Friday, November 23, 2012

Slowly recovering

Alright so after 5 days I'm getting up and down the stairs just fine. A little bit of soreness left over in my quads otherwise I'm doing ok. Thank god for my foam roller though. I had been hesitant to put my body weight on that thing since it can hurt REAL bad but yesterday gave myself two solid rounds of rollin' on my quads, hamstrings, IT bands. Sure felt nice afterwards!

That damn knee injury is still there though. I keep going back and forth about it. I think I need to go to the physio to confirm what is actually wrong with it. I'm kind of thinking it's some odd minor ligament tear now which could be a bad thing. I keep saying "but I did just run 46 miles on it?". For whatever that is worth.

Got my 'cross bike set up on the wind trainer in the spare bedroom again. I figure take a solid week off from everything, then start up a few days per week on the bike and doing strength work. Then after maybe 2 plus weeks start easing into some running. Maybe the knee with fix itself.  I'd sure like to get a set in stone training plan going for the next running season and stick to it. I know where my faults are, know the talent I have hidden, now just need to execute the plan.

Not sure if I mentioned this but I signed up for the South Downs Way 50 which is in mid-April 2013. Sounds like a beautiful course starting in Worthing, UK. Where ever the hell that is you say! Well it's pretty much directly south of London on the coast. Also planning on running the Malvern Hills Ultra which is local here, 52 miles and goes off the first weekend in May I believe. I'll have about three weeks between races which should be interesting. Other than those that is it for now. May consider tackling a 100 miler but that all depends on who I've got around to help, we shall see.

Oh, so the Beacons Ultra provisional results came through. I ended up 8th overall in a time of 7:18.30. I was  about 10 minutes off of 4th place. I hate that. That is nothing over that distance. Oh well. As I've said I raced about how I should have expected to all things considered (training, knee, etc...). Our team got first however which is cool. Overall a kick ass experience! Sounds like they will have a Flickr account set up with photos so maybe post them up if I find some good ones. Alright, back to stretchin'!

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