Monday, June 27, 2016

Still working on a SDW100 write up. I'm trying to remember the race! 

Starting running easy last week. I feel fine just need to find motivation. May consider a marathon in the fall and actually train for it. Otherwise most likely run the Wyre Forest Half in a couple weeks just because it's local and fun. 

8.5 mile buggy run today was refreshing, it had been a while and despite not wanting to go it of course felt great! It's nice to not feel like I have to run right now but I want to stay consistent. 

Could be big plans for next summer. South Downs Way 100 was my ticket for the Western States 100 lottery for June 2017. My name will be in the hat in fall.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A new belt buckle!

I committed and did it. South Downs Way 100 is in the books! Despite lack of training, recovery, and the other motivational road blocks lately I figured I've got the weekend I may as well try. 

Goal was 20 hours but due to poor planning and race execution on my part I finished within my secondary goal of sub 24 hours at around 23:15.

Post race I was immediately sore and hobbling around, but not nearly as bad as in the past which was interesting. I would've walked the couple miles to the train station but was offered a ride. 

Muscles were curiously in good shape after a good night's sleep. I could tell I was tired still but could comfortably walk around and stretch. Main thing I've noticed is an achey feeling in my tendons and ligaments. Also sore feet. Been eating lots of protein and healthy things to try to get back to normal. 

I'll get a race report up as soon as I can. As expected overall a great experience. This race qualifies me for the Western States 100 lottery. I've spoken with the wife and my name will be in the hat in November (race is in Tahoe mid-June). Unfortunately it's something like a 5% chance, but hey, if you don't weigh in, you don't wrestle!