I'm mostly concerned with my running mileage. Comparing it to my lead up to Superior last year I'm definitely behind. Life just seems to get in the away. No run this mornng, the little one must have had a nightmare. At 4 am I was awoken by the quiet worried version of "dada......dadaaaa.....dadaaaaa" which after four attempts at getting her back to sleep she finally went down about 530. By then I'm worried she'll do it again, despite being way down on sleep, and waking the pregnant wife. So, here I sit, typing with coffee wondering if I should've gotten out for even a short run.
Well I can employ the jogging stroller later hopefully but I think our nice weather is on the way out once again. It makes me so mad when you read of these runners who have kids and a spouse and are able to put in solid training all the time. Race once a month. Their family is at all the races helping out. Their spouse trucks the kids everywhere during races to spectate. I'm so jealous of those people. Must be nice.
All I ask is for a solid opportunity to do one of these races at my full potential. I'm 37 so I'm not getting younger however it's not like masters athletes are slow in these races, many times they are just as fast as the younger guns. I guess if I can just hang on to my fitness, keep building on a long term base mileage as life allows me to, hopefully I'll have more time and opportunity after the little guy is born in October. When I mean after I mean like in a year! Maybe two!
I think being a stay at home dad makes it even harder to find the time. There is no day care for the kid(s), I'm always with the little one so my running schedule depends on her. I prefer to get up early and run but if she decides she's up early like today, I don't run. I've toiled with the nighttime run after she's gone to sleep but it's difficult to motivate. The days done. Also the wife seems to think I'll get mugged at night. Ok?! Then why the hell do we live here! Yes, I mentioned the baby jogger but I only have the canal to run on which is fine but if the weather is bad it isn't the greatest.
Anyway. I'll get some photos up on here too, I'm going to monkey around on my computer in a bit. The timing for sunrise has been really good!
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