I've made it 19 days no problem on my December streak. I think I'm done though. No complaints about time constraints with family, tiredness, sickness, etc. No bitching like I'd expect from myself. It's just the intelligent thing to do. Train smarter, not more. Time to rest.
Four weeks ago I was playing with my 2 year old son, crawling all over the floor getting crazy. The next day my lower back was sore. I expected it to go away after a few days, it didn't. I could and still can run with no pain however I figure it best to give it full rest. The dull ache comes and goes. Heat and ice both help.
I need to be 100% for the next six months. Time constraints, sick kids, sick me, etc. The list of challenges I already face is daunting. I need to fix what I can now and be ready to train in January.
Time to drink beer. Bloody Mary's. White and Black Russians. Eat bacon (thanks to my older brother and sister!) And sit in the ghetto hot tub.
The Marcothon streak continues. I've ran three miles minimum everyday so far in December. Majority of the runs have been just that. I've got a loop that I've been enjoying most nights. Step out the door and tear off a quick three, I'm done. Also been hitting the treadmill while the little guy sleeps during the day. It's fun to go fast, I've really been pushing the pace which will pay off when I start going longer.
I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to actual training next month. The little guy persists with his inconsistent morning wake ups and night running totally f'ing sucks. Nothing worse than trying to motivate after a long shit ass day. I've considered 345-4am wake ups in order to get a morning run, that is if the little guy becomes consistent waking at 6am. I can nap when he naps then or attempt more miles. It becomes insanely difficult to motivate at night for longer runs and I can feel the "eye roll" from my wife when I consistently go out at night, the only time we have together.
But, a positive stands tall above the negative! I also have the Chariot Monday through Friday which I think will be a life saver once again. I get hilly terrain! It's light out! It's fairly consistent! It's bad ass cranking out 6 minute miles with! It makes old people smile! I hope it inspires other parents who see me!
I dream of having consistent focused training time. I dream of being able to "compete" and not just focus on "completing." I hate to say it but maybe I missed that time in my life, I didn't realise (god damn "s," autocorrect keeps changing it to UK English, I hate that!) what was going on and the time and resources I had. I've never focused on anything, just went along with the crowd. Now I'm older and my eyes are opened I have no time. I guess I'll have to be "that guy"' who makes it happen despite lack of free time.
So yesterday I was watching the Western States 100 lottery live via Facebook. I wasn't really expecting to hear my name because the chances were so slim but it was something to do so I had it up on the TV. I creeped a fart out and the wife totally freaked out on me, so I shut down the TV feed and began attempting to reconnect in the kitchen. In the process I missed a name or two so I looked at the list that was updating live on Ultra Live TV. Guess whose god damn name was there? MINE!
I didn't believe it. No fucking way. I had a 2.5% chance of getting my name chosen. I wanted to start this process and "chase" getting in to the race hoping to get in after a year or two when the kids were a bit older and the little guy had figured out a better sleep routine more conducive to running. Well I guess there's no time better than now.
All night I didn't believe it. I scrubbed back through the replay of the lottery to hear my name. It was me! No, it can't be. I won't believe it until they charge my credit card. Today I got the official email:
So, a journey begins. I'm not overly worried about finishing. I've finished 100's before and for two of them I was what I'd consider to be minimally trained (ie NOT ENOUGH!). The one I confidently trained for, Superior 100, I had zero experience. I've got quite a bit of experience now, just need the training. Most importantly the specifics of the race course.
Anyway, I don't think finding a crew will be hard, or pacers if I decide I want one. After my Facebook post old friends from the Western US are coming out of the woodwork to help out as I'd expect. It's going to be awesome just like Superior was!
I really want my family there, in particular my daughter. I've had many race-induced hallucinations of her at the finish line of WS100. But, considering the cost, my daughter is still in school at that time of year, and also my son is only 2, logistically bringing the family most likely won't happen. That's ok though. She can be there for me at the finish of Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, basically the European equivelant of WS! Besides the stress of traveling with my family probably can't help.
Goal for the race will be sub-24 hours. I think with appropriate training this is easily met. Whenever I look at the pace of these races I think "I can do that!" I truly think I'm capable of doing very well, much faster than 24 hours, if given the opportunity to train and recover. Being a stay home dad with little kids finding time is difficult, however I've become damn good at time management. At least being entered in such a crazy event motivation will not wane!
Time is on my side, the race is June 24, funnily enough my anniversary is the 25! I've been running, have a decent base, and am now working on raising my VOmax with speed work. In a couple months I'll hopefully apply the faster paces to longer and longer distances. Then as the race draws near I'll focus on specifics of the race. Heat training and downhill running being the big two.
I'm streaking December again, running every day up until Christmas, following the Marcothon protocol. 3 miles or 25 minutes every day up until Christmas. Finding time to run is tough right now, I don't need long runs yet. 3 fast night miles has been fun!
Training has been ok. Not worried about distance now but trying to scrape together what time I've got to focus on more speed sessions. Fartlek runs, hill repeats, etc. Still pretty unstructured but I need to get faster, then add distance. Everything has been crazy as usual and consistency is lacking. Sometimes I just wish I watched sports, ate shitty food, and was "normal." Seems it would make life a lot easier!
Got out in the morning for the first time in probably two years the other day. My mental state diminishes in the winter, the wife for once recognized the importance of running to me and agreed to let me run in the morning a few times a week. Not that she normally doesn't but honestly I don't like to do it when I intrude on everyone else's time, but I guess I'll selfishly take it while it's still there.
Anyway, I'm going to attempt to run tonight. The past three years I've streaked December running every day. I'd like to continue that but I'm lacking motivation. We'll see.