I'm back I guess, or at least chipped out some time to blog. Life's busy as usual. I'm good at finding time for the things I want to do but it's tough. Anyway, since my race report I've fully recovered and am kind of running again. Have had trouble getting into the routine for whatever reason. It's odd how I can motivate when the mornings are dark and cold but now when the sunrise is beautiful and the weather is better (well for the most part!) I step back. I've always got this plan in my head organizing running, Jeet Kune Do, and my strength routine but it never seems to fully come to fruition. I'll keep trying. Maybe it's because Thames Path is over, I need a new goal.
Eas Mor Waterfall Trail - Arran |
A few weeks ago we were on the Isle of Arran visiting my mother in law. It's a deceivingly busy trip but fun nonetheless. Where we stay there aren't many running options but it's fun to see new things. The weather was miserable but that doesn't really ever ruin the trip. I always have huge ambitions of running a ton of vert and getting in a big week of training but that has never happened. I said "deceivingly busy" because that's exactly what this trip is. There's a lot of social time, more drinking than I normally do, entertaining kids, later nights than usual, a lot of small things that really add up. My wife thinks it's a relaxing trip and says the "sea air" tires us out. Bullshit. It's busy!
going to Loch Garbad - Arran |
I did manage one day in the mountains. It wasn't the one sunny day we had but I was determined to at least try. The forecast was for heavy rain, squalls, and limited visibility. I took the bus as I normally do which is fine other than I don't get the super early start I prefer. I planned on 20 miles running ridge lines as you do in the UK. At lower elevations the weather was decent, cloudy, but no rain yet and probably low 50's. Everything up high was covered in clouds, fog, mist.
I headed out Glen Rosa after running from the ferry terminal through Brodick. Glen Rosa is a nice run with normally awesome views of the mountains as you look up the Glen. All I saw this time was a few low hills and clouds. After running a while I headed up the start of the Glen Rosa Horseshoe, a fell running race that makes just what it says, a horseshoe around Glen Rosa running the ridges. I'd ran a fair amount of this before so knew where I was headed.
Glen Rosa - mountains shrouded in fog, clouds, rain |
Soon visibility was waning and it was a bit drizzly out. Still fairy warm though, I was in a t-shirt and shorts. The further into the clouds I went the lower the vis got as expected. I followed the faint social trail, checked my map, and watch to make sure I was on track. Slowly the weather began to degrade, the rain jacket came out, and I was up high on the ridge. It's hard to get lost on a ridge, or so I thought. I kept moving along as I slowly got soaked by the persistent rain and wet. The wind wasn't too bad. I followed the ridge peering down the steep drop offs, rocky cliffs, and couloirs that fell into nothing as they were filled with mist.
on the ridge |
Going and going the features I expected to see never arrived. I was confused but thought I knew where I was because I was on the ridge. I kept going, the weather got worse, and I decided it best to cut it short. It just wasn't safe, especially with the weather supposedly getting worse. I anticipated a couple couloirs that cut down to Glen Rosa and back to town but they never arrived.
Soon I was on a long descent I was sure was the down to the saddle where I cut down to Glen Rosa. But shortly I came to some boggy crossings and a deer fence/gate that wasn't on the route I had taken. I knew I had gone wrong somewhere. I figured I'm not going back and it's a small island so if I head down I'll hit the road and catch the bus, hopefully waiting in a pub by a fire! Not so bad!
I soon realized where I was when I came to a deep cut creek with vertical cliffs lining it. I had gone south instead of north of the ridgeline! I had absolutely no idea! I'd been here before and knew where I was at least and I was doing the horseshoe in the opposite direction, a good thing now!
I looked for the steep crossing in and out of the chasm but didn't see it, I must have just missed it but continued down stream, the water way too fast and high to cross. I soon came to the end of the deer fence and it crossed the rushing water. I contemplated climbing across it ninja warrior style, then looked around for another way over. No option but to traverse the fence! I climbed it sideways and was soon across! Ended up being a great option, I just wish someone got a photo of me on it!
fence traverse! |
Four miles later I was back in town. I still wanted more miles so I zig-zagged, back and forth, in and out, all around Brodick as the weather was warm and I was soaked so who cares! Back at the ferry terminal the wife got in touch and said they were on their way into town for something to do. I met with them and changed clothes in a manky bathroom. I wanted more that day but the weather just wasn't cooperating, I still got out to play which was a good thing. These things are fun but would be more fun with someone.
Back home in Stourport my morning running has been inconsistent, life's been tiring, and I've struggled to get back to the routine. Most recently the weather has been low 50's and rain which sucks! That could be part of the problem! In a week and half I've got the South Wales 100, a doozy of a race with lots of climbing. I was hoping with that looming it would kickstart my mojo but it hasn't.
early mornings have their benefits |
I looked at why I was entered into the SW100 and it was mainly to get enough points to qualify for Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, a race up there in profile with Western States. I thought about it and it's highly unlikely I'll get in. A second look at the qualifying, which they are changing, and I've actually already qualified! The changes worked in my favor! So unless I want to run SW100 I've already qualified for the UTMB lottery! Pretty sweet!
I already qualify for the UTMB lotto! |
So I'm unsure of SW100 right now. I won't get any money back so I may as well do it. There are a couple factors in not doing it though. That same weekend the martial arts academy I go to is having an open day celebrating their expansion by adding another studio with a full MMA cage, fitness equipment, and new/more classes. There are free taster classes, bbq, games, contests..... all sorts of fun things going on. That place being my social life I'd really like to go, BUT, that same weekend my wife is planning to visit her sister in Cardiff near where I'm racing. So if I don't race it's likely I'll be in Cardiff, not really a bad thing as it's always fun but I'd rather attend the open day at the academy. I'd hope my wife would try some of the free classes as well.
It's been raining like crazy here which sucks. The run commute in to work has been wet too. Yesterday was particularly wet. I figure get wet running or get wet walking so may as well run!
been rainy on the run commute in - free shower? |