Friday, January 15, 2016

It's halfway through January and the streak continues. I'm on day 46. 

Running is going well and now the goal is minimum 30 miles a week, I'll bump up to 40 in February. Been doing my shorter runs at a faster pace which has been fun but I need to be wary of injury. It's still a ways off from any racing though. 

Speaking of racing, I canned the cross country race, I just don't have any time to be active in a club. I'd love to meet more runners and maybe have some friends here but it just won't work for now. 

Re-instilling my calisthenics and JKD everyday, again. Those habits just won't stick so I'm back at it and this time with a JKD test looming. It's been tough to get it in, I've been really tired lately for whatever reason (kids!?) which many nights makes it tough to motivate.

It's finally become cold here but I'm still rocking shorts. Gloves are out, but my winter hat comes off after about a mile. I wish it would freeze as the Wyre Forest and any trail is a total mud pit. I have yet to make side fenders for the Chariot and I get sprayed like crazy. I need to get on that one.

Just a short update. Not much to report or bitch about I guess! 

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