Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I did it. I entered the Western States lottery at the last minute. I can’t afford to go if I get chosen so it’s likely if I’m chosen I’ll back out and lose some of my entry. But if I don’t get chosen I’ll have more tickets in the hat in the future when I’d prefer to run again. 

However I made a mistake. One that could work in my favor. My credit card expires this month. The lottery is next month. So I’d guess if I’m chosen my card will not work and the entry will be thrown out. I lose all my tickets for future lotteries (which if chosen happens anyway), but I may possibly not lose the portion of my entry if I withdraw. If I’m not chosen I continue on in the future with more tickets in the hat. 

I guess the reality is I’ve possibly moved on from this race having already done it. It’s a massive expense with other experiences at other races I should really be looking at. It will always linger though. 

So lottery season continues. I’m anxiously awaiting the West Highland Way lottery results which I hope is early December. Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc is the next lottery with results in January I believe. Then the doozy. Tor des Geants is in February. 

My mileage is slowly increasing as this base period I’m doing is going well. Podcasts and audiobooks keep the easy unexciting paces shrouded in the early morning darkness tolerable which in turn is making me aerobically stronger. It’s hard to run really easy. It’s boring. But patience is key. 

Been using the Maffetone Method because it’s easy. 180 - my age gives me the top end of my aerobic heart rate zone. I add 5 beats because of my recent running history which is a lot. I keep my heart rate below that number no matter what, it can be mind numbingly slow depending on one’s fitness level. It takes months for the aerobic system to adapt so patience and consistency is key. Over time the pace will lower but also the body adapts to more miles making it stronger and less injury prone for if/when it’s time to add intensity. 

Shooting for a 60 mile week then an easy rest week and things are going well. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

A handful of photos I’ve taken recently. Didn’t have time to touch them up although a couple may have been doctored via Instagram. Tons of flooding lately as you’ll see. Mostly from Worcester. It’s really messed up my run commutes as all access across the River Severn is blocked by water except the main bridge. 

A few rare nice autumn colors though too. Getting ready for Perpetual November. Lots of rain, cold, and wind lately. It makes it tough to motivate but I’m making it happen. It’s hard with no solid support behind you. No positive encouragement. Alone. However it makes me feel really good so I make sure I get out.

Today is the last day to enter the Western States 100 lottery. I know I can’t do it, just too expensive, however I figure I may as well try. Yes, if I get in I’ll have to back out and lose some of my entry fee, but if I don’t I’ll save my lottery tickets for the future. Fortunately they do refund a fair chunk of your entry, unlike the past, so at least I don’t lose a bunch of money! Why do I chase it still? Maybe I want a finish line photo with my daughter on the Auburn track, maybe the Sierra left a deep impression on me, it’s the last place I actually lived, I don’t know. Been there done that maybe I need to move on. 

I think lottery results for the West Highland Way Race are emailed out December so I’m anxiously awaiting. That likely would become my “A” race. It was really encouraging that I had a positive response from people to help out and crew. People that I hardly even know! I know my wife really has no interest so I wouldn’t even consider asking her. 

Running has been going well but it’s putting martial arts on the back burner. Life has become a very routine thing ending in exhaustion around 830pm. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. 

This morning I actually slept right through my alarm which is a rarity. I still can pick up some miles at work and early Sunday morning. I’ve been trying to not count on Sundays for running as most people do. It’s traditionally the “long run” day as marathons are on Sunday. I’d likely get a speech about how selfish I am going out for a few hours. I figure if I can get what I want in all week I don’t have to worry about that then. That’s alright, I look forward to, I embrace the 4am alarm, and am proud of it when it’s got a 3 on it! I enjoy a simple activity. Putting one foot in front of the other. 

Friday, November 1, 2019

Lottery Season has Begun

Lottery season has begun. A classic race I’ve always wanted to do since moving here I may try to have a shot at. The West Highland Way Race. 95 miles following the West Highland Way from Milngavie (Glasgow) to Fort William, Scotland. 

It’s unique as it requires each runner to have a two person crew with a car. The crew I believe is required to follow you the entire race and provide all support. One person must be able to run, if needed, I think the final 40 miles with you. This is the main reason I’ve passed on it. I like to be able to do it myself, it’s just logistically easy considering my situation here with no running friends and a family.

One funny thing is there’s a West Highland Way Challenge Race as well! A fully supported, easily accessible to solo runners, race that follows the exact same course. Why? Well if you read the “Challenge Race” website it sounds like two race directors from the “Race” website had a falling out so one started a more inclusive race called the “Challenge Race.” Even though it’s the same course etc. it seems the “Race” is still seen as more important which makes sense being the original. 

Something to look forward to I guess. If chosen I’ve got a month I believe to confirm and pay or let it lapse and lose my spot, no money lost. So I see that time period as a chance to round up two people to crew. 

Here’s the race links if interested:

“Challenge Race”


And one for the West Highland Way: