And we are race free as of now. I pulled the plug on UTS 100 and got a little money back. The way training has been just seems to continue on. Up and down, no consistency. Hoping things will smooth out once the kids are back in school after Easter break. That’s at least what I told myself, get consistent when it becomes more convenient.
That being said I’ve felt alright a few times. Had a nice run on the Wyre Forest where I felt ok for most of 17 miles. Followed the majority of the Wyre Forest half marathon course and then added on a bit more. Great few hours out. It was nice to not worry about vert and just run. With no big vert race on the horizon I’m just running where I want. My strength training has also escalated since it’s easy to fit in so trying to look at the positives.
I’m feeling ok about my daughter’s epilepsy medication and will hopefully return to my favorite early morning run routine but we shall see. I’ve been sleeping in the same bed as her for a long long time just to make sure I’m there if she has a seizure, and yes, I’ve seen a handful. This has been tough on myself and my wife. With no consistency to the seizures we have no timeframe or idea of anything, we just assume or hope it’s working. You have no idea how difficult this is and the strain it puts on us. We persevere.
Photo dump:
Wyre Forest

Wyre Forest

Wyre Forest
Still hitting up my easy 4-5 mile loop near home adding in some new footpaths to freshen it up. A quick escape that’s mud and people free, can’t complain!

Blackstone Rock
Had a decent set of hill repeats on my regular Sunday evening run. Returned in the dark but felt good. These workouts for some reason are always good. Maybe because I get to escape the day into the quiet for an hour or so.

Evening run back into Stourport from the river

Stourport bridge over River Severn
We were in Wales north of Cardiff for Easter. Nice visit with family and had a really solid run despite being hungover! 6 or so miles exploring around a wind farm. The climbs were consistent but I cruised up them. I felt very good which was reassuring! I was tempted to go back and take a couple Strava King of the Mountain segments but ran out of time. I also managed to fit in a solid chunk of strength work each day. Dips, handstands, handstand push ups, push-ups gave a solid workout each day. Bonus to having to wake early with kids is having spare time for this!

Narrow steep lane in Wales

Wind farm in Wales


Wind farm