Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 14

Week 14 accomplished for the most part. I ended up only doing one tempo session though. The night running and inconsistent sleep has been catching up with me and opted out of two sessions. I've been exhausted during the day and taking three nights off cramming in 40 miles in four days. It's easily doable and I figured I needed to catch up on rest. Besides, when I run at work I usually run too fast anyway so it may have been a borderline tempo run!

Worcester Cathedral from my commute

 I took Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights off from running. Saturday I snuck in 11.5 miles total with a commute from my car to work, a lunch break run, and then a commute back to my car. I'm slowly extending the commute from 2 miles. It all adds up and if the weather is nice why not? I've only got an hour over lunch and can manage 7 miles at the most with time to get cleaned up. Actually hit the Severn Way from Worcester which I hadn't done in a while. Best part is no people.

Severn Way signpost

The morning run update: Last night the kid slept until 715am! That's promising! I hope the daylight savings change that just happened here will shift him. The previous day was 630am. With plans of ramping up my mileage the mornings are going to be necessary so fingers are crossed.

heading to work

Looking at my training plans the time is going fast. I've been the most consistent I've ever been leading up to an ultra so far. I've been doing speed work which I've NEVER done and I feel like it's going well. April will be a build up of weekly mileage, 50-60 per week as apposed to the current 40. The first couple weeks will have some tempo runs like I've been doing then the rest of the month will be longer runs at a faster pace, but slower than tempo pace, called a "steady state run." I need some 20 milers too with Malvern Hills 50 coming the first weekend in May. May will be high mileage endurance runs, hopefully hilly. Then June is essentially a three week taper. Wow. I need to get them plane tickets!


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