Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 16

Another stressful week of managing family and training. The good thing is I'm sleeping an adequate amount for now. Bad thing is I feel I'm getting the "eye roll" when I go out the door at night, whether that's true or not I don't know. I've said it before, mornings are best: out of sight, out of mind. I try my hardest to not be selfish about running. I go when the kids are asleep. The wife just watches her tv shows or texts friends at night, nothing involving me. I'm grateful for days I get out in the light during normal hours but always feel guilty. What happens at night anyway? Sit on the Internet? Watch tv I have absolutely no interest in? I'd rather take my "medicine" and run. 

Anyway, two tempo sessions this week surrounded by easy recovery running. I've still got 5.5 miles to do tonight (to hit my 40 mile goal), however at noon I have a JKD grading. I'll make it happen. I'm not letting anyone or thing get in the way of my goal. Motivation has been high, the tempo sessions are fast and fun; comfortably uncomfortable is the best way to describe the effort! 

I've started to try and find a trail or ultra race to volunteer at, 8 service hours is a requirement of WS100. I've got two race directors contacted. One is probably a sure thing and the other I'm still waiting for a reply. 

Tahoe has had huge snowfall this year so it's likely the race will cross snow in the high country. I think they also alter the race course in heavy snow years. 

Our, I guess annual, Easter trip to Scotland's Isle of Arran has been called off unfortunately. We go there to see the wife's mum, it's super cool there and has awesome mountainous trail running. I was really excited but the wife called it off because it's "too stressful with the kids." I was really disappointed, it's one of those places where I actually fit in. 

I thought I had more to say today but I guess not. Onward. 

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