After a Friday night of the little guy having a fever and throwing up, then the wife getting it and ending up with a cramp in her back from poor sleep, Saturday was a tough one. I ended up not going in to work so I could help out at home.
I hate missing work but I had a productive day at home getting a lot done around the house and getting some solid time with my daughter doing school work and practicing her tae kwon do which is a rarity. She copies a lot and saw me doing a little JKD so she joined in. I wish she would do that more but I'd assume there's a lot going on her her little mind.
Running was obviously on the back burner too, missing an early run and also my lunch break run at work put me behind 15 intended miles. I focused on what time I had left, night, drank some more coffee, put on a fresh new Ten Junk Miles podcast, and laughed my way to Kidderminster and back. Not quite 15 miles but 10 will make Sunday a little easier leaving me 10 to meet my 40 mile week goal.
Nothing beats the Ten Junk Miles Podcast. It's a running podcast, not specifically ultra distance and is all abilities, mainly mid to back pack runners, that is Chicago based. They interview everyday runners for the most part and the humor is very midwest. They don't hold back and are anything but PC like you'd get out in the western US. Their goal is to be the "friends" you'd talk with while out running for people who run alone. Perfect. All the personalities and inappropriate jokes I can pinpoint to friends back home. It's awesome and not always just about running, the tangents they get off on are ridiculous and awesome.
This odd dragging illness had been holding steady. I wasn't sure whether to push through or stop. Last time I had this it lasted 8 weeks. I've lost count but am anxiously awaiting feeling quick again. My quality of running slips more every time I'm out which is demoralizing but I know what the cause is so just need to be patient.
Patience and pushing through turned into about a fever of 101 degrees, probably Sunday, for sure Monday, and Tuesday. I ran Sunday and met my goal despite feeling under the weather. Monday I felt like complete crap and after returning from work discovered I was officially sick with a temp. I worked again Tuesday, with a high temp, but didn't run because the wife was out of town. I began to feel less nauseous late Tuesday.
Today, Wednesday, I got out for a 10 miler on the canal and felt the best I have in probably a month! Thanks to that fever I'm hoping it nuked whatever I had and I'm on my way to running better. Hopefully some normalcy is to follow.