Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week 18

An uneventful week I guess, let's just call it a recovery week with limited sleep! 

I had intentions of one last interval workout but it just seemed to slip through the cracks. Family stress got the better of me I guess which is usually the cause of a failed plan. 

The little guy is no longer napping so my run options are early morning or night, the main reason for no intervals, nap time was ideal noisy treadmill time. He's been waking anytime after 1am for a stressful but brief 30 minutes too. No idea why, possibly the wind has been waking him up. Our windows can hum a bit due to some stupid vent on them. He's also waking at 530am again which makes the morning option I dream of less appealing. He's not sleeping enough, I just wish he'd give me more time! So, I've been a zombie. The limited and inconsistent sleep crushes me. 

Absolutely nothing worse than going for a 13 plus mile run after 830pm. Last night I wasn't sure if I could run the final mile I was so tired. It didn't help the wife was talking on her phone into the night on Saturday keeping me awake even longer. I need better ear plugs. I felt like shit all day Sunday, I even nodded off on the couch briefly, only to be woken by the kids. 

On a positive note I saw a ton of wildlife along the canal. Frogs and toads. These weird little Pygmy deer the size of dogs. Odd reflective eyes flashing back at me, mostly cats, but one set was in the water! I couldn't tell what that one was. Fish surfacing. I flush roosting birds. An owl flew across the beam of my light, that was really cool, I usually just hear them! 

I hit my mileage goal though. Consistency is key. I'm hoping today, Monday, I'll get a solid night sleep since I'm off from running today. 

My toe injury has been fine. It's there but doesn't hurt when I run. I'm just going to run through it. It's an odd and inconsistent, light, dull pain. With no swelling or bruising my boss thinks it could be nerve related but it doesn't feel like nerve pain at all. On we go. 

Unsure of this weeks goals. With no interval work this past week my recovery week is early. I may just take another easy mileage week and then begin the tempo run phase I have planned as normal. Rest is good. It's when you grow stronger. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 19

Another week nearly complete. It went alright I guess. My training is all over the place pertaining to when I run which makes it feel like I'm not even training and not doing enough. It's an odd sensation. I would much prefer to have a consistent training schedule.

Bullock Bridge on the canal

Running at night totally sucks. Saturday I had a long day that started with the little guy up early, 5am. Then a day at work. The kids refusing to go to bed. I finally got out the door after 830pm to get in an 8 mile run. Training at night will forever be the absolute worst time to be out. Exhausted from a full day, motivation usually lacks, but I guess now with such a huge goal of WS100 coming up I need to take what I can get. One of my interval sessions ended up being at night as well, no nap = no daytime running. This was almost both workouts this week but the second time when the little guy refused to nap he fortunately fell asleep on the couch and I was able to get him to bed!

chasing foot paths

I managed two interval workouts as planned on the treadmill. Both went ok. I'm seeing and experiencing the effects of previous hard efforts. These treadmill sessions are all the same workout, they just accumulate breaking down your body until the phase is over. It becomes tougher to get my heart rate higher because my legs are tired out. The odd thing is that my speed is increasing. It's possible that my tired legs are actually an overall tired me from lack of sleep and all the other outside stresses associated with a family.

Hartlebury Castle

Speaking of outside stress, family, and my mentions of when I get out. I was surely on track to begin running in the morning all the time again. The little guy was waking consistently at 630am. Then all of a sudden there was a "need" to get him in a regular bed and out of his crib. Well that just has screwed everything up. He now totally refuses naps, the time I usually do intervals. It also seems that when he doesn't nap he wakes up earlier than normal. So that glorious 630am I'd been oh so happy with is now inconsistent and earlier. One day at a time I guess.

I'm beginning to feel the effects of it as well. I'm more tired all the time, grumpy in the afternoons, more coffee intake. I hope it just doesn't stomp me forcing me to take a longer break.  

chasing foot paths

 I didn't think I'd have any photos for this post, however, after writing all the above I got out for an awesome 15 miler in the afternoon. I didn't have an opportunity to touch up the photos so they're "as is." Fitness-wise everything went excellent; heart rate and pace were perfect, body felt decent. I ended up exploring a bit. I started taking random country lanes heading in the general direction of home, one I passed behind Hartlebury Castle. Then onto some public foot paths. I wasn't really lost but covering new terrain and came to a "t" intersection of paths. I ran up to a man working in his driveway and asked which way to Stourport? He kindly sent me in the right direction! Onto some really cool single track, pass some historic sites, supposedly WWII anti tank blockades, and soon at familiar terrain.

An excellent run to finish the week. The only bad thing was that my old JKD toe injury came back out of nowhere after dinner. It's never hurt while I've been running, but has me concerned. Only time will tell. One more week of intervals, then a rest week, and time to attempt to increase my mileage.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Always fun to see photos of myself! They're pretty uncommon as I usually go to races alone, someone popped this shot at Wyre Forest Parkrun and put it on their Facebook page.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 20

Another week nearly done. As I write this I've yet to run today, Sunday. It's been a productive week and my previous training is showing it's effects. So I'm back in another cycle of VO max intervals. I was hoping for three of these treadmill incline interval workouts this week but the little guy decided not to nap forcing me to shuffle my schedule. I think I'll soon regain my mornings, even if it's at 4am, I can't wait! 

first 100m of the Wyre Forest Parkrun

Initially I was hoping for a Monday, Wednesday, Friday interval routine. Any other run would be an easy recovery run varying in distance with hopes of 40 plus miles total. Monday I was very tired for some reason, however determined to hit the treadmill. Good or bad the little guy didn't nap and forced me into a day off as I have Jeet Kune Do at night. I wasn't complaining. He napped Tuesday, I banged out the workout and every interval was faster and easier than the previous phase. I was very happy to see results! 

"lost" in the Wyre Forest 

Intending to do intervals Thursday I was denied again with no nap and JKD at night. The same happened Friday! No nap! So determined to at least get two sessions in I knocked it out at 8pm at night. I was worried the kids would wake up but it worked fine despite the noisy treadmill. I felt sluggish after a long day and had difficulty getting my heart rate up but put forth my best effort. Done.

Saturday I had the day off from work for a JKD workshop in the afternoon so I took advantage and did my first Parkrun. Parkrun is a program worldwide now that provides a free timed 5km run every Saturday at various locations all over. It's all about challenging oneself no matter what your ability. Here in the UK they are everywhere and I was fortunate enough to have one at the Wyre Forest! I've always wanted to do this but I'm usually working. The Wyre course is very hilly and also on muddy dirt roads. 

Ankle deep mud in some parts

I "won" Parkrun with a time of 18:14 for 5km. My legs were tired from the previous night's interval session but I put forth a hard effort hoping to somewhat substitute the third interval session I'd been forced to miss. I guess it was better than nothing and it was a lot of fun. I ran the whole thing alone and was bummed I didn't get a GPS or heart rate track of it, I neglected to press my watch hard enough due to gloves and I didn't realize this until 2km in! Oh well. 

After the 5km I went out for a super easy 7.5 or so more miles exploring the Wyre Forest. I ran all the stuff I can't run with the Chariot. It was super muddy, trails appeared and disappeared, logging roads popped up then dead ended. It was fun. Easy days are easy, super easy recovery, so it was a very leisurely run. There was a light dusting of snow up high and it was trying to snow more. Considering the cold temperature, grey skies, and wet conditions there were no people around at all. I thoroughly enjoyed connecting with the outside world as I used to do daily. 

Dowles Brook, Wyre Forest

Week 19 continues with another round of intervals, preferably 2 sessions, then filling in with 40 plus miles total.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 21

lunch run during work, River Severn and Worcester Cathedral
And the "rest" week is over. I hit 40 miles this week focusing on super easy running, trying to get rest, and a few days of foam rolling. No intervals. This week is intended as a break from the difficult and time to give the body a period to adapt after being stressed with intervals the previous three weeks. Adapt and become more efficient.

Canal near Kidderminster
Most runs were super easy paced, super low heart rate. 8 minute miles are uncommon for me but many of my runs that was the average. Easy days MUST be easy. The true test was today (Sunday). I got out for 13 miles on the canal, flat and easy. My heart rate was low but I ran easily about 7 minute pace. My body had adapted and it showed.

graffiti along the canal 

So the next four week phase begins. Intervals again as I did previously. I'm hoping for the first week to get in three interval sessions. The big question will be if the little guy naps and gives me a chance to hit the treadmill! He's on and off lately with naps. The treadmill has worked perfectly for these workouts as I don't live conveniently close to longer hills so the treadmill on incline is ideal for ramping up my heart rate.

Training has been odd lately. I never run at the same time so some weeks it feels like I'm not even running. I take advantage of the time I can get; morning, during nap time, at work, at night, etc. I'd love to have a consistent plan but as always I'll take what I can get! It could also be the fact that I'm only running 40 miles a week with maybe only one quasi-long run.

In flux. As always. Stay positive. One day at a time.