Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Time has been cruising by. I've got a couple posts in my drafts folder but they are now seemingly outdated. Mainly me complaining about family life. Married life. Life stress. Getting old. Boredom. Etc. The usual lame thoughts that likely creep into most people’s minds in their 40’s. Probably good I didn’t post them! 

I'm over the coronavirus. The gatherings of stupid people here due to the warm weather appear to have had zero effect. I take that as a good sign. I'm ready to get rid of the kids, back to school. They need to go back. The addiction to screens; iPads, tv, computers, movies, etc. is growing old. Even school has them use these things, they can’t be escaped! When things return to normal we’re too busy with clubs and activities to have time to use them. Too much down time right now.

I'm slated to start working again June 20, just Saturdays because I'm watching kids during the week for now. I understand the government being cautious. I get that. 

I won't be commenting on the on-goings in the US. There really isn't anything to say other than so much is wrong with the place I call home. For the first time I'm glad I'm not there, I'm glad my kids aren't there. I hope things change. 

Running is going well. The early light has been fantastic, 430 am is my daily alarm. My quad injury seems to be fading but I still get a bit of pain if I push it too hard. No big deal really. Races? Well if it happens I've got my eye on the Cotswold Century, 100 miles following the Cotswold Way in September. As of now it's on hold. I just need to slowly grow my weekly mileage. 

Really been enjoying the Adobe Lightroom App. Just the free version but way better than instagram for photo manipulation. 

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