Monday, December 13, 2021

Really? Can’t I just get a break?

And here I am, pouring over maps of the Cornish coastline, listening and re-listening to podcasts describing the Arc of Attrition 100, repeatedly watching YouTube videos of the course and where not to get lost. For the second year I’ve been training and hitting the program over 90% of the time (last year the race was canceled due to Covid). I’ve nearly finalized my kit ready for any weather the Atlantic Ocean and a January in Cornwall produces. I’m psyched to see how well I can do in a 100 miler if I train appropriately for it, something I’ve never done. 

And I fucking get Covid. 

The kids brought it home from school, I thought I’d dodged the bullet, and three days ago I tested positive. It came on hard and fast with symptoms of a really bad cold. Sinuses and headaches. No coughing, aches, or tiredness. A very mild fever. Today it feels like a normal cold. 

I’m unsure how I feel about it. I read articles on how to return to training post Covid and everything says 10-14 days off after the symptoms stop, these articles pre date vaccinations though. But I feel like I have a cold! I guess only time will tell. I’ve poured so much energy and time into training and it’s gone well. I just want one opportunity to execute an ultra properly. I have a crew lined up that know the area. After how the Cotswold Way went I feel really amped that I can do well with the appropriate training. 

I’m handling it well mentally. I’ve got friends watching out for me. Focusing on martial arts to pass the down time. It’s not over yet, I’ve felt better each day so far and I think I’m going to treat this shit like a cold and see how I feel. I have four or five weeks until I taper so it’s my absolute peak of training soon. It really couldn’t have happened at a worse time. I’m double vaccinated and I think this is the weaker variant so I’ve got that going for me. Plus my diet has my immune system ramped up like crazy. Another positive note is I have martial arts to fall back on! 

Here we go…

And a few recent photos:

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