Icy mud on my long run
I’m running part time. Still riding the bike to lessen the impact. Long run is up to 16 miles, which I’m happy with, and hope to bump it up to 20 miles the next two Mondays. Would love to be back up to 40 mile weeks before the race but as long as I can comfortably run 20 miles, 50km (30 miles) in the desert will at least be do able. Probably won’t be competitive but that’s ok.
Cat friend at the church
It’s difficult to transition back to running. I’m enjoying time on the bike and the strength work I’ve been doing. I need to see if I have the will power to at least keep up with the strength work. I’m also easing back to running to avoid any new injuries. I was honestly sore after my Monday long run. The mud was horrible, the pace was slow, but just what I needed.
Forestry equipment….
……thrashed the trails into ankle deep hell!
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