Monday, May 19, 2014

A few recent photos

Ok, here you go! Up until today we had some nice weather. I got out for 10.5 miles this morning. 10.5 soaking wet miles! Rain. Wet vegetation sagging over the trail. Water shooting out my squishy shoes. At least it wasn't cold. I felt pretty good in general other than this odd hip pain I've been complaining about. Stretching and ice are in order. It's come and gone in the past so I'll just push on through for now! Hoping for another 10.5 tomorrow and then two longer runs this weekend. 

The recent mornings have been pretty good for sunrise photos. I haven't been posting because I need to fire up my computer to get the photos off my SD card. Anyway here a few of the better ones. Once again, I'd love to play with these in Lightroom but just don't have the time. All of the locations I've photographed before.

Oldington Bridge Jct

too dark, under exposed

Rifle Range preserve

Severn Way

River Severn

River Severn

Severn Valley Railway bridge

10 Weeks Is Not Enough

So here we are, about 10 weeks out from Lakeland 100. I have absolutely no idea how it will go! I'm down on miles. Feeling ok on average. Have a couple minor injuries but I'm not overly worried about them. I should be able to finish but any higher goals may be out the door.

I'm mostly concerned with my running mileage. Comparing it to my lead up to Superior last year I'm definitely behind. Life just seems to get in the away. No run this mornng, the little one must have had a nightmare. At 4 am I was awoken by the quiet worried version of "dada......dadaaaa.....dadaaaaa" which after four attempts at getting her back to sleep she finally went down about 530. By then I'm worried she'll do it again, despite being way down on sleep, and waking the pregnant wife. So, here I sit, typing with coffee wondering if I should've gotten out for even a short run. 

Well I can employ the jogging stroller later hopefully but I think our nice weather is on the way out once again. It makes me so mad when you read of these runners who have kids and a spouse and are able to put in solid training all the time. Race once a month. Their family is at all the races helping out. Their spouse trucks the kids everywhere during races to spectate. I'm so jealous of those people. Must be nice.

All I ask is for a solid opportunity to do one of these races at my full potential. I'm 37 so I'm not getting younger however it's not like masters athletes are slow in these races, many times they are just as fast as the younger guns. I guess if I can just hang on to my fitness, keep building on a long term base mileage as life allows me to, hopefully I'll have more time and opportunity after the little guy is born in October. When I mean after I mean like in a year! Maybe two! 

I think being a stay at home dad makes it even harder to find the time. There is no day care for the kid(s), I'm always with the little one so my running schedule depends on her. I prefer to get up early and run but if she decides she's up early like today, I don't run. I've toiled with the nighttime run after she's gone to sleep but it's difficult to motivate. The days done. Also the wife seems to think I'll get mugged at night. Ok?! Then why the hell do we live here! Yes, I mentioned the baby jogger but I only have the canal to run on which is fine but if the weather is bad it isn't the greatest.

Anyway. I'll get some photos up on here too, I'm going to monkey around on my computer in a bit. The timing for sunrise has been really good! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Disappointed with a PR?

So last Thursday I pulled the cord and signed up for the Worcester Marathon. It was the final day to get in to it. I figured despite a couple odd injuries I'm dragging around I could use the mileage so even if I feel like crap it would end up 26.2 miles of experience managing feeling like crap! Not necessarily a bad thing. I even considered running without any food just to do some mental training and discomfort management.

I have still been trying to figure out this toe problem and for some reason an odd shin splint type pain in my right leg. Most likely from the two bigger weeks of running preceded by not enough, this "injury" disappeared before the race as expected. So, I had an easy week leading up to the marathon in order to heal up a bit and I guess it acted as a mini taper too. No amount of rest has helped the toe thing. It's there, doesn't get better or worse. I've been playing with my lacing on my shoe to see if that helps as it could be pressure on the top of my foot.

The Worcester Marathon is a relatively new race, I think this year was the 3rd running of it, along with the half marathon. The course starts at the Worcester Warriors rugby stadium and heads out a short spur and then two laps with an odd additional spur loop on the second time around. Despite two loops it was very scenic out on rural country lanes. I thought a very nice course despite the hills! Now the hills weren't that bad but they were enough for a road race. My Garmin clocked the course vertical at 900 vertical feet of gain I believe. Any hills at distance on the road hurt, especially when you aren't trained for them! 

Everyone started together. Marathon and half marathon. This was kind of annoying because you had no idea who you were running next to until the second loop. I had my watch ticking away and my pace was judged by my heart rate but it was still annoying. Funny thing was when we hit mile 13, on the second lap, three guys in front of me stopped and realized they had missed the half marathon cutoff! Nothing better than an extra 6 miles! 

We had good weather but when the sun came out it did get a little too hot for racing. No complaints I guess. A bit of a head wind in some parts but no big deal. All in all good. 

All this base training came in handy as my heart rate didn't drift too much until the final 6 miles or so and my pace never went over 7 minutes per mile except for when I stopped to take a piss and when I hit the wall for a bit. Otherwise it averaged 6:49 I believe. Fastest mile was 6:35, slowest 7:08.

I finished in 3:00.15 officially. My Garmin clocked the course at 26.44 miles and my marathon time at 26.22 as being 2:58.56! Grrrrr, unofficial. That piss I took. I should've held it in until it was reabsorbed and I could have broken 3 hours! So yes I am kind of disappointed. Should I be? Absolutely not! So I kind of laugh about it. 

My previous marathon best was 3:01.?? at Tucson in 2001. I got a new PR. I DIDN'T specifically train for the race, no speed work, no hills, no tempo runs, just straight up base mileage. I've never focused on a marathon for training, always just gone and did it. I decided to do a marathon four days before! I have no reason to complain, but it is funny! 

Overall it was just what I needed. I got a great run in. Good miles. I recognized the low points and mentally dealt with them in order to trick my brain into keeping up the pace.  And of course I got a big mental boost pertaining to the doubts I had about my fitness and my injuries I've been dragging around.