The past week has been a rough one. Some illness is hanging on and won't let go. Seems to be a stomach thing as I've lost my appetite, very weak, have random bouts of stomach cramps, and had a fun night and following morning of diarrhea. Seems like norovirus. Add that to kids keeping me up at night and I'm fairly wrecked. Coffee isn't even appealing!
Most runs feel ok though and the motivation is high to chug out 30 minutes minimum since I've ran the past 20 days. Physically running-wise I feel fine. Overall I feel out of it. This next week I'll run a bit less since the Chariot will be out of use with my daughter home. No big deal. The goal is minimum 30 minutes a day.
I know I bitch a lot about not running in the morning and I'd guess people wonder what my wife is doing, why can't she watch the kids? Well that is my decision. Being a stay at home dad I see it as my job to be there for my kids when needed. Whether that's up a few times at night like last night or up at 5am everyday sacrificing my mornings.
Also running is a very selfish activity. I will fit it into my schedule and use my personal time which currently happens to be at night. Yeah, I don't prefer it, but it's what I've got now and even if I complain I adapt. Besides no one can complain about my running if I'm using MY time can they?
From an ultra training standpoint I'd assume having an odd schedule, lack of sleep, and recently pushing through sickness I'm adapting to all sorts of things making my mind stronger. Adaptability and perseverance to obtain a goal seems to be key components of racing ultra distances.
So five days left of Advent Running and eleven left to run all of December. I won't let the shits stop me.
A few recent photos, I can't caption them on my phone app. A couple from the Wyre Forest and a Saturday post lunch break run pulled pork sandwich. My stomach felt like shit but I needed some calories!
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