Sunday, October 28, 2012

Knee, fall colors, and long runs

So I stretched the hell out of my knee (mainly my hamstring), worked on the mobility of it, rolled it, took some ibuprofen. Then Sunday went on a run with a friend from Wolverhampton.

12 miles in the Wyre Forest. Very nice day for a run but I wish I would have wore my trail shoes, pretty muddy and I could have used the traction. All the leaves are or have changed which made it a great scenic run. Temperatures were warmer than I thought they would be. I kind of miss running the Wyre Forest, so many options for loops, singletrack, fire road. And unfortunately no camera so no photos! Sorry.

And the knee actually felt good! That was a relief. Maybe the 5 days off from running and then the stretch session helped out. I don't think it helped out my training though for Brecon Beacons. This morning I'm kind of sore which worries me about the 45 mile race! So this week I need to hammer out a huge week, at least over next weekend, and that's all I can do. This is the final bit of training that may help, then it's too close to the race.

Hoping to run to work next Saturday, about 17 to 19 miles on the Severn Way to Worcester. Then Sunday maybe another 20 - 30. It will hurt, I'll be tired, but give me an idea how I'll feel in this race. I think I'm going to be a "completer" versus a "competer".  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Family time

Ugh, well it's been busy hence no updates! My daughter turned one, my parents visited for about 10 days, the in-laws were here. Busy place. Limited time or drive to blog and limited time and drive to run.  Oh, and the little one has a molar pushing through which has been limiting sleep!

This morning I got out for a run and I found out that running makes my injury better?! So, I'm guessing flexibility is coming into play with my right hamstring. Damn I am stubborn, why haven't I just gone to the physio?

Anyway, I'll get back at this thing hopefully this weekend. The cold has arrived and it's just getting darker!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Arley footbridge
So far running on through this knee thing seems to be ok. Didn't do the mileage I wanted to last week but did get in about 16 miles yesterday all on trails. Since I started in the dark and ended up in the light I got some photos too which was nice, unfortunately my free Lightroom 4 trial has ended so no fun photoshopping until I get $150! Also it was kind of annoying taking photos, my lens kept kept getting fogged up and also smeared with grit and sweat from my attempt it clean it off. But, it was nice to be out in the light for a change. This post is kind of odd, nothing seems to be in sequence with the words and photos. I guess it's better than no photos. Sorry.


I've come to the conclusion that whatever is wrong with my knee is the pes anserine. The junction at the tibia where the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosis all meet up. I've got tenderness there when I push on it. Otherwise no other pain. Did some more Googling and some people recommend heat so I tried that yesterday and it seemed to help so far. So add that to the repertoire!

Victoria Bridge over the Severn
Ended up running out the Severn Way to Arley and back along the river via Bewdley on Sunday. Very muddy and wet with all the rain we've been having which was really annoying until the sun came up. The river was definitely high and had blown out a few portions of the riverbank trail. I wore my Salomon Speedcross shoes for some more traction which was needed, especially with my knee. I've always wondered why one would need that much traction, well for places like this! The ClimaShield waterproof fabric worked really well too, although I still feel it's too hot until winter.

Salomon Speedcross CS


Devil's Spittleful Reserve
So I've decided on what pack I'll run with at Brecon Beacons Ultra. Got an UltrAspire Surge race vest that I've been running with and I've been quite happy with it so far. The capacity is enough since I'm not planning on using a water reservoir so all the clothing fits inside. I'll need to cut down some of the straps too since there is a lot of extra flapping around. It seems that gear reviews are everywhere these days but I may do a write up on this thing anyway in the future.

lame stock photo, UltrAspire Surge

More and more though I am looking forward to the Ultimate Direction "Signature Series" race vests that are coming out in 2013. I do not like running (racing) with a water reservoir because it is too time consuming to fill up during a race and these new race vests will have bottles on the shoulder straps. I'd never thought I would tolerate bottles hanging off of there but lately have been considering the benefits of bottles and having my hands free, lately it;s been cold hands. There are a few companies over and in Europe that do that already but the quality and fit of the pack just isn't there.

Anyway, maybe next time I'll give a run down on the Surge.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Injuries, Brecon Beacons, South Downs Way

Well the ibuprofen and ice seems to be working well for this odd injury. It's still there but at least I'm running. Put in 10 plus miles this morning and it was alright the entire time, noticeable, but I could deal with it.

Considering that the next few weeks are key workout times for this up coming Brecons Ultra I figure I may as well run on through this and either end up pulling out at the last minute or make my leg worse and finish with a possibly slower expectation. I was really down about it the other day but had a think and have re-focused. It is winter time and the only races I had planned on doing were cross-country and about 8 miles. Not super important, more fun to do than anything. Any longer races won't begin until April so I could easily take an extended time off to 100% heal up before the races I am really excited about begin.

I move forward. Ice. Ibuprofen. Compression. Elevation. But no rest! I can justify not resting and keeping up running: it stretches out my injury. Which may be true actually, who knows.

The promoter that puts on the North Downs Way race I did also does a South Downs Way race. This year they are adding a 50 mile which I think I may do, it was originally only a 100. It's in April and the South Downs Way national trail follows the southern coastline. I've never been down there before so this race seems like a good opportunity to check it out. I'm not sure of the course yet but I would guess it's the first 50 miles of the trail. So, slowly I figure out my race schedule for 2013!  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

“Mind is everything; muscle, mere pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind.” 

Paavo Nurmi, Finnish distance runner