Just need to add photos to my Snowdonia 50 write up. Maybe a day or two! Otherwise I'm back at it now. Had the Chariot out today, hopefully Wednesday too. Just trying to maintain my fitness for now.
Ha that's funny as I also took the sheep trail before checkpoint 3 as the stile didn't have a blue arrow so I assumed no change in direction (ended up having to carefully pick my way down the steep bank) and I also ended up at the roundabout leaving Llanberris and missed the bridge crossing. A bit of time lost here and there but more time lost due to stomach problems :-) Next year hopefully no navigation errors and can manage to keep food in me :-)
Well done on a very tough course and I hope the shepherd's crook has pride of place somewhere.
Hey Amanda thanks for reading! Sorry to hear you had stomach issues, sure hope you still had a fun race. I was kind of bummed about going off course but the whole navigation makes me pay attention and see more of the views. I thought the shepard's crook and the chunk of slate for finishing were awesome. So cool to use local stuff like that! Maybe I'll see you there next year, I'm hoping to make it back again! Best of luck in all your running! !
Ha that's funny as I also took the sheep trail before checkpoint 3 as the stile didn't have a blue arrow so I assumed no change in direction (ended up having to carefully pick my way down the steep bank) and I also ended up at the roundabout leaving Llanberris and missed the bridge crossing. A bit of time lost here and there but more time lost due to stomach problems :-) Next year hopefully no navigation errors and can manage to keep food in me :-)
ReplyDeleteWell done on a very tough course and I hope the shepherd's crook has pride of place somewhere.
Hey Amanda thanks for reading! Sorry to hear you had stomach issues, sure hope you still had a fun race. I was kind of bummed about going off course but the whole navigation makes me pay attention and see more of the views. I thought the shepard's crook and the chunk of slate for finishing were awesome. So cool to use local stuff like that! Maybe I'll see you there next year, I'm hoping to make it back again! Best of luck in all your running! !