Friday, June 26, 2020

Holt Fleet Bridge over the River Severn 

So it's been maybe a week since we had to put our cat down. Well it just so happened that my wife stumbled across a kitten on a farm within a day. So, we now have a new kitten. And unfortunately we are having a heat wave. Upper 80's, into the 90's and humid. Bad time to have the windows and doors closed to prevent escape. Ugh. Anyway...... she’s a kitten, her name is Rosie, so you can't really complain.

I started work last week for a few days a week which has been great. Just nice to get out. The tiredness of working, early morning runs, martial arts, heat is adding up again. Sleep deprivation will always be my nemesis. Sleep is so insanely important but when you have to spend time with family and need to make time, well, you lose sleep. Mornings have been nice as always but I have started to sleep through my alarm. My routine is slipping as well. Running takes priority, martial arts, then strength work it seems lately. Strength routine has been on the back burner. It’s fascinating, all it takes is 20 minutes to get a solid workout in but when you’re exhausted and everyone wants your attention it goes away. I hate that. 

Nice country lane running, I need a gravel bike! Oh yeah, riding bikes takes time!

My previous injury seems to have gone. I haven't had any problems which has been fantastic. It's so nice to be injury free. I forgot how nice it is. I guess it's time then to do something dumb, like add in speed work, and tempt fate though! I'm just chugging away running easy, with no events in the immediate future that's about all there really is to do, easy miles. I do want to add in a speed session though! 

430am sunrise 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Unfortunately had to put one of our cats down today. He’d been hit by a car a few months back, survived, and was getting by despite crazy, unresolvable fluid retention in one leg. 

Shaky as a kitten

Yesterday I returned from a run and he was laying on the floor and meowing like crazy, he was obviously in pain. I managed to get him in the cat carrier and he bit the living shit out of my hand, very unlike him. 

The vets drugged him up and believe it was a trapped nerve, maybe from compartment syndrome from the fluid. Either way it seemed to be unable to be fixed. So  I got to go see him for the last time before they injected him and put him to sleep. 

I scratched his face one last time as he calmly went to sleep. He was always the first one to say good morning to me, and always listened to whatever I had to say. Definitely will miss him. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

New goal. Just entered the Arc of Attrition 100 mile. It’s in Cornwall and runs the coastal path point to point around the peninsula! Should be rad! Weather should be atrocious though, a coastal Atlantic run the last weekend in January. Cornwall is supposed to be beautiful. I’m excited. Here’s a link with more info: 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Mulling through my head race options and things just keep being cancelled. One that’s still alive is a 24 hour race that’s local. The Joust 24 is in October and is an easy 5 or so mile trail loop that you run for 24 hours. Could be an option. Bonus is it’s about a 20 minute drive to the start! 

I keep watching for the Tor des Geants to cancel. No word yet. It’s in September. A cancellation could push back me getting in another year. If I’m reading it correctly if I enter the 2021 lottery I’m guaranteed an entry since I’ve tried for three years and been denied. 

Long term goals. Trying to focus on that to keep motivated.

Friday, June 5, 2020

It was actually cold this morning! Must have been low 40’s. Nice temp for running but I should’ve brought gloves! 

I ducked into a random “pocket park” along my route this morning. I’d been through before but in the dark. It parallels the side walk so why not run in the trees?

I first noticed an enormous larch, then of all things a giant sequoia! It’s surprising how many made it over here as ornamentals. They’re big too considering how slow the trees grow. It would be interesting to find out their history. 

I love summer early running. It’s normally quiet before 5am but now with the pandemic it’s what I’d expect walking dead was like! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Time has been cruising by. I've got a couple posts in my drafts folder but they are now seemingly outdated. Mainly me complaining about family life. Married life. Life stress. Getting old. Boredom. Etc. The usual lame thoughts that likely creep into most people’s minds in their 40’s. Probably good I didn’t post them! 

I'm over the coronavirus. The gatherings of stupid people here due to the warm weather appear to have had zero effect. I take that as a good sign. I'm ready to get rid of the kids, back to school. They need to go back. The addiction to screens; iPads, tv, computers, movies, etc. is growing old. Even school has them use these things, they can’t be escaped! When things return to normal we’re too busy with clubs and activities to have time to use them. Too much down time right now.

I'm slated to start working again June 20, just Saturdays because I'm watching kids during the week for now. I understand the government being cautious. I get that. 

I won't be commenting on the on-goings in the US. There really isn't anything to say other than so much is wrong with the place I call home. For the first time I'm glad I'm not there, I'm glad my kids aren't there. I hope things change. 

Running is going well. The early light has been fantastic, 430 am is my daily alarm. My quad injury seems to be fading but I still get a bit of pain if I push it too hard. No big deal really. Races? Well if it happens I've got my eye on the Cotswold Century, 100 miles following the Cotswold Way in September. As of now it's on hold. I just need to slowly grow my weekly mileage. 

Really been enjoying the Adobe Lightroom App. Just the free version but way better than instagram for photo manipulation.