Wednesday, May 6, 2020


So those Altra Duo 1.5’s I was so psyched about? Well, after 7 miles they destroyed my feet! I never get blisters. Both heels and two toes! Oof! Still excited to fine tune the fit but need to heal up first. Kind of disappointed but haven’t wrote them off yet. 

So with all the race cancellations there have been a lot of crazy virtual races going on. Anywhere from 5km to  4000km or the equivalent distance across Tennessee! None have really caught my attention though and considering my injury still is there, although minor, best for me to not run 100 miles around my garden! It would be rad to have a once in a lifetime award from these crazy times though. 

However, as I mentioned, not really into it, that is until I saw this. It’s a David Goggins run that he does every year. However the film maker Billy Yang is promoting it as a virtual run starting tomorrow (Thursday, May 7) at 4pm PST. It’s called the Goggins Challenge. You run 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours giving you 48 miles total with all the fun of sleep deprivation! Everyone starts at 4pm PST, I’d start at midnight over here, run four miles. Then at 4am (we’ll talk in my time) I do it again. And at 8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm, midnight........... until midnight Saturday night I run my final 4 miles!

It works well around family and Friday is a holiday here in the UK so my wife is off. I’m only “away” for 30-45 minutes. Also it’s spread out and I’m hoping won’t be so hard on my injury. 

I’ve sent an email off for more info, I’m excited about it, so I guess I’ll let you know if or how it goes tomorrow!

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