Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 16 - the streak is dead

I guess I spoke too soon. Day 16 ends in 1:15 minutes. Yeah, I could put my running stuff on, it's sitting in front of me, and head out for an easy 3 miles to keep my streak going. But, without the support of those closest to me it looks like it will end tonight. 

No big deal really, it's not like I'm on day 100 or anything. I could most likely use the day off anyway. It just disappoints me. 

So I sit here drinking a beer thinking, I haven't had a beer in months! It makes me wonder what people would think if I drank instead of ran? I bet it would be acceptable. It would be ok and normal to piss money away and ruin my health! 

I love being a fucking weirdo! I drink very very rarely. I exercise excessively, well to some. I eat extremely healthy. I'm at the point now where I don't give a shit what people think. Laugh at my short shorts. My odd food substitutions. Yeah I am going to eat this whole fucking bag of spinach! Are you going to eat that whole fucking tube of Pringles? Well I hope you enjoy it because they're damn tasty! I'm not judging you, why judge me? Anyway....

On a positive note I had a killer JKD session tonight. Intense to say the least. I'd love to wear my heart rate monitor. Fast Jun Fan and Muay Thai boxing drills. It's damn hard work! 

It's so nice to be surrounded by such positive and encouraging people for two nights a week. People excited to help and see each other improve. It's such a great environment. When my daughter turns four I'll be sure to have her involved in the kids program. 

So my beer is gone I'm off to bed having vented. Realized the positives and moved on from the negatives. Can't wait to run tomorrow!

Day 16

Today when I run I'll be on day 16 in a row. Motivation is high and I'm feeling pretty good. My heart rate to pace ratio is getting better finally and it good to be going quicker.

End of cloud bank over Stourport Basins

Night running is going well other than photography sucks! I don't have the gear to take good quick night photos. Quick since I'm out for a run, not to take photos. They're usually a bonus! 

Walkway from canal towpath up to the Black Star Pub, Stourport 

I'm bouncing back with my calisthenics too. I just need to figure out a routine. Greasing the groove all day seems to be neat right now. 

I think I'll sign up for the Wyre Forest Half which is in July. Fun race I've done a few times before. I've got enough time to train and do well. 

Off to Taunton Somerset tomorrow for the weekend so hopefully get some daylight running in.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 11 streak?

Day 11. It's going well to say the least. The mental hole I'd been in I'm climbing out of. Physically I feel well despite a little tightness in my left hamstring and glute. 

Listened to music last night for my longest run yet, 7 miles, and it was refreshing. I used to listen to music all the time and now I remember how good it is and how happy it make me. As much as I prefer to run without I may try to use this time for music more.

Started to use my time more wisely during the day fitting in sporadic stretching and some body weight work too. I've lost a lot of strength, especially in the pull up arena but I think it will return soon. Have yet to try hand stand push ups but hand stands are fine, free standing headstands are solid too. 

Running at night still as the littlest one is still occupying my morning run time. It has been light out though but with that brings people, usually people I'd rather not encounter. I saw in the news this morning another car was dumped and burnt out on Oldington Lane where I saw the van burning previously. Another downside of night running is it takes up family time, mainly wife time as I run after the kids are asleep. Mornings no one knows I've been out even. Last night I got the "are you running every day?" Well, as of now yes. 

Day 11? Why not try streaking for the month of April? It builds fitness and makes me realize I do have time, "I don't have time" isn't an excuse. It also gets me to operate tired and keep a smile on, stay positive, realize that I'm grumpy and turn that state of mind around.

On we go.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


So yesterday I went in to see the surgeon who performed my surgery. Quick in and out! He asked about my initial mobility, pain killer use, and in general how I felt immediately post surgery. 

There is still a fairly solid "ridge" underneath my skin at the incision site which is normal and will reduce over time. It does mess with the fit of my jeans a bit which is annoying! 

I was fairly pain free until the other night. I pushed it a bit harder at JKD and am feeling it in my core three days later. Not sure what exactly did it; push ups, sit-ups, maybe the initial Jun Fan boxing drills? No matter what it was I need to be aware and still use caution. 

The doctor said that it's as strong as it will ever be but still may cause some discomfort. I think running will be fine as of now but any core use will need to be done with caution as I found out on Monday.

Now begins the juggling act of making time to run. I think for now it will be night time again until the kid's sleeping becomes more routine. At least I'm looking at short runs I guess!