Saturday, December 28, 2013

Barry, Wales United Kingdom Christmas runs

So as promised a few photos. Honestly they didn't turn out as good as I thought they would. It was hard allowing enough light in and avoiding shake with the camera I had. 

footpath to Barry Island

stairs finishing the footpath
 Christmas run on the beach.
beach at Whitmore Bay

buildings along Whitmore Bay, Barry Island

Whitmore Bay from Friars Point

 Rain and wind followed the next couple days.
stairs at Barry Island Rail Station, raining

raining at Whitmore Bay

Whitmore Bay, huge winds fetching waves

entrance to Barry Harbour, huge winds fetching waves

abandoned boats in Barry Harbour

Friday, December 27, 2013

The gauntlet of the holidays

Well we are in the middle of this mess called "the holidays". I'm down south in Barry, Wales and still going strong with my running every day in December. I was worried about being way out of routine and being able to run. Fortunately I don't think it's being seen as selfishness, I think I'm being seen as a weirdo which is good! 

Have had some great runs. It's been nice running and exploring somewhere new. Mainly on the roads and at night which has been good as well. Being on the ocean has been nice, windy and cold, but this adds to the experience. After a long day of chasing the little one around I'm wrecked and just want some quiet but the habit of running is so set now that it's what I look forward to at the end of the day. It is my quiet.

Mostly "sightseeing" runs which has been good. Nice and easy, no rush, so my aches have been staying away. My hips seem to always be super tight though, this has been on going for a while. Did some abbreviated calisthenics to try to stick to my routine. Lack of a convenient pull up bar, or even playground, kind of slowed a full routine, but I got in enough. Christmas I happened to do my handstand push-up routine, post-run, with a Budweiser! Got it done though, man was I light headed! 

I have been exhausted. The little one has been not wanting to sleep so my schedule is all out of whack. I actually slept in to 8am today! The wife has been hung over here and there so it's all on me for kid management. Kind of worried about getting sick being so tired. Trying to keep my food intake as healthy as I can, snuck away to the kitchen to eat a bag of spinach the other day, avoiding commentary. So many people view my habits as me being elitist and better than others so I tend to dodge the conversation starters if possible. Well today and tonight, then we head home. Kind of looking forward to the routine again, kind of not. It's been nice to not be at home. Sure I've been out of the comfort zone, which is actually a good thing, but the running has been excellent. Nice to have people around to talk to as well.

I've been running with the camera and have taken a fair amount of photos which I'll post in a few days as I don't have my computer here, only an iPad. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Read an interesting article on wasting time the other day. So many people make up excuses, as do I, for not doing certain things, the basis being didn't have time. 

For me, in my running life, it could be missing a run, not stretching, not doing pre-hab exercises, letting my healthy diet slip, the list goes on. The point of the article was that you DO have time for these things it's just that they aren't a priority to you. I looked at how much time I waste on the internet, which is most of the time I am online. Am I benefitting myself by surfing the web? Window shopping for things I really can live without? Reading an article on something I already know? Most of the time no. I may be gaining knowledge but mostly it's worthless entertainment. So I've been making a point of reminding myself of what my priorities are when faced with such a time waster.

The internet, smart phones, texting, social media, etc.. More and more I see these things, although important, they are totally taking precedence in peoples' lives over there personal well being and even their family. 

Disconnect. Hang it up. Put it down. You DO have time. What's your priority? 

And on to the running........

So I'm still going ok with this running streak. I keep worrying about this ankle pain I've been getting running. I may have said achilles in the past but I've narrowed it down more to the medial side of my left ankle, running near my arch and kind of up my lower leg, if that makes any sense! I could ramble off a few muscles and tendon it possibly is but we'll skip that. It only hurts when I run (midfoot strike) and I am able to run through it which is good. I also am unable to find any pain anywhere pushing with my fingers. Good I'm assuming. My piriformis issue is still there but as I've been mentioning doesn't cause any problems, especially when I midfoot strike. It does tingle when I heel strike however. Midfoot or heel strike there is a snake on both ends! 

I was stuck on the treadmill the past two days but back outside tomorrow. The only days I'm worried about are while we are traveling back from Scotland over Christmas. One day in particular, waking up in a hotel early with a sleeping toddler can be tough to get a run in, then drive most if the day? Well I guess it comes down to priorities right? Night runs are tough to motivate for but all I need is three miles or 25 minutes. I guess I'll deal with it when the time comes.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Been a bit since I've wrote here. Honestly not much going on. Back running again, about 25 to 35 miles per week. Taking it real easy and keeping my heart rate below 150, about 730 to 800 minute mile pace.

I've officially changed my stride from a heel strike to a mid foot strike. Although in sub-elites this hasn't been proven to make a difference I think it can help my efficiency. I feel that the sub-elite class has become fast and efficient at heel striking due to their experience. All the elites mid to forefoot strike so why not? Anyway, it feels more natural now and as of yet any injuries are still holding off. My calves and achilles' have taken a beating though, sore, and seem to be awaiting injury. We shall see.

Been damn dark out in the mornings. I don't run with a headlamp normally, I just let my eyes adjust. The other day I scared the shit out of a woman walking, she didn't see me until I was face to face passing her! Weather hasn't been too bad, strong winds yesterday knocked down some trees over the canal impeding the boats but not too much rain. 

So I'm trying something new, and fun I guess. Some guy over here in the UK has an unofficial "personal challenge" he set up. I think it's been going on for a few years and seems to have most of the participants from Scotland, so I'm assuming he hails from up north. It's called The Marcothon, named after him, and is the challenge to run everyday in December. Minimum of 25 minutes or three miles each day. There is a web page with activity from last year, a post-less Facebook page, and some activity on twitter, but nothing big. I'll just keep to my self versus being "social" anyway but interesting to see how many other people are chasing it.

Essentially I need to run on my normal two days off. So far so good despite it being early in the month. However I am on day 8 since I ran the final two days in November, but they don't count obviously for the challenge. I think I should be ok unless injury rears it's head. The only tough part will be having the flexibility to take a day off if something "feels" like an injury developing, such as the tight calves and achilles I've got going on from the gait change. A total day off can work wonders. I guess this will force me to be more diligent in stretching, icing, and general maintenance that I should do more of and I don't! 

I'm considering focusing on a road half (March) and maybe a full marathon (April) this spring just to see where I'm at. All these trail races are fun but knowing I can run a 1:24 half marathon on hilly muddy trails really means absolutely nothing. So what does that mean for training? Well basically I'll add in a fair amount of speed work. I'd like to break 2:40 in the marathon, and think I can, and I'm not sure what I can do in a half since I've never raced a road half. Either way going fast is fun and if I go through with it I think it will be pretty cool. Besides I miss putting on a racing singlet and lacing up racing shoes!

Yeah I know I said more photos! Sorry, but it's still too damn dark out when I run, I almost pulled out my crappy phone camera to snap a photo of a tree over the canal today but I had a bike bearing down on me and I hate passing bikes. Could have been a good photo with my camera, I always tell myself to carry it no matter what but then get lazy!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2014 Race Thoughts

A few random recent average run photos, I swear soon I'll have something a bit better and not of the canal! Some of this may be a repeat, because I'm guilty of that, but oh well you can read it again and it may be a more organized manner or even contradict what I've said before, anyway......

I'm patiently awaiting December 19. That will be the first day to bring the anticipation of what races I'll be doing next year, 2014. Why? Well the 19th is the first day you can sign up for Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB). It's a lottery system and the results I don't believe are released until January, but my entire race season is hinging on it.

I decided that if I'm going to live over here, well for now at least, I'm going to try to do at least one of these major races in Europe. After this past year of racing I qualify for pretty much everything so I thought it best to take advantage!

UTMB is intimidating. Mainly because I live in a flattish portion of England at low elevation. It starts in Chamonix, France and winds it's way through the Alps via Italy, Switzerland, and finishing back in Chamonix. Total mileage is 104 miles with 35000 vertical feet. The climbs and descents are what scare me as it is difficult to prepare for the length of them as well as the altitude. I do live within a few hours of Snowdon in Wales which will work well however it is still not at altitude. It is funny looking back at the places I used to live, they were all ideal training grounds for these races; Colorado I lived above 8000 feet, Arizona 7000, Tahoe 6000, all with access to nasty mountains. 

So UTMB is the main goal and until I find out if I get in I'm holding off on entering other races. I'd hate to sign up and then lose my money but the downside is many of these fill up so fast you miss out. I really wanted to do Lakeland 100, the UK's biggest race, but registration opened while we were in Minnesota, my phone was off and I missed the alert, and it filled in a day or so. Anyway, I figure I qualify for UTMB I'm going to try to get in.

And if I don't win the lottery? Well a few other options are out there and to put them in perspective Superior had 21000 vertical feet. I've considered Lavaredo Ultra, 74 miles and 19000 vertical through the Dolomites in Italy; Ultra Trail Andorra, Ronda del Cims, 106 miles circumnavigating Andorra with 46000 vertical feet (yeah, that's very very very last on the list!); Zugspitze Ultra in Germany, 100km (60 miles) with 17800 vertical feet, and a few others that aren't so much priority. Mainly due to them being way too long or too short. I'd prefer 50 or 100 miles. More and more I look at it Lavaredo is a really good option.

Also a repeat at Superior 100 could be a possibility. The wife took a new job, which was much needed, but unfortunately it hampers a move to the US. So depending on funds a Minnesota trip could happen, I doubt it, but it could. Flight prices are the factor as the little one no longer flys for free and it may be best to squirrel that money away for a one way flight instead, fingers crossed.

As of late the running has been ok. Only doing maybe 25 miles per week. Official training isn't super important until February but it's still nice to get out. I've been feeling kind of blah for some reason despite my piriformis doing well. Just feeling unmotivated even with my calisthenics.

The fall always mentally hurts as all my life it preceded a real winter. The anticipation and excitement of snow and ski season is hard to shake yet I know now it will never come. Sure it may snow, but only enough to screw this country up for a few days and make me wish I had some rock skis to kick and glide down the canal. Even missing Thanksgiving, the beautiful color change of the leaves, the crisp weather. Here it just all goes to shit. Grey. Rain. Maybe some yellow leaves. The wife claims "autumn is my favourite season as well as winter" (spelling error intentional!), well, she's never seen a true fall in Minnesota, an aspen grove in the mountainous western US, or experienced an entire real winter where you are actually used to it and it's not a novelty of a vacation! Hopefully she'll get to see those things sooner than later.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Last night we were at a get together with some people we know, nothing big, just some fireworks shooting off, beers, snacks. We didnt stay late since the little one had to get to sleep and, well, I'm not much of a night life person anymore so was happy to leave early.

We were talking about time management and sleep with a guy who had a new baby. The wife mentioned that we're sometimes in bed by 830pm, which this guy laughed, thought was a joke, and asked what time we get up "4am!"? I of course in all seriousness replied 5am, which some mornings is sleeping in for me! 

Anyway this guy's shocking look reminded me that I am an outlier and made me think of the things I do so different from the norm. And maybe why in many social situations I speak little of myself. I work with outliers, I wish I knew more of them. Outlier ways vary but many crossover, they know they are different and afraid to speak of their ways.

I wake between 4 and 5am.
I am elated to be laying in bed by 830pm.

I'm the guy who eats the vegetable plate at your party. All of it. No dip. And I'll raid your fruit bowl.
Sometimes I'll just drink water at your party, but I hide it in an empty beer can.

I eat fat in my coffee, I add 2 tablespoons coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of butter.
Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar in your "low fat" processed food does.
I sometimes eat an entire bag of apples in one day. Carrots too. 
I think sugar is addictive and although tasty it should be avoided in a day to day diet.
The smell of fast food makes me sick, it does taste good though.

I use sandpaper on my feet to reduce callouses, I also put lotion on my feet most days.
I shave my legs. It makes post muddy run clean up easy, brambles don't rip the hair out, bandaids stick better, and self massage is less painful.
I wear tight clothing when I run. I wear really short shorts when I run.
It's not for vanity's sake, it's efficient and comfortable.

Bodily fluids and excretions do not embarrass me, they are a part of life.
Speaking of these things and "adventures" with them is entertaining. Even at dinner.
I wipe my ass with nearly anything when toilet paper is not around.

I run a lot, well at least compared to normal folks.
Running 26.2 miles on my day off is no big deal, a training run. 
Some days I'll run three times if I can fit it in.
I almost deleted this section, as it comes across elitist, but it is not normal.

Although many people seem to view my ways as elitist or smug it is just who I am. I feel I am no different from the guy who eats like shit and doesn't exercise. Many of my friends are like that. I view them no different and they view me no different. Viewing someone as being elitist may likely be because you have nothing in common, little to talk about.  I hate politics. I am not up on my European history. So having a conversation with me about these things I will listen, and most likely not reply. I am not being elitist in my limited interaction, you are speaking of things I am not well versed in or uninterested in. Just as you would feel if I spoke of biomechanics, technical fabrics, or "outlandish" physical feats.

I'm an outlier. I like that.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thinking of next year.

Haven't had much to say so haven't been writing! My piriformis/ass/leg issue or whatever it is has greatly been reduced. Been running most days with little to no pain. I think I'm going to skip Beacons Ultra since I don't believe I've ran enough since Superior and I feel it best to make sure this injury goes away 100% rather than take a chance. Shame. Beacons is a cool race. 

So right now I'm getting back into the game at an easy fun pace, no pressure. We've had the time change already for daylight savings so the photo opportunities will be better now too so hopefully I'll get more pics and less words soon. 

Still looking at races for next year. UTMB still is a possibility if I get in. Signed up for the Highland Fling in Scotland (50 miler, May I think). Considering a race in Sweden (145 mile!) and also Andorra (circumnavigates the country in the Pyrenees)  in case UTMB doesn't happen. These things fill up so fast that you need to sign up with the possibility of not going. I can't count on UTMB so need to have a back up plan.

Away we go. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Moving onward

Holy shit! Three days of running in a row! Two on the treadmill and one outside. Feeling ok I guess. The pain in my ass is still there but slowly getting better. It sure was nice to get outside for a run, ran at my normal pace for about 5 miles. A little pain but nothing got worse so looks like I'm doing something right. Glute bridges, golf ball massage, foam roller, and my normal calisthenics routine seems to be helping. Oh, and ibuprofen. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Land of Confusion

I'm kind of in a land of confusion currently. It's the end of the racing season pretty much, I'm looking forward to some sort of bigger race next season, and unsure of this injury. None of my preferred races are either available, do not really line up with my schedule, or they have stupid rules like requiring vehicle support. The main big race is a lottery entry and not guaranteeing an entry is forcing me look for a guaranteed entry (before races fill) that I may have to back out of. If all that makes sense.

I want to run but my daughter is still not allowing me to. Although I do have options other than the morning to run I'm not taking them. I have been riding the bike every other day or so. Maybe the little one knows something about this injury and isn't allowing me to run? 

Beacons Ultra is up and coming and I'm unsure of it still. Rely on my base mileage and just do it for fun? Don't go? Will I be healed by then? Will I finish? No idea as of now. 

Sure seems and feels like the season is over, time for a break, regroup, plan, recover, heal. Maybe can Beacons? I hate to drop from another race this year due to injury but that may be the best option.

Limbo, but excited to train and get strong.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Getting better

Ok so I've actually been running a couple times this past week. Only on the treadmill and only for 30 or so minutes, and about 3 miles. But it's running. It was mildly painful but did not get worse which was a good sign. I've wanted to get outside and go further but I am dead set on morning running versus my recent thoughts on night running (as is my wife!). I just hope this phase my daughter is going through of getting up early goes away soon (I think she's pushing her last two molars through). She did it again today. Nothing I hate more than laying on my ass in bed doing nothing. Sleeping in is a waste of time. 

So I've been working hard to strengthen my glutes and hamstrings to hopefully support whatever muscle is weak and injured currently. It seems to be working. I've been doing 4 x 50 of glute bridges (short bridges) twice per day and some other miscellaneous bridge type exercises. Thinking about it, it is possible that my huge focus on squats has strengthened my quads too much in relation to the hamstrings/glutes causing this. 

I've had a renewed enthusiasm as well for Beacons Ultra. I had been really down about this injury and not running but the reality is that there is nothing I can do but focus on solving the issue and do what I can for training. If I race well I race well, if not, at least I got out to see some more beauty this country has to offer. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Slowly solving this thing.

Let's see, where are we at now? Almost 4 weeks out. Aggressive rolling and massaging my ass with a golf ball has significantly helped get rid of this piriformis issue. I've been riding the trainer to save some of the fitness I've worked so hard to build and to ease my mind a little. Ran on the treadmill a couple times for 20 to 30 minutes. Yeah, it hurt, but was tolerable and it didn't get worse which was great. 

I was intending to get out this morning but the shitty creaky floors in our house sometimes wake the little one which happened today. I always love that. Sure I miss my window of opportunity to run but I also lose the window of opportunity for "me" time. Silence. A quiet hot cup of coffee. Sit outside and meditate. Write. Think. I get none of that today. 

Well nothing I can do about it so I really have no right to get angry. So unfortunately today's hours for working as a stay at home dad are extended from around 530am to 8-830pm. Hopefully I'll get a break this afternoon for nap time, lately about a hour and a half. I'll try to get my calisthenics routine done during that time. 

So I've been thinking about changing up my running routine and rather than running in the early morning maybe try to run at night. This would open up more time for long runs since I've got until 6 am to be home. Not that I'd run all night but with the mornings I try to be back by 630 - 7 to "start work". Theoretically I could put the little one to sleep at 730pm as usual then be out the door running between 8 or 9pm, get in 1.5 to 2 hours on a normal night, get home, maybe shower, be in bed by 11 or 1130pm. If I run late, no big deal I just get less sleep. 

So looking at the pros and cons the no deadline to be back is huge! In the winter it's dark all morning so I'd be headlampin' no matter what. Night time the drunks are out so that could be a hazard and a nuisance. It's tough to motivate after a long day which is why I like the mornings, wake up get going, you're done for the day. No sunrise for photos, but as I mentioned, it's dark out with either option. The nighttime shower could rouse the little one, that's a concern I guess. I don't get the nice positive boost to the day from the morning run. Hmmmm.

Not too sure. The cons seem to be greater than the pros. Well for now I'm not running much anyway so I'll stick with the mornings. In the past I could get extra time in running on the treadmill while the little one sleeps but it is nice to get a 20 minute nap in too. I could use the chariot jogging stroller but as of now I want the little one off her ass as much as possible since she's on the verge of walking. 

So, while I'm injured we're staying as is. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nearly three weeks is a downer.

I haven't ran in nearly three weeks. It sucks. I'm super down about it. 

Today however I finally had a possible breakthrough with this piriformis issue. I was totally wrenching a golf ball into my ass cheek trying to find the knotted up muscle. I had been having no luck until BOOM, I found it! Holy shit did it hurt! I layed, pressed, wriggled, with all my body weight to try to break up any adhesions and tightness. It seems to be working, I got nauseous a couple time from the pain. After cranking on it I only have mild pain referring to my lower back, none elsewhere. Got out for a walk briefly late afternoon with the little one and I could comfortably walk full speed. I heated it post wrenching with a hot water bottle and have been stretching like crazy to keep it loose.

I sure hope it doesn't knot up again over night. I'm weary about it still but at least if it does I know where to start. I keep waiting to wake up and it's fixed and I feel normal. Maybe, hopefully, tomorrow will be that day. I can be happy again then! 

So another thing to strengthen, to bulletproof. My glutes and the adductor/abductor muscles associated with my thighs. Already have started every other day with some seemingly simple exercises you'd be "prescribed" by a physio all in the fight to eliminate muscle imbalances! 

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Superior 100

I'm still working on getting more photos etc but have a read......

We arrived in Duluth just after lunch time, grabbed some sandwiches, and then attempted to figure out a plan to get everyone to Lutsen in time for dinner and myself to Two Harbors for the pre-race meeting. Kind of a mess with 6 people and a 2 year old. I was stressing out about the whole situation and wished at one point it was just me and my truck. I ended up with my Mom's car and my parents, wife, and daughter headed north. The rest of the gang hung out in Duluth, as my brothers had spent quite a bit of time living here in the past. We'd all meet up later that night in Lutsen. Fortunately my friends Ben and Erica had just rolled into town as well so we all met for a beer at Grandma's and enjoyed the sun for a bit. I could have easily stayed outside and drank beer all afternoon. We all went our separate ways shortly after.


The drive up Highway 61 was great, windows open music cranking. I arrived at the pre-race meeting about an hour early and wandered in to take advantage of the spaghetti dinner put on by the local 4-H club. Great food, but being "expensive to feed", as my wife always says, I should've brought more money! I got my lone drop bag all ready to go, checked out the miscellaneous items for sale, viewed the kick ass trophies, and then relaxed in the car until the meeting. The place was packed as the race director thanked all the volunteers and necessary folks that made this event happen. Then he went over any race day logistics and changes, nothing really new. I was itchin' to get to Lutsen as I still had a bit to drive. 

I was tired of driving as night had fallen and the views were gone. My eyes wide open for deer. I found my way to the condo we were staying at and quickly organized what few items I needed for the morning. I had some food and a couple beers and soon was off to sleep, tired not only from the long day but still feeling the effects of a trans Atlantic flight with a toddler 10 days earlier and the surge in social life. My wife and daughter were visiting my family in Minnesota, we live in the UK.

I awoke on Friday morning about 530am, which is sleeping in for me. I layed in bed until about 545 when my Dad poked his head in to make sure I was awake. I snuck out trying not to wake my wife and daughter.  I took a shower, as I always do pre-race, and headed upstairs to gather my things and scrounge up some breakfast. Then my Dad gave me a ride up to the awaiting shuttle buses. 

I grabbed a seat in the back of one of the nearly full school buses. It was dark and people were chatting about past, present, and future races. About random blogs, gear, etc. I kept quiet and to myself as I always do. I neglected to bring my iPod as it was with my family in the two backpacks I gave them for crewing, it hadn't even crossed my mind to have music with. In the dark ride from Lutsen to Gooseberry Falls I saw name places and roads of all the aid stations and reminded myself I'll be back through here on foot. Soon the sun began to rise over Lake Superior and by the time we arrived at Gooseberry it was light out.


I got off the bus, grabbed a cup of coffee provided by Peet's Coffee, one of the race sponsors. I filled my handheld and went back and forth to the bathroom not willing to stand in line. I recognized no one. People were kitted out to the gills. Race vests, backpacks full to the brim, all sorts of water bottles Daniel Booned from belts. Calf sleeves, arm warmers, hats, bandannas, walking poles, gaiters...... Holy shit! I stood there with half inch inseam shorts, a visor, light jacket, shoes, and a handheld bottle! What the hell are people dragging with them? I got this same "under equipped" feeling at the previous 50 mile races I'd done. However I've always believed less is more.

My family arrived to wish me well and I joined the other runners at the starting line. The race director went over a few things from the pre-race meeting and we were then on our way. Yeah, it wasn't that exciting of a start. Really. People were fired up but we had 103 miles to cover, it's not like a 10km and you line up, heart rate pumping. 


From what I could see at the start Dusty Olson, a guy I recognized from my old Duluth days, and John Horns, the eventual winner took off the front. A second pack formed, and I settled in with another guy behind them as we tread forward at an easy sustainable pace on our way to Split Rock Aid Station. 

Not too much action early on, just settling in for a long run, getting to know the guys around you. We arrived at the out and back Split Rock Aid Station which was pretty small. No crews were allowed due to the limited parking so only a few people were here. I grabbed a few Hammer Gels which I'd never used before, filled my bottle and off I went. Having never used the Hammer Gels I was excited to try them. They tasted great but the packaging sucked; a pain in the ass to open and too big. I guess the best thing to do is buy these in bulk and use a flask. For now I'll stick with GU. 

The heat was stifling. I do not think anyone was prepared for the wet blanket of humidity that layed on us for the entire race. People began to drop off the further we ran, supposedly a few of the guys initially out front always start fast and slowly creep back. I went shirtless at the Beaver Bay Aid Station giving my lone sponge of a short sleeve shirt to Ben and Erica. Knowing I'd need it later to prevent chafing from my race vest I asked them to get it to my Dad if possible.

In trying recollect the race I've been looking at the aid station maps. It's unreal how little I remember of the 26 hours I was out running! So, some of this may be off a bit! I believe I saw my family at the Silver Bay Aid Station and pulled out my UltrAspire Alpha race vest in order to get more water on board. I was going to leave this at home preferring the Ultimate Direction AK vest I had gotten from Alpenglow Sports. However just to be safe I had the UD vest in a drop bag with my headlamps at the County Rd. 6 Aid Station so I threw in the Alpha as an afterthought, I'm glad I did!  I had been running with just one handheld which wasn't enough. Ben ran to his car to grab my t-shirt, I got two water bottles filled and I was off. Hot but feeling good about carrying more fluids. Little did I know but the next segment would be a rough one!

I set off towards the Tettegouche Aid Station, about another 10 miles. Things were going good until my lower back seemed to be giving me issues. I'm not sure when, maybe within 5 miles of the next aid station I was demoralized with the pain growing in my back. What the fuck!? Not even half way and my body is rebelling? And my back? I'd been focusing my strength training on lower back and abs for months! It was bomb proof! I knew this! I was forced into a quasi-walk-shuffle-run motion in a desperate attempt to get to the Tettegouche Aid Station. I was passed by maybe 6 or 8 people who were all supportive and just like me wondering "how far to the next aid station?" as the heat was taking it's toll.

I was 100% set on DNFing at mile 34 due to my "back" cramping when in reality it was my piriformis acting up and referring to my lower back.  Was I being forced to let everyone down this early? It's not like it's a mental barrier; if I was puking my brains out I could work though it overcoming the discomfort and refilling my food stores once the reset had been hit, a muscle spasm or cramp doesn't seem like something one can mentally overcome. 

This was my worst segment during the race. My brother figured I lost an hour. That would've  been a solid second place overall. I thought it was this injury hampering my progress but I later realized I was deep in a valley as well. Throughout these races the mind and body can do some odd things to try to "save itself" and part of the game is to be mentally prepared to push through these low points knowing they will go away and you WILL feel better. I look back on this and should've realized where I was, deep in the pain cave, and should've been positive. Seeing my mental state throughout has convinced me that staying positive is of utmost importance to success. 

I rambled into the Tettegouche Aid Station and remember seeing my brother Chris. One of the aid station workers asked if my back was alright as I strolled in which was pretty cool. It was a cramped area with volunteers, spectators, and runners tripping over each other. My water was filled, I most likely nibbled some food. Chris offered ibuprofen, which I hesitated to take at first, but down the hatch they went. I sat in the grassy dirt and attempted to stretch anything and everything that may ease the dull ache slowing my progress. I do not remember a surge of positivity from seeing familiar faces, the stretching doing any good, or any thoughts of "I'm done" at the aid station as I had been so dead set on doing, but off I ran, " 8.6 miles to County Rd. 6 "!

The next section, for whatever reason, I hit a high point; familiar faces? better hydration? I don't know. I took off going far faster than I should have been going. The rage of positivity coursed through me so I took advantage of it and like a runner. I was fucking pissed off about my poor performance so early on, I've done the miles it was time to race and that shouldn't have happened. None of this 12:00 minute mile bullshit or power walking, I clocked the next few miles at round 7 minute mile pace, my normal easy training pace, slow still, but for an ultra such as Superior seemingly suicidal around mile 40 of a 103 mile race. I could see the County Rd. 6 Aid Station from the 300 foot cliffs I was skirting and knew a decent downhill was coming up. I hit the road and motored the short section of pavement giving relief from the rocks and roots and thoroughly enjoying a full stride. 

feeling good on County Rd. 6

Throughout the race I was torn between "finish this thing, that's your goal, take it easy" and "you just made up 40 minutes from your previous section, let's catch these assholes!" as I had on my way to County Rd. 6. It is so hard to hold back your speed but you have to in order to finish. I NEVER run slower than 8:30 minutes per mile and that even kills me. 

At County Rd. 6 I saw Ben and Erica but not the rest of the gang. I had barely beaten my crew as I saw them all walking from the designated parking area! I don't think anyone was expecting me to knock out such a fast segment after the slow run to Tettegouche I had just had! I grabbed my drop bag and switched to the UD race vest which had my headlamps in it. I ate some random solid food for the first time; olives, some homemade zucchini bread, and more olives. My good friend Aaron wanted to run this short segment with me but it was 15 minutes too early for pacers! 

wasting time at County Rd. 6

It was a medium length section, about 7.7 miles to the Finland Aid Station, dusk but not dark enough to require headlamps. I remember a rickety wooden causeway, the right side dammed by beavers creating a seemingly bottomless black lake, the left a 5 foot drop to boggy marsh. It winded along for a good distance and I remember being bummed as Aaron would have appreciated the beauty of this section as much as I did. I kept my eye out for moose. Shortly after I ran seemingly forever on an endless meandering wooden plank walkway raising me inches above ankle deep muck below. The race in general was dry, I can't imagine what it would've been like wet! 

Arriving at the Finland Aid Station I recall seeing my brothers and people drinking beer in the background. Christmas lights adorned the out and back spur to the station although it was still light enough for travel without the aid of lights. I reeled in a couple more runners that were ahead of me. I believe this is where I opted for a shoe and sock change, we were at 50 miles so it seemed fitting I guess! I put on my headlamp and buckled one around my waist, soon darkness would be upon us. Off I went to Sonju Lake, one of two Aid Stations without crew access, 7.5 miles.

Keeping my headlamp off as long as I could, I caught another runner who was having some troubles and soon darkness fell. It was black all around and no other runners in sight. I ran with two headlamps, a Petzl on my head and a Black Diamond Storm around my waist. A spare Petzl eLite just in case hidden in my race vest. I switched off my light a few times to enjoy the solitude and seclusion. The stars were amazing when viewed away from the dense tree canopy. I heard the raging creeks and rivers. I felt the cool humidity of nearby lakes. All to be passed by unseen in the black moonless night. The shine of the course markers reassuring me I was progressing. It was always a relief to hear voices or music as I knew an invisible aid station was near hidden by the rolling terrain. 

I listened for wolves but all I heard was one step in front of the other and the sloshing of the ice in my bottles. Yep, ice. It was night and I was still filling my bottles with ice. Where was the nice cool breeze off Mother Superior? We were running far enough inland and in rugged enough terrain that I think I felt that refreshing breeze maybe twice. The sweltering humidity wasn't going away and any breeze we received was a stale heat from inland, anything but refreshing. 

I spotted a few patches of diarrhea on the trail. Someone was hurting. I started looking for puke too. This is where more and more I became a competer versus a completer. I held back the reigns though. Stick to your goal, finish. 

Sonju Lake Aid Station seemed to take forever to get to. I saw signs for the actual lake, felt the cooling effect of the body of water, and maybe even heard the water splashing the shoreline, but I never saw it. I finally saw lights along the spur trail and a sign with a huge arrow showing the way. It sure was a relief seeing more than just the reflectors from the course markers. If anything a change of scenery from the trail and the black surroundings. I recall two smiling women offering anything and everything. I refilled my bottles, ice and water, maybe snacked on a few things. I saw two other runners, one wrapped in a blanket sitting by the fire, another pacing speaking something about nausea and tums to the aid station workers. Competer: two more down! Hell yeah! Completer: damn I feel bad for these dudes, so close! 

Into the black onto the next goal, Crosby-Manitou Aid Station 7.5 miles. I was expecting more low points, expecting my thoughts to flow more vividly, to answer questions about my life, but none were answered. Hallucinations? None. I focused only on the immediate task at hand, my feeding, my foot work and placement, and getting to the next aid station. All things considered I must be doing something right.

At some point in the dead of night I fired up my iPod Shuffle, a proven pain killer and motivator. Not that I needed it, but it just seemed like a good thing to do. I had my normal iPod with my crew as well but decided on the Shuffle. Simplicity and only the option to skip a song if it wasn't inspiring. I like that, no options for distraction. I vaguely remember focusing on my foot placements and then the low rumble of drums began to build until finally my anticipation was quelled with Eddie Van Halen's guitar and Diamond Dave's voice as "Hot for Teacher" seared my brain. In the blackness I was singing, er yelling, along with the lyrics bringing back memories of dawn patrol backcountry skiing in California's Sierra. 

As I approached the Peet's Coffee Aid Station (Crosby?) I was relieved to be running on a dirt road. I could see headlights from cars shining into the night sky dissipated by the dusty humid aid, odd colors illuminating the trees from the Christmas lights strung about, and the sound of muffled voices. All of this culminated giving the aid station a Close Encounters of the Third Kind feeling to the activity hidden behind the crest of the hill. I turned off my headlamp and ran via only my dimmed waist mounted light allowing my eyes to dilate and relax.  

After a brief stop the competer in me was anxious to see another headlamp searing the dark as I had been told the guy in front of me was having blister issues. Supposedly he'd been managing these at pretty much every stop. Two thumbs up to the crew and pacer who kept this dude motivated! Technical sections abound as I passed through Crosby-Manitou State Park! Down climbing the nearly class 3 descent I could feel for the first time the fatigue in my quads, fortunately only here and not while I ran. A couple drops I grasped trees in order to safely lower myself down. A nice change from the relentless single track of uneven rocks hidden by grass. I still yearned for the pulverized granite, moon dust, and intricate rock work of the Sierra Nevada. 

I didn't have any pacers planned but at the Sugarloaf Aid Station ( I think! ) Aaron hopped in for a short section in the dark. I was feeling pretty tired and wasn't up for talking at all. I just wanted to focus on running. I felt bad as he's a good friend and I don't see him often and this was a great opportunity to chat, he also only had a shitty Petzl Zipka headlamp I had put in my crew bag which must have been a challenge to run with! Either way it was fun running with him and psyched he was up for a section in the middle of the night!

At Cramer Rd. Aid Station I mowed down two cheese quesadillas which settled my stomach. I had mainly been eating gels, Perpetuem, and occasionally snacking on random solid foods at the aid stations. My stomach posed no problems but after eating sugar for so long I was getting a bit of gut rot. I then bounced back and forth with the runner whom I had seen at Sonju Lake having stomach issues; the guy snuggled by the fire was unfortunately out due to plantar fasciitis problems I was told. We chatted about all we wanted to do was finish since this was both our first 100. He reminded me that there is a possibility that at mile 95 your leg could cramp and you can't finish, a grim reality, and a reason to take it easy rather than push it. 

With the accumulation of steps my feet every once in a while would go numb. An odd electric feeling on the pads beneath my toes. No amount of flexing my toes stopped this and though not painful, it caused a bit of worry. I had been popping ibuprofen every 4 to 6 hours since Tettegouche which had been seemingly helping my "back" which was a relief. It was noticeable off and on and kept me in tune with managing it but posed only a threat for the rest of the race.

7.1, 5.5, 5.5, 7.1; the mileages I focused on for the final four sections. Never once did I think I've made it 70 miles or only 24 miles to go. I always directed my attention to the immediate distance to the next aid station and only the number, not the location. This may be very likely why I am having such a difficult time remembering the race! It's taken me viewing photos, the aid station maps, and my Superior Hiking Trail guidebook to write this damn thing! The late night segments are the hardest to recollect.

The final three aid stations segments I remember taking it easy, power walking quite a bit, for fear of not finishing. Arriving at Temperance River Aid Station the sun was beginning to put an end to the never ending blackness. Visibility was still poor and headlamps were still needed to see the footing. I was running with the guy I had been bouncing back and forth with. We were pretty worked and hoped the sunrise from Carlton Peak would boost our spirits. I pushed on ahead after too much walking and scrambled my way up and around the peak. The sun burned reds and pinks into the morning sky, a descent and then sections of smooth boardwalks followed. I hit a high and ran full stride for the first time since my stint with Van Halen, the competer in me relishing dropping the other guy. 

At Sawbill Aid Station it seemed as if the workers had just set up and were awaiting the throngs of runners heading their way. I may have changed socks here or was it at Temperance? I can't remember but thought it may reduce my numbing toes. I remember considering a shoe change somewhere to my road shoes but figured fuck it, I'm too close now. I remember my Dad at Temperance, Sawbill, and then finally at Oberg Aid Station. No sign of the runner behind me or in front of me. I saw a sign saying "Oberg Parking Lot" and got excited since I assumed the final aid station was near. I'm not sure how long the distance was but the traverse of the hillside I was on went on forever. I kept thinking that these signs are in place to help beginner hikers, it can't be THAT far? Either I was moving slow or it really was THAT far, but it was endless. 

Finally arriving at Oberg Mountain Aid Station I asked what the final section was like and the workers said some up but not too bad. Well that sounds easy! As soon as I crossed the parking lot I hopped on some single track and from there all I remember is up. No switchbacks. It reminded me of the skin tracks we'd put in on Jake's Peak in Tahoe backcountry skiing. Straight the fuck up! Once up a flat top meandered about until another steep section, straight down. I actually remembered this spot. I backpacked a lot of this portion from Lutsen south in college. I recognized none of it until now. Half way down a tree's roots shoot across the trail creating a giant step down. I hopped down unimpeded this time by a huge backpack and continued on. 

I was close and continuously looked over my shoulder for other runners. I was in fourth overall in my first 100! Not too bad for a rookie. In researching the race course I remember one blog talking of the endless switchbacks in the final push to Lutsen. I hadn't seen any switchbacks in 96 plus miles, where are they? Boom. Up Mystery Mountain we go. Not the short steep switchbacks of the Rockies but a long  gradual mentally painful trudge. Yes, you are going uphill, but should you power walk? Should you run? Mind melting. On and on, looking over my shoulder, spying for any humanoid movement hunting me down in the dense foliage obscuring my view.

Finally topping out on Mystery time to go down. I could see signs of civilization, ski chalets, maybe a chair lift? Well it was anything. I picked up the pace going down, full stride, motoring, even though I still had 2 or 3 miles. I hit a long service road that intersected a paved road. Looking ahead and behind along the road, my vision unimpaired, no one was in sight. I weaved between the line of cones the race director mentioned 26 hours ago but the finish still loomed, where the hell is it? I walked for a bit as the first set of buildings created a false finish. Then around the corner, on some grass, and into the finishing chute! 

I threw devil horns as I crossed the finish and one of the workers aggressively blocked my passage so I didn't run off with the timing chip around my ankle. That was it. Over. 102.9 miles. Not many people were at the finish, I remember seeing 2 of the people who finished in front of me and I attempted to chat with them. I drank half of a Coors Light tallboy Ben was happy to furnish. I felt pretty good all in all. My family was there as well as the friends that made the trek up north to help out and watch. 

Most of the finish and all that day my memories are little. We had breakfast at the restaurant, everyone had Bloody Mary's, they looked good, I wanted one. It was a beautiful day but all I wanted to do was sit still, not move. I got back to the condo, filled the bath up, layed in it and scrubbed the dirt off my legs. I then awoke, yes, in the bath, to my wife asking if I was ok. I had fallen asleep almost immediately in the tub! 

I napped off and on throughout the day. That night we had pizza and I shuffled up to the awards ceremony and party, with no energy to party at all. I picked up my sweatshirt and kick ass belt buckle. I had officially finished 4th overall, 26:14:14. I was 10 minutes out of second, and 4 minutes out of winning my age  group! If only I had known, the competer would have taken over, but I was happy, as not only finishing, but finishing 4th in my first 100 miler is pretty damn sick! 

A HUGE thanks goes out to my family and friends that helped out and showed up for moral support! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Planning ahead and trying to remember.

Still trying to work out this piriformis issue. It seems to be getting better. I'm amped to run like never before, ready to focus on my final race; Beacons Ultra in Wales in November. 

In the meantime I hardly remember Superior 100, it's as if it never happened! I stare at the aid station directions and maps, look at all the photos, refer to the notes I've been compiling on the race, and things vaguely fall into place. 

Since I'm not running I have some spare time. I pour over race schedules looking for my next challenge, one that will fit into my family life schedule. I want something big, huge, something I'd NEVER thought I'd EVER have the opportunity to do. Marathon des Sables is out; too expensive and I can't even get in until 2015. Transgrancaneria, a point to point run over Gran Caneria (74 miles i think), I believe the biggest race in Europe, a very likely possibility. Although after the races I've done the past two years I have qualified for the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, a circumnavigation of the Alps starting in Chamonix, 100 or so miles, 30,000 vertical feet. UTMB would be the best choice. I may throw my name in and see if I can get a place in December. I'd love to do the Lakeland 100 here in the UK but it filled up within hours of registration opening. I had an alert set up on my phone but, it was off, I was in MN! Hmmm...... I'm liking the idea of UTMB.

Anyway, I've began my bodyweight routine again and have added some ancillery exercises for injury prevention. I feel stronger after the time off which is nice. I've realized how hard I had been abusing my body and it's finally recovered. Beacons Ultra is mid November so I've got time to recover. October I'll most likely take a couple weeks and run 50 miles, one 60 to 70 miles, and one 70 miler, then taper. The race is ONLY 46 miles! I can say that now! Ha! Hopefully I'll be up and running soon so I can ease into it for a week or so. 

I love running. It's all I have left of who I used to be. I no longer backcountry ski, rock and ice climb, backpack, hike, surf, mountain bike, road cycle, shit I don't even Nordic ski living in the UK! It's all gone as my piles of top end gear and clothing become dated and dusty. I hesitate to sell it as I hope when my daughter grows up I can show her the beauty I have experienced. 

Running is simple though, cheap compared to the other things I've done, and as minimalist as you want it to be and at this point in my life I like that. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Well post Superior 100 I'm doing pretty good. Sorry for no preview post etc. but the main people who read this I was with!

The supposed back issue I dealt with early on in the race I have concluded was and still is my piriformis, a muscle hidden deep behind your, well, ass muscles! It is one of 5 or 6 muscles that connect your femur to your pelvis/lumbar vertebrae or at least something like that. The pain and dull ache refer to the lower back and can cause leg numbing due to constricting the sciatic nerve. Fun! Heat seems to be helping this pain in my ass.

Otherwise I feel great. No muscle soreness. A bit tired from the total culmination of a trans Atlantic flight with a toddler, a huge surge in social life and activity seeing family and friends, a 100 mile race, and yet another trans Atlantic toddler management flight. Oh and I'll add in a jet lagged toddler! 

I am ready to run more than ever once this piriformis sorts itself out. 

I'm signed up for the Longmynd Hike, a 50 mile night race, in early October but thinking I may skip it. In November I am planning on the 46 mile Beacons Ultra in Wales which I did last year. A super fun race in Brecon Beacons National Park. After that its time for a break! 

Once I get back at running I'll try to get more photos up as I've been doing a lot of posts with just writing. Also leading up to the trip to MN I had been running mainly in the dark which is no good for photos!

I'm slowly recollecting the Superior 100 and will hopefully have a post up soon with my thoughts.

A huge thanks to my family and friends for their support and mostly being there during the race. I do not think I would have finished without you. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Within 2 Weeks

The day draws near. We fly out of London the day after tomorrow for Minnesota. Definitely excited to see my family and spend some time in the US. I'm pretty sure I've got everything needed for this run but will need to pick up a few things and get organized once in MN. 

I haven't been running much since my big mileage week. Been feeling tired but hey it's taper time! So, I'm not too worried about it. There are pretty much zero workouts that will make me faster so resting is the key. A friend from Oregon just ran the Waldo 100km and had been having injury issues in his calf. He ran a total of 40 minutes between two runs the two weeks prior to his race and finished just fine! This morning I was awake but had trouble motivating so I opted for coffee and meditation instead! 

There has been more and more action on the Superior Endurance Runs Facebook page. The finishers buckle is sick! You don't need a Facebook account to have a peek,

 Everyone is pretty psyched I think. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Final week of bigger miles is over

So last week ended as planned which I was very happy with. Topped out at 73 miles total and felt good. Saturday I banged out 17 miles before work and Sunday did 18 in the morning and then another 8 on the treadmill in the afternoon. Both days I averaged 7 to 7:20 minute miles. 

This morning got out for a fast 10 miles with a few miles around 530 pace. Feels good to go fast! Well faster at least! 

Finding time is everything in attempting to put in miles and be a family member. The early mornings work out well but can get tough. I'd love to be able to run 100 mile weeks or every weekend put in 3 plus hours running but there is no time. My max time frame available is normally 2 hours. Sunday I would have preferred to run for 4 to 5 hours at an easy pace but I don't have the time. So, despite it not being specific to my race, I get in what I can which ends up being faster paced medium length runs. This seems to work out ok in the grand scheme of things so we will see how it works for a 100 miler. 

Injury update. The achilles still is there but once I'm warmed up and stretch my calf it seems to fade. With my mileage now slowly receding I'm not too overly concerned about it. My hamstrings were better today, rolled them yesterday and I have been better about stretching. Just need to keep working at all of this so things don't get worse.

Logistics, logistics, logistics. Need to order some things such as food and maybe some clothes. Then need to figure out a race strategy and how I plan on directing any outside help during the race. I'd like to keep it simple. Give me this, make sure I do this, if this is happening recommend this. I'm pretty self sufficient but with people giving me what I need it could save time at aid stations. 

If you think about it, if a race has 10 aid stations and you stop for only 5 minutes at each you've lost nearly an hour standing around! Sure it is a necessity, fuelling up, making sure you've eaten, re-applied BodyGlide, take care of this or that. All of these things NEED to happen or you risk not finishing but in and out fast like at a car race is what's important. 

Granted early on when my mind is right the first half of the race I won't need much but later when I'm tired and it's dark, that's when it will be tough. 

So all things I need to work on over the next couple weeks.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Well I think I'm back in action. Not sure how, what, why but this week has been good so far.

The Achilles. I kept running, continued stretching, etc. and it is slowly going away.

Tiredness, fatigue, sluggishness. Yesterday I got up ran 8.5 miles then had the opportunity to hit the treadmill up for another 5 on the incline and it felt good, both runs. I hopped on the treadmill the day before as well for one long uphill and it went well too. 

Did I go too hard in the WOW and it took me this long to recover? Sure didn't feel like I worked that hard! 

Has the overall accumulation of mileage, chasing the little one, home life stress, strength routine added up so much I've finally caught up and recovered? I often wonder what kind of residual training effect I get from carrying the little one up and down stairs and generally being on my feet all day does. 

Has this high fat diet I've been experimenting with not only made me ripped (no modesty there sorry, the wife says I'm "hench", whatever that means!) but stripped my glycogen stores down that my body can't handle the endurance? 

I'm not sure what it is but I feel pretty good again. I did a little more research on this diet and could only find ultra runners, cross fitters, paleo freaks, etc. that are really into it. From a vanity standpoint, yeah it works, but for me no more. The majority of pro marathoners who put in 125 plus miles per week eat carbs. I think I'll eat carbs. I bumped my intake up from 150 to 250g to minimum 400g a day this past week. Still eating ultra healthy, limited wheat, but trying to get more carbs via quinoa and potatoes. 

It's actually hard to eat that many carbs when you cut out wheat! I'm very satiated in general with how much protein, fat, and vegetables I eat. So more fruit and as mentioned potatoes is the plan.

Got a new race vest from my buddy who owns Alpenglow Sports in Tahoe City. Last week an Ultimate Direction AK Race Vest arrived. Great piece of gear. He's expecting a nice write up on it as I take it through the motions the next few months and I'll be sure to share. Rumor has it his shop is going online soon, support him, great people, great shop. 

Hoping for a good weekend of running, the it's time to slowly cut back until race day. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Injury update

Well after a 55 mile week and some time on my trainer I'm feeling a bit more positive. After speaking with my boss at the running store my injury may not pose as much of a threat as I thought.

So there is no pain when I push and pinch my achilles which essentially means its not my achilles, the pain is referring from elsewhere, most likely a tight muscle somewhere on my lower leg or foot. We think the hallus longus maybe. After running over the weekend it does seem to be getting better. I little retail therapy with a new pair of Brooks Cadence helped a bit. The calf work may be helping. The eccentric calf drops can't hurt anyway and will help strengthen my legs for descending. I've become a little more thorough in massaging my entire lower leg and foot as well. The golf ball from my father in law is much more effective on my foot than the little one's odd toys! 

Anyway, despite less miles than I had hoped last week it was sufficient considering how tired I've been. This week I'm shooting for 70 miles including a 25 to 30 miler hopefully, then it's time to cut back on miles the following three weeks. It's best to come into a race under trained and rested than over trained, besides at this point there is little I can do to make a big difference in my result. Time to maintain and heal.

I'll focus on stretching and foam rolling, my bodyweight exercises, some cycling, and may add in some eccentric squats to strengthen my downhill muscles (same as the calf drops). I'll run about 50, 35, then 15 miles in the three weeks leading up to the race for taper. 

Then I need to figure out a race strategy and take care of some logistics. I need to get anything needed sorted out, gear, food, etc.. Figure out if anyone wants to meet me at any of the late night aid stations for moral support, do I want a drop bag anywhere, where can people meet up with a change of shoes, socks, BodyGlide, etc. I'd prefer to be fairly self supported but something's could be way easier if someone could meet me. 

It's coming up quick! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just too close now for an injury!

So this Achilles thing is still there and it seems to be getting worse which is bad. Very bad. I've started doing eccentric calf drops three times a day which supposedly strengthen the calf, reducing load on the tendon, and also re-injure the tendon in order for it to heal itself. Supposedly the founder of this technique was attempting to injure his Achilles to the point that he needed surgery but ended up healing itself! Of course more rolling as well to loosen up my calf as well.

looking towards Kidderminster above St. Leonard's Church

I've been running fairly conservatively but really wanted to get in a couple long runs. I don't think these will happen. Just to be on the safe side I may just try to get a couple 60 mile weeks in and skip the long runs I was planning two 30 milers. I'm so close to my taper that I think I'm going to fight out this injury another week before reducing miles. Kind of a gamble but as of now it feels fine if I keep my calf stretched. 

Overlooking Stourport near trig point in Ribbesford

I've also got the option of an elliptical and my bike in case I do need to actually stop running and have considered next week going every other day running and then one of these. In all honesty however I need that taper bad overall. My body it trashed, I'm still riding that red line for recovery. I'm sleeping better and my resting heart rate is lowering which is a good sign however.

Coney Green Farm, Stourport

That's about it for now. The stress is high around here, some personal things going on, a grumpy toddler refusing to go to bed, and then trying to train for an ultra at the early hours of the day sure adds up! This vacation to MN is much needed in more ways than one!