Thursday, May 7, 2020

4-4-48 Report #1

Thursday May 7 -

I went to bed at normal times and set my alarms for 1140pm as well as every other upcoming “run time.” I got a little sleep, but I don’t really think it will matter! 

I logged on to Zoom with 150 or so other people. Some talking about random things, most, like me just quietly watching. I had to keep quiet anyway for fear of waking kids. I start scrolling through the people and not only do I spot Michael Wardian, an elite runner at all distances and holder of multiple world records, but David Goggins has joined in, creator of this mental challenge (Navy Seal and author of Can’t Hurt Me). 

They both pipe up letting Billy Yang know they are there. Pretty rad as I don’t think this was official, they heard about it and joined in. 


After some words of encouragement, random questions, thank you’s, and a run down of the “rules” we were all off. People from all over the world running “together” yet alone. It’s not a race, there will be no winner, no entry fee, but a challenge to see if you can.

Friday May 8 - 

I run an easy road loop around town. It’s silent. I see zero cars. The moon is full and of a light pink color. I don’t even turn on my music. I’m tired already from a full day. I realize this challenge will most likely not be physical unless my old injury rears  up. It will be mainly mental. Lack of sleep is hard to deal with. I get back, eat some food, chug some water, and attempt some sleep.

My alarm sounds and I’m up from a short stint of broken sleep. I’m ready to go! It’s my normal running time! I log on to Zoom and catch the end of some guy’s running story and it’s time to go. Billy says “looks like it’s time to go!” We’re off. The birds are out so I keep my music off, it’s once again silent, no cars. I run down the middle of the road and smile. I return, still trying to figure out an ideal loop, eat, drink, try to sleep.

My son is up of course! No big deal, this is fairly normal. My wife is awake to hit the treadmill as she does at 6am normally anyway. 

I’m groggy as expected and looking forward to 8am and getting out the door. My injury site is a bit sore but I hit it with the foam roller and it seems better. The family is up and everyone is happy which is good! I just need to stay happy as the lack of sleep and increase in movement grows. 

Feeling good. Still prefer the 4am run as people are beginning to emerge. 

I’m distracted by family so don’t get an opportunity to chat which I regret. Anyway, out the door I go. A bit hesitant about my leg but it feels fine when I’m running! A lot of people outside, it’s nice and people are getting set up for driveway picnics for VE Day, Victory over Europe commemorating the surrender of Nazi Germany. An easy, probably too fast 4 miles goes by and I’m hot and sweaty, bring on the night! 

For some reason I’m having trouble loading photos. I’ll post this and start a new one. Feeling tired as expected but good at the same time. 

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