Well I ended last week with a solid 50 miles of running which was nice. So I think I'm back on track. I should be about the same mileage this week, 50 plus. Feeling a bit tired but that is expected. I figure get after it through the weekend and then this next week take it a bit easier. Hoping to meet up with a friend from the US in Zurich over June 1st and will most likely do some hiking which will be a good break from running but also still keep active.
Well more and more it looks like this Superior 100 thing is going to happen. The wife has time off from work for the trip, the necessary accommodation for the race had been reserved. Now just need plane tickets to the US and also to pay the entry fee (which is non-refundable!).
I don't know why I haven't paid up yet. It's a daunting distance and with the vertical gain and loss of 21,000 feet up and 21,000 feet down this race is a doozy! Some may smirk at the midwest for its lack of "mountains" but I'll tell you what, I bet this race is far harder than many of the mountainous races out west. Why? The hills may be short but they will be steep and relentless. There is no put it in low gear and set a pace for a few miles, it's steep up and then down. There is a reason why the best nordic skiers are NOT from the high mountains, this is why!
So this weekend I figure I'll commit to this.
I'm feeling pretty solid strength-wise. The Convict Conditioning calisthenics program I've been on since mid-January is definitely benefiting me in the overall strength category (core and upper body mainly). I've been doing quite a few squat variations for my legs but I think I need to focus a bit more on this to get stronger for the ups and downs.
My distance for running is ok, I should be running a bit longer now on my long runs but since I'd been injured I didn't want to jump up too soon. Maybe this weekend. My main concern is being ready for the uphills and downhills. The main thing is the downhills, they can make or break you so I need to try to be ready as best I can. Still need to do a little research on the best way to prepare and mainly the amount of time I need to focus on this.
So that is where I'm at for now. Hoping to stay injury free is priority!
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