Well I'm still churning it out on the trainer. I guess it fills a hole for now. I did however get out yesterday for a run. I was feeling alright in the leg department and figured I'd give it a go. I made it about 3 miles with no pain in my knee which is a start. I went real easy on it, 8 minute miles, and although I just said "no pain" being worried about it made me think so it did feel weird, if that makes sense. Hopefully all the calisthenics I'm doing are helping as are all the stretches etc.
Speaking of calisthenics I've been stoked on the Convict Conditioning book I got for Christmas. Despite the kind of weird "bad ass" kind of cover and wording on the front of the book it kicks ass! All body weight exercises with the main exercises being basically push ups, pull ups, back bridges, hanging leg lifts, handstand push ups, and squats. Each exercise has a ten step progression that increases in difficulty with an ultimate goal of the very difficult version; for example one arm handstand push ups in the handstand progression beginning with headstands. The cool thing is that the most basic, or first in each progression is just that, basic and very easy. The program is meant to build on each version increasing strength and flexibility. It takes very few reps and you can do it anywhere. Even after a few weeks of going through the motions I've noticed a difference in my strength. The best thing is that even though you are putting on muscle you are not putting on size, great for an endurance athlete. Also it's functional movements in natural body positions versus lifting weights which can put you in unnatural positions possibly resulting in injury. Pretty cool.
So last night at 00:01 on February 1st the registration for the Beacons Ultra went live (they've updated the website, check it out). Since the race filled last year in 24 hours I was up first thing today and registered. The race isn't until November but I had such fun this year I wanted to do it again. It will be nice to run a course I know and with it being a long ways off I should be back running by then. It's also nearby, about 1:45 drive, so maybe I can get the wife out to watch for once. She could always visit her sister on the south coast of Wales and then drive up for the second half of the race. I know it's lame if you are not "into" racing to hang out waiting for finish, especially for a race that takes over 6 hours, but it would be fun to have her and the little one there. The other down side for spectating is that this is in Wales, in November. Despite having nice weather this past fall the area is notorious for shitty weather. We're talking upper 30's and rain. No fun!
Well at least one long range goal in the works.
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