Yes, any chance of getting into UTMB is gone but with so many other races I have options. Besides if I really do want to race in Chamonix I do qualify for two other shorter races. Options are good, right? The crazy ass huge option is to enter the lottery for the Tor des Geants in Italy (September). A vastly more difficult race than UTMB. Twice as far, 200 miles, I think three times the vertical, 75,000 feet. The race is won in 70 hours. Other races that I'm looking into are GUCR, the Grand Union Canal Race (May 23), 145 miles Birmingham to London along the canal. I've enquired about entry and this race seems like a great option considering where I train. A "classic" UK ultra that seems to be overlooked by many since it's "only along a canal". It has a very small field and they only allow maybe 40 unsupported runners, they prefer runners with crews following them the entire race. I'm sure it make their logistics far easier, understandable.
I've done some sweet races here but have yet to do a European race. I feel I need to take advantage of living so close but with family and cost I seem to keep staying close to home.
Change of topic, now after a few years of consistent running I feel I've got a solid base mileage but am hugely lacking speed. Running the Worcester Marathon on a whim for a "training run" and easily running 3 hours shows this. I'm considering focusing on a spring marathon at 2:45. I figure if I can get the leg speed from a decent marathon training plan all I need to do is add in some longer runs focusing on ultra distances and things could improve drastically. Obviously this is in an ideal world. Things like injuries, motivation, family, NEW BABY BOY, race course specifics (elevation, terrain, etc.) all would need to be considered and factored in. This plan does line up nicely with any plans for GUCR.
This Saturday I'll be running my first 5km in probably 20 years! And my first road 5km as well! Two of my co-workers and I are taking part in the Worcester City Run/Bike/Run Duathlon. We are in the team category where each of us run one of the legs. I'm the anchor doing the 5km! Kind of excited to see how I do but wish I would've done more speedwork. I'll be super happy if I break 17:00, that's about 5:28 per mile pace. I did an 8 miler last week and averaged around 6 minute miles so I'd like to think it's possible.
Otherwise in general I'm just out running to run. I've been having trouble adjusting to the darker mornings but everytime I get out I feel good. It's nice to feel good!
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