session. Then fill in between the wrinkles of a busy day as much as possible with easy runs which usually are 3-5 miles I’ve also been trying to focus a bit more on mobility. I’ve got a cheap massage gun which seems to be fairly effective on my calves for loosening everything up, I’m also trying to do more hip mobility work. I’ve always been good about sitting in deep squats and random mobilizations at night but when you’re tired it slips the mind.

Wyre Forest singletrack 

Black belt grading coming up for Dacayana Eskrima on my daughter’s birthday. They agreed it was ok 6 months ago but I know I’ll get grief for that, in reality it isn’t even about the grading or belt for me. I know the curriculum well and it should come easy being well prepared practicing minimum 30 minutes a day.  Bad news however for escrima, the kids have a club on the same night, at the same time, two different locations across town. Pretty much no way I can go. Really bummed about this but it is what it is I guess.  

River Severn

Footbridge over the River Severn at Arley

Had another “heat wave” blow through. Mid 80’s and humid! Felt like home, I loved it! Now perpetual November looms; gray, temps 40’s and 50’s, rain off and on. I anticipate snow every year and it never arrives. On a positive note the trails are no longer over grown but clearing and soon to be muddy. 

More Wyre Forest trails

Still settling into a routine with the change of activities. I forgot how I sneak in runs after work before going home! Also reminded me I need to fix or replace my treadmill. It’s a cheap basic Reebok I bought when I first moved here for maybe £50. Top speed 8.8mph, which isn’t very fast. The incline is either flat or you manually rotate some wheels to give it 4% incline. Basic is talking this thing up! That being said it’s lasted and with the incline it gets the job done when needed. It even survived being jacked up on bricks to give it a 20% incline for prepping for UTMB! I was positive that would burn out the motor out! I did however finally put a crack in the deck under the belt. I can run on it but I’m waiting for my foot to break through which would be bad. So any treadmill action is on hold. A new deck costs £50, I may as well upgrade to a new used treadmill, so that’s the plan for next month. I’d love to have an incline trainer with automatic incline up to 40% but just too expensive and the reality is I’d rather run outside. A few times a month on a shitty treadmill watching a movie and I’m perfectly happy! 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

NDW100 post race thoughts

Things to consider, things that went well or could be better. 

Training preparation.

I usually try to be consistent with running. I registered for this race kind of last minute in comparison to others. I usually try to do a 20 week training plan leading up to a race. This one I did more focused training over 6 weeks. More long runs and then uphill tempo runs on the treadmill were my main focus. This did however work great but I did notice one thing. Normally I’ll do 10-14 weeks of strength training before getting more specific closer to the race and swapping to the treadmill tempo runs. I skipped the strength with this short build up and I felt it during the race. Quads were tired more than they normally are. These strength sessions, muscular endurance more specifically, give your muscles the longevity needed for these distances. Noticing this was a good thing because I know I could’ve raced better! 

Race thoughts.

Pacing was perfect. I ran well within my ability, I maybe could’ve pushed it a bit harder, but you never know what the repercussions could be later in the race. Maybe could have benefited from poles on the climbs despite the non-mountain race course. I know I hike much faster with them. 

Aid stations could still be faster! I felt I ticked this box and did really well. In and out super fast at the majority of the aid stations. I did spend a bit more time at the drop bag locations but I can justify it. Changing socks and eating real food does take time, but did I really need 15 plus minutes? I think it could be faster. Take the food in a bag and eat it walking? Have more of a plan for kit changes etc.? 

Kit thoughts.

Everything seemed to work fine, really no need for more, especially as less is likely better. Less to deal with less to worry about! But a few things and a few thoughts that could be nice.

Base layers, socks, spare rain jacket at all drop bags. Spare rain jacket was excellent! So nice to swap it out! My VĂ¥ga hat got soaked, I was routinely wringing it out. Spare? Something more water resistant? Dry clothes and more clothes could really save the day. Cold, shivering, chafed, and wet can really detract from focus and also over cool your body sapping energy. Spare clothes at the ready should be mandatory. Probably consider a “baseline” option to always have and then adjust pertaining to weather forecast. 

Another consideration would be to have spare footbeds or sock liners. Shoes these days don’t really stay wet and hold water but underfoot a new footbed could be nice; dry socks, dry footbeds could replace an entire shoe change. Having an arch supporting footbed as a replacement could be nice for tired feet as well. 

I’ve always thought arm warmers were kind of stupid, but since considering their use under a rain jacket to improve breathability I’ve been really intrigued. Also when using a race vest sometimes your core is warm but arms get cold. Also could they help with my cold hand issues? Worth experimenting for £10-£30.

Hands. Borderline got “crab claws” during the race. Not bad but I really need to consider this anytime it’s wet out. I had synthetic liner gloves but they would’ve just gotten wet. Maybe I need to always have a waterproof over mitt at the ready. They weight nothing, pack down tiny, but could be a solution. 

I had access to my phone the entire race. I didn’t go to it more than a few times but it did get wet despite being in a ziploc bag. After the race it had moisture in the charging port and wouldn’t charge. Maybe a dedicated waterproof bag for it would be a good idea? Other electronic thoughts are that I didn’t need some of the things I had with. Never having used my phone and headphones for a race I was unsure of the battery life. I had a small power bank, cables, and spare headphones. Didn’t need any of them, dead weight. I suppose I should maybe have these accessible in a drop bag, but otherwise no need to carry them. 

Same went for my watch. I have had bad luck with my Coros watch and the battery has died in the past three races I’ve done. It was operator error on my part, I needed to fine tune settings for optimum battery. Mainly I had the auto backlight on which is a giant battery suck. This time I was carrying a spare watch though! I guess mainly for the navigation so I didn’t get lost. I bought a used Polar Vantage V for like $50, normally $500 I think, it was an older model but worked great. I had been experimenting with heart rate data and just decided to drag it along just in case. Totally unnecessary. When I realized the Coros battery was fine I put the Vantage in a drop bag. 

My drop bags are super light and the watch face got damaged, kind of a bummer as I can’t resell it but I can at least still use it. Probably consider a more durable bag and also what I have in it next time. My rain jacket had a hole rubbed through it too. My bag must have been at the bottom of the pile and dragged, the watch rubbing against the jacket and ground, putting a hole in the jacket, drop bag, and scratching the watch. 

ALWAYS have a spare light battery! My Petzl Nao headlamp is fantastic but it’s getting old. I’m not too worried about it but since I rarely run with it for extended periods or much at all I don’t get a gauge of the battery. The battery indicator started flashing within 30 minutes of turning it on! Annoying! I immediately swapped to a fresh battery that was fine but I shouldn’t really even have needed a spare with me as the life should be at least 6 hours, I looked at my UTMB report and I got 8 hours! Post race the “low reading” battery was showing plenty of life?! Not sure what happened but I guess a reminder to always have back up options. I do carry a required spare light but it’s tiny and really only for emergencies. 

Food thoughts.

I need a solid food solution. It’s time consuming but seems to do me well! Every time I stop and eat a bowl of pasta I feel great. Is it the stopping? The food? Not sure, but my stomach always gets benefit. I need to do more experimentation with this. 

I also tried a liquid fuel called Tailwind again that I got from aid stations. I’d tried this before and it seemed to work well, many people swear by this stuff, elites and amateurs. I also have tried it in training but I seem to always mix it too strong. It’s an expensive thing to experiment with though which is annoying. I contacted the RD at Centurion for their mix ratio because it seemed right for me. So, maybe I’ll play with that too. I do like to drink water but one bottle of each was nice. Tailwind is convenient to have it all in one place: hydrate, electrolytes, calories.

I brought along Veloforte chews this time. We had them at work so I knew I liked them and they have a boat load of carbs in them. They worked great, likely race with them again. One thing I did do was remove them from the packaging and dump a ton of them in ziploc bags. 4 bags for about a quarter of the race each, two I picked up at my half way drop bag. The night portions I had caffeinated chews mixed in too. No trash to mess with just fish out a ziploc and grab some food. Downside was late in the wet race they started to stick together. Not really an issue but more an inconvenience. They are really soft and dusted in powdered sugar to prevent sticking, when a wet hand is in and out they’re bound to stick. 

Post race considerations.

I seem to always get this wrong favoring a lightweight less bulky bag to travel with, it’s just easier though on a train. Some items that would’ve been nice after running all day and night. That being said there really isn’t a wrong here, it’s just comfort items that aren’t always necessary but nice. 

Warm, comfortable clothing. I only had casual shorts and really lightweight running pants. Comfortable but would’ve been nice if I had a warmer option. It was coldish until the sun came out. This one can be tough as I normally am traveling and I’d rather travel in normal clothes.

I had a sleeping bag and forgot I had a tiny sleeping pad. Pads are bulky but this tiny thing hides like a back support in my little travel backpack. I usually use it for a seat when it’s wet out. I just forgot I had it.

Massage gun and a foam roller may be nice but the gun is heavy and cumbersome as a roller can be. You can get tiny foam rollers, but rollers in general take physical effort to use! 

Snacks, healthy recovery food. Sometimes the cafe, if there is one, doesn’t have what you crave or you’re just not interested. Maybe having an official recovery food/drink with just to be sure I have something of value could be beneficial. Food post race is always odd, despite what you just accomplished you’re not hungry, but need to eat. It’s weird. 

That’s it I guess for things to learn from, change, or consider. It’s UTMB week and I’ve got friends running, crewing, and just spectating. Sure wish I was there in one form or another. I could easily go every year. It’s such a rad thing. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

North Downs Way 100

Friday Lauren and the kids dropped me off at the train station in Kidderminster. I collected my tickets and I was soon on my way. The journey was normal. A few stops and changes on my way to Aldershot via Birmingham and then London. Probably took about five hours total but I don’t mind trains. You listen to music or a book and watch the world go by out the window. After arriving in Aldershot I needed to get to the hotel I was staying at. In an effort to save money I walked the mile or two. It was warm out and no rain so no reason not to. 

I checked in, dropped my stuff off, then wondered what to do as I had no little people asking me relentless questions or little jobs to do! Such a strange sensation. After organizing my belongings I walked over to the huge Tesco grocery store next door. I looked for dinner and breakfast options I could cook or heat up in the room as well as any food I wanted to race with. I found some premade Chinese food and oatmeal among some other random things and headed back to my room, on the way stopping at the front desk to book an early taxi for the ride to the start. 

It was really early evening and I was bored. I’d already gotten my race vest set up, double checked it and my drop bags. Everything was laying out but packed and ready to go. I looked over my list of race goals. Don’t waste time at aid stations. Pacing 830-930 minute miles. Gradual hills are easily runnable.  Mantra: we are here to run. So I started watching a movie on my iPad and attempted to heat up my Chinese food in the sink surrounded by boiled water from the kettle. Moderately warm Chinese food is decent, no complaints! 

I went to bed about 930pm with an alarm set for 445am. Race check in was between 530 and 645am I believe and it should be about a 15 minute cab ride. 

I woke on time, had a shower, breakfast, and was soon on my way having the usual cab driver conversation. Where are you from. Why are you here? Are you here just for the race? 100 miles?! That’s amazing……. The list goes on. Always a fun conversation but it does get old, however I’d never be rude about it! £20 later and I’m getting out at the Farnham Leisure Centre, race start headquarters. It’s of course begun to rain lightly as expected. 

It’s fairly quiet and I breeze through check in getting my race number and tracker. I’ve got 40 minutes to kill so I do the usual bathroom stops and sit and relax. I start recognizing certain people from the world of  British ultrarunning but no one I know. These Centurion Running races have a pretty large following of repeat runners but I haven’t done one in quite some time. I spot one guy who is fast and a favorite to win. Soon enough the race director, who I briefly ran with during the Arc of Attrition, starts the pre race briefing. 

The weather will be wet and the wind has blown trees over the trail was the main takeaway. There were a few reroutes I believe but having only ran the first half it’s all new anyway and these guys do a fantastic job of marking the course. And shortly after we were walking in the rain to the start of the North Downs Way. 

The 153 mile North Downs Way is a long distance walking path in the south of England. It’s stretched from Farnham and goes all the way to Dover on the east coast of England, a major ferry port to and from France. We’ll be stopping 50 miles short of that in Ashford, Kent. 

We all crammed onto the narrow path at the start and a mellow countdown began. I shimmied to the front as best as I could. We were off. A quiet and calm start in the rain. It was raining, but it wasn’t raining, typical British weather. Some people had rain jackets on others just short sleeve shirts. It was warm and humid enough that even when wet it wasn’t cold but with a rain jacket it could be a bit hot. Besides, waterproof breathable jackets don’t breath enough so you’re getting wet anyway! I soon packed my jacket away settling for cool and wet rather than hot and wet. 

From the start I believe I was in the top 10. The pace was about right and soon conversations started as everyone settled in. One guy was filming for a Vlog for YouTube, I found it online after the race. Kind of weird, people with action cams and selfie sticks talking to themselves, but that’s what people do I guess. Kind of fun to watch the video and find myself!  

The first few aid stations we didn’t even stop, well maybe at the third one for water, but the weather wasn’t too “hydration intensive.” The top seven bounced back and forth and we all chatted away getting to know each other. I love this part of racing. Everyone here has a story, race experiences, etc and not really having much of a social life this always fills that void. Everyone was British but two guys lived out of country. They were both back visiting family and decided to race while they were here. One lived in Hong Kong, a personal trainer, he was a “one to watch” in the race preview, the other had been living in New Zealand and I believe working as a teacher. He had got in right before Covid. The others were all from south of London I believe. Everyone was super friendly as always. It was more like going on a group run than a race, but that’s just how these things are! 

The rain persisted, we were all soaked but not cold. I routinely wrung my hat out like a washcloth. I started to feel my quads get heavy around 22 miles or so. Here we go, let the fun begin! I began focusing more on food and water intake. At one point, probably an aid station, I split from our mini packs and was alone. I popped in my headphones and ran to music for a while. It was good. The last few races I’ve done I haven’t done this which I’ve regretted. Usually I’d been with someone or I’d just been lazy and not turned it on. I’ve always worried about battery life with my phone and headphones for music. Dragging spare headphones, chargers…. I didn’t need to worry. My phone battery held strong as did my headphones. This was reassuring for future events. 

Two guys I ran quite a while with, Tom, at home dad doing pretty much exactly what I do, and another, Sam, an ex-pro rugby player! Best part of the conversation was Sam, who, about my height, had lost 55lbs after retiring, told us stay at home dads “I hope I’m as fit as you guys when I’m your age!” We were both in our mid 40’s, he was 31! Nice to hear that! 

The rain kind of stopped, humidity rose, and the wind picked up. Now we were hot and wet.  My shirt did start to dry out though which was nice. I could feel my feet were becoming macerated from the constant wet. No way to escape that. The sun tried to show but only for a moment. Then just as soon as I was comfortably dry-ish the rain started again. 

Aid stations were brief as planned, pace was holding, and if it hurt a bit I’d keep pushing as long as the effort wasn’t too much. I was ticking the boxes I wanted to tick. At one point someone said we were in first and second!? I didn’t believe it as one dude who was likely to win I was pretty sure was off the front. I pulled my phone out to check the tracker. I’d never done this, just didn’t feel right, but sure enough, we were top two! The top 6 were all close together and it was still early but wow! That was unexpected! I had a quick look for my age category and it was only Tom and I.

In conversation we seemingly all agreed these races are competitive but not like you’d think. We all just wanted each other to finish and do our best. At one point bodies start to fail physically and mentally, we slow down, but you keep encouraging others to go whether they are in first or last. Whether they’ll beat you or not. That was the draw away from Ironman to ultras for Sam, for a few years post rugby retirement he did triathlon. The scene and atmosphere is far more laidback, inviting, and encouraging. He also said 100’s are significantly harder than an Ironman! 

Up till now I’d recognized some of the course, I distinctly remembered the climb up to Caterham aid station, mile 38, it was short and sharp and it hurt just as much as when I was here last. They had melon again though! This was a lifesaver before so I grabbed some and on I went. I forgot about the crazy amount of uneven stairs on some of the climbs. Climbing up these I regretted not keeping up my leg strength routine, maybe this is why I had some leg soreness earlier on. 

Soon we were at the first drop bag around mile 50 in Knockholt, I changed socks but skipped shoes. They’ll just get wet anyway so I figured it pointless. My feet looked like white raisins, but I didn’t see any cuts or blisters fortunately. I swapped my rain jacket for a dry one which was a fantastic idea! Sam did a full clothes change! We both ate some pasta and were ready to go making sure we had headlamps, soon it would be dark. I clocked this stop at about 16 minutes. Too long? I’m not sure. Considering what needed to be done I guess it wasn’t too bad. 

Sock changing 

Macerated feet

After a longer stretch between aid stations I needed water and split from Tom and Sam. I was alone and started to struggle so put my music on. It didn’t help so I ate more food to get my sugars back up. At the next aid station I bumped into Sam, he said Tom was feeling good and took off! This was great as he was having knee problems that were really worrying. Good to see that probably went away! Sam and I continued on. 

In the heavy trees it was becoming difficult to see. We went into a wooded area my friend Greg told me about, a “spooky wood” where he saw some Japanese guy all discombobulated and lost, I get it. It was an odd section of trail to follow and definitely spooky! Headlamps on now, can’t take a chance getting lost. 

We droned on through the dark. The trail had become off camber and slippery. My wrinkled feet became painful with the odd pressures. We kept a decent pace and were holding steady in 5th place. The weather was cold now if you stopped moving. I’d go into uncontrollable shivers at aid stations. The humidity was high though so I didn’t want to put on another layer and be too hot. 

Sam and I, I believe at Detling

We ticked off aid stations and around mile 80 at Detling we got our drop backs and changed socks again, everything soaked. Ate some real food, I think baked beans, and were on our way. 18 minutes if I recall? Not too bad, but could be better. I’d still been in and out of the rest really fast, no stopping really, so no complaints. Just a long run left, under 20 miles, I do that weekly.

Mobilize and eat

The distances for the final few aid stations seemed off to what I had written but it wasn’t a problem, not even a frustration. Sometimes it can be really demoralizing when it’s a couple miles longer than you think! Our eyes were on a sub 20 hour time and going to bed at night, versus in the morning! 

We soon hit pavement and I knew this was the final part. I’d watched a YouTube video of the finish through town. It was well marked but nice to have a little familiarity, especially when wrong turns could occur. It wasn’t long now but I was in bad shape mentally. Should’ve had more caffeine to sharpen my focus, we were running but my brain was shutting off and slowing the pace. Huge thanks to Sam for keeping us running the final few miles. 

We could see the lights of the Julie Rose Stadium. Soon we stepped onto the track and one lap it was until the finish. It was still raining but we were done. We thanked and congratulated each other and off we went our separate ways. I got a belt buckle and officially finished 5th in 19:41.09!  Extremely happy with how it went. 

A race volunteer had already grabbed my finish line bag and was carrying it to the building for me. I attempted to settle a bit, then the slow process of getting changed and showered began. You finish exhausted but wound up and confused. Motivated but unmotivated. You kind of just want to “be.” Who knows how long that took but I finally rolled out my sleeping bag and tried to sleep. I got maybe 1.5 hours. I needed to wait for drop bags before leaving so I ambled around all morning moving between trying to work on mobility, trying to sleep, and then eating. It was actually oddly kind of an enjoyable morning! Sun was out so can’t complain.

Soon I got my drop bags and after contemplating on how to cover the few miles to the train station I opted to walk. Yep. I had just ran 103 miles and now I was walking to the station! It was a beautiful morning and I had plenty of time. It was good to keep moving anyway. Never stop moving. 

Race photos thanks to 

Monday, July 31, 2023

Race week is here. I’m hardly running which is the strangest feeling. I’m getting antsy to run which is usually a good sign. Theoretically I’m ready to run. My training has been ample. My hotel is booked for Friday night, just need to commit to train tickets. 

New shoes arrived at work the other day and are feeling excellent. I’m hoping to use them for the entire race. No shoe change this time. I usually change after 50 miles but at UTMB I didn’t feel it was necessary so I may attempt only a sock change. These are the Hoka Tecton X2, I raced in the Tecton X at UTMB. 

I’ve got some nutrition on the way and will probably get a few things from work as well. I’m running with VeloForte chews, mainly because they have a high carbohydrate content, and probably some Clif Bloks as well. Otherwise I’ll supplement from aid stations. There are 13 and the finish, all around 5-10 miles apart, only a few long ones at 9-10 miles apart. 

Fingers crossed for no rain but whatever happens happens. 

This should be the link to the live tracking, race start 7am UK time. 

Race Info in general, Centurion Running North Downs Way 100:

As infrequent as I blog I figured I’d get this up before I forget! Goals? Well my safety is always number one. I’d be ecstatic with an 18 hour finish. That being said, I play “pacing games” for these races looking at what’s possible ahead of time, and I never seem to get it right! Theoretically 18 hours with quick aid station stops should be totally do able. Looking at my race and training history I should be capable of it. But in the moment a lot of factors can come in to play so we shall see. In comparison to UTMB a top twenty finish should be expected unless I have a totally miserable day. Off we go. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Training has been going surprisingly well! I’ve been really happy with it. Usual long run on Mondays have been consistent, started doing a tempo run on the treadmill Thursdays, and this week fit in a back to back long run Monday Tuesday! The kids’ sports day, kind of like field day in elementary school, was cancelled due to rain so I got an extra day off. I took full advantage and ran 21 miles. The timing leading up to North Downs Way 100 couldn’t have been better. 

Wyre Forest singletrack 

Been making a list of things to focus on during NDW100. I just need to implement them.

1. Aid stations - in and out fast, don’t waste time
2. Consistent pace - pain will get better
3. Run easy hills
4. Listen to music, podcasts, or a book

An insane amount of time is wasted at aid stations, UTMB I was hanging out with Chris and Gail for nearly 4 hours! Not that it was a bad thing as it was really fun but this race I don’t have a crew, no reason to hang out. 

Focusing on a consistent pace, realizing “it will get better” when I feel bad is probably the most difficult. 

Late in these races it’s easy to walk any hill. It’s an excuse. Easy running will always be faster.

I usually end up chatting with people, it’s fun and passes the time, but it also slows you down sometimes. Music etc distracts the brain, passes time, and has been scientifically proven to reduce pain, but I’ll hopefully move quicker.

Considering how I’ve felt in training if all goes well I’d hope to have a solid finish. Doing the math the pace doesn’t need to be fast, just consistent, and I could do really well. 18 hours would be fantastic. 

This would be an ideal race to have crew and/or a pacer as both are allowed. My buddy from Cornwall would’ve but he’s racing the following weekend. His girlfriend lives on the course even! Oh well, it would’ve been fun just to run together but no big deal. I’ve done most of these alone anyway. 

I just need to acquire a new pair of shoes and I’m ready to go. Maybe one more long run, two tempo sessions, and then rest! 

Trail snacks are ripening 

Really been enjoying getting to know the Wyre Forest better. Without a huge need to work on uphills I can roam a bit more. The single track out there is excellent. Most trails are questionable legally and made by mountain bikers. Super fun, winding and smooth,  are for excellent flowy trails. Sometimes I wish I was on a bike but running them is just as good. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Finally committed to North Downs Way 100. Signed up this morning. Race is August 5th. I think I’m back on track with training, doing weekly 20 milers at least and feeling good. It’s the least focused training I’ve done in a long time so could be interesting. I guess I have ran 100’s on far far less! Hoping to do a weekly tempo session on the treadmill too. 

My right quad has been giving me issues but I usually can massage the problem away. I think it’s a recurring muscle issue so being aggressive on it works. No idea where it comes from. I had the same issue years back and it got so bad I couldn’t run at all. Just need to keep on top of it.

Long runs have been very enjoyable lately. Super easy meanders exploring the Wyre Forest. That place has an insane amount of illegal singletrack from bikes and it’s super fun! Really would love to have time to learn it well. Weather has been gray and in the 60’s, it’s alright, can’t complain since it’s not raining, however the “heatwave” in the 80’s we had was really nice! 

Anyway here’s a pile of photos:

Hot sunny day during our heat wave.

Overgrown summer trails.

Rockslide from storms.

Overgrown field covering footpath.

Evening run

Cleaned my shoes, I guess I like Hoka:  Mafate Speed, Challenger, Tecton X

Wyre Forest, love the ferns here