Monday, July 24, 2017

And mornings are back

Only just started a race day report for WS100. Just been focusing on other things lately. Had a solid week of running this past week which I was very happy about, mainly because it was all in the morning. I'd been consistently waking at 430-5am and the little guy had been up after 615am so I decided to commit. My alarm, although set at 5am, never had the chance to go off as I'd be up at 430am. I'm back by 6am with time to spare which has been awesome. Morning running is the best. It's just you, no cars, people, nice light, etc and then you're done for the day! Best of all is I'm sleeping better at night and of course I'm much happier all day long. Fun bonus is more photos!

I signed up for the Thames Path 100 in early May 2018. It's a WS100 qualifier, close to home here in the UK, and a very well organized race. I had been signed up for it this past May but fortunately got into Western States. Nothing else really officially planned right now. Trying to set habits again and formulate a plan to better myself with the usual: Jeet Kune Do, running, calisthenics. 

I do have an entry to Snowdonia 50 in September but considering it's a whole weekend away (Friday night thru Sunday) I'm not sure if I'll make it. I've also got an entry to the new Worcester Half Marathon in September. It's a new race, a fast course, and since my job is affiliated with the race I get in for free! Ideally I'd like to do both but not sure if the wife would be into that. Really tempted by the half marathon. I want to get faster so shorter races would be beneficial. Thames Path 100 is pancake flat so a faster pace would be good going into the longer distance training this winter too.

Got my hands on a juicer via eBay for super cheap. My friend Brendan inspired me to get one and it's pretty fun whipping up super food cocktails. It's a nice way to get more turmeric, ginger, and kale in. Kale rips me in half with all the fiber and the other stuff is difficult to consume in quantity in food. It's messy but if you juice and clean it asap it's really no big deal, maybe 5-10 minutes to get a super nice glass of goodness. It's fun too! Gave the kids carrot juice the other day, it was hilarious seeing them with orange mustaches! 

Ok, on with the show. Daughter is out of school for 6 weeks so my job has become possibly more difficult! 

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