So I haven't posted in a while. I have had intentions to but the app on my phone kept crashing! So I'm on the iPad......
......and I've figured out why it keeps crashing! There no longer is a Blgger App for iPhone or iPad! So my phone app is done, my iPad works for now. It's not as convenient to write on on my computer as kids interrupt and my photos are from my phone. Looks like I'll have to adapt. Anyway.......
Running has been going well. Consistent, the keyword of it all. Mostly pushing the little guy in the Chariot, but good solid running, at a super low heart rate. I'm forcing myself to take it easier than normal for 6 - 8 weeks, then I'll begin to sprinkle in speed work.
I'm trying a more focused approach to see what happens. It's going well so far but like every plan I've had in the past family, sickness, sleep, something seems to wedge in there and throw it all off. But, we're trying. I've been happy and having fun, the key elements!
Last night I was looking at my training diary and it blew my mind how little training I did the SDW100 on! No consistency, low mileage, no speed work, minimal long runs. I guess that's why I don't stop these ultras, I have yet to run a 100 with solid training AND experience. I hate great training for Superior 100, no experience.
Last weekend I attended a JKD Seminar from one of the top dogs in the Kali world, Rick Faye of the Minnesota Kali Group. I've attended two of them in the past. They are high energy, fast paced, and extremely informative. It was awesome as expected and one thing I picked up on was that when going over scenarios Guro Faye usually ended with "then you can run away." I found that super cool, not focusing on harming someone but getting away from the situation. Another thing I found great was his speaking about martial arts, and Kali in general, as a brain stimulant for positivity and also for maintaining health. Most people I'd assume see past those aspects but it can be very meditative. We even had a bunch of hand drums and a drummer pounding a rhythm during the seminar to enforce these properties, pretty cool.
If this post has no photos I'll try to get a bunch other added or a photo only post up soon, I've got a decent amount of pictures.