Friday, January 3, 2014


Well it's 2014. Pretty cool I guess, not sure why though. Anyway I accomplished my run everyday in December. I was a little worried about Christmas time but I made it happen. I just needed to be flexible in my scheduling. This was most likely the biggest thing I learned. Be flexible. Run when I can, in any weather, and I have no excuses to miss a workout. 

So as mentioned before I was running a minimum of 3 miles or 25 minutes, which for me ends up being 3 miles normally since it's faster than 25 minutes! 

Anyway, here's my Garmin calendar for the month:

Kind of fun to look at it and be all filled in! I thought about continuing on but figured it best to just be able to have the option to relax. The fairly easy running I'd been doing is really easy on the body for the most part but once the mileage increases or the speed the possibility of injury grows and then having a day off or two available can be nice.

For January I'm still keeping the heart rate down for now and shooting for 40 to 50 mile weeks. I may add in some speed work soon though and try out a road half marathon in March. We shall see.

Totals for 2013 were also pretty cool to see. My hand written diary I started on January 17, 2013 has been retired. In it I tracked all my calisthenics and endurance training. I'm not going to add up the calisthenics, which would be fun, just too time consuming. Anyway, below should be the year totals for endurance:

Every black hash is a bike ride or run. Mainly running. Totals on the bottom.

I'm increasing my focus on calisthenics this week too. I'd been keeping it fairly easy and had leveled out in progress so for some exercises I've taken a step back and am focusing on technique on the easier progressions. So the routine includes pull ups, close pull ups, head bridges, push ups, close push ups, hanging bent leg raises, hanging straight leg raises, handstands, hand stand push ups. I've stopped with squats for now and as my racing goals are more defined I'll incorporate them as needed.

So that's about it for now. My ankle achilles issue is gone. I think the running gait change I made (heel strike to midfoot) has been fully adapted to. My piriformis acts up every once in a while. Mostly after I do bridges in the calisthenics, but has yet to slow my training. On we go! 

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