Friday, December 27, 2013

The gauntlet of the holidays

Well we are in the middle of this mess called "the holidays". I'm down south in Barry, Wales and still going strong with my running every day in December. I was worried about being way out of routine and being able to run. Fortunately I don't think it's being seen as selfishness, I think I'm being seen as a weirdo which is good! 

Have had some great runs. It's been nice running and exploring somewhere new. Mainly on the roads and at night which has been good as well. Being on the ocean has been nice, windy and cold, but this adds to the experience. After a long day of chasing the little one around I'm wrecked and just want some quiet but the habit of running is so set now that it's what I look forward to at the end of the day. It is my quiet.

Mostly "sightseeing" runs which has been good. Nice and easy, no rush, so my aches have been staying away. My hips seem to always be super tight though, this has been on going for a while. Did some abbreviated calisthenics to try to stick to my routine. Lack of a convenient pull up bar, or even playground, kind of slowed a full routine, but I got in enough. Christmas I happened to do my handstand push-up routine, post-run, with a Budweiser! Got it done though, man was I light headed! 

I have been exhausted. The little one has been not wanting to sleep so my schedule is all out of whack. I actually slept in to 8am today! The wife has been hung over here and there so it's all on me for kid management. Kind of worried about getting sick being so tired. Trying to keep my food intake as healthy as I can, snuck away to the kitchen to eat a bag of spinach the other day, avoiding commentary. So many people view my habits as me being elitist and better than others so I tend to dodge the conversation starters if possible. Well today and tonight, then we head home. Kind of looking forward to the routine again, kind of not. It's been nice to not be at home. Sure I've been out of the comfort zone, which is actually a good thing, but the running has been excellent. Nice to have people around to talk to as well.

I've been running with the camera and have taken a fair amount of photos which I'll post in a few days as I don't have my computer here, only an iPad. 

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