Monday, March 4, 2013

River Severn long runs, Pure Grits

Got out this past weekend for two days of heavier mileage. I think it was kind of too much but Saturday was just too nice and had been one of the better Saturdays I'd had in a long time and Sunday I was in a bad mood so two good reasons to go long.

Severn Way near Lincomb Lock

Severn Way single track

Saturday afternoon got out for about 12 miles along the River Severn which was nice and did the same run but further on Sunday. Made it round trip 16 miles Sunday. Felt pretty good both days but today am icing a sore achilles. I don't think it's a big deal but definitely need to ice it to be sure. The route I've ran before and is quite scenic and gets really rural quickly as you leave Stourport. Coincidence that everyone you meet in the middle of nowhere is happy? I don't think so, I always run into smiles and greetings out there. They become less the closer I get to town.

Just down river from town you pass through a marina with some huge old boats people are fixing up or just generally live in. Mainly all ocean going vessels, some newer house boats, and a handful of narrow boats. The big ones remind me of working on Isle Royale on Lake Superior; navigating at night via radar and GPS, keeping a watchful eye on the sea charts for reefs. Sometimes I wish I would have meshed a bit better out there but those small Park Service communities are tough groups to crack sometimes, especially if you're a police officer.

Some sections of this flood and are impassable, one which still has ankle deep slippery mud. Up above the actual trail there is a narrow ridge along the sandstone cliff that possibly could be made into a make shift by pass if one was to put forth the effort to clear all the brambles!

this seems to NEVER be dry

Stourport Basins

Well I made the decision to resole those Pure Grits with the fell sole. I'm getting a pair or the Pure Grit 2 through work so I'll have a less aggressive version to wear most of the time but then if the conditions are hairy I can pull out the big guns. Most likely wait until I get the new ones to send off the old but whether or not the outcome is exactly what I want at least the outsole will be better than what it is now.

Been trying to figure out a longer race for summer but most of the big names are full up or just too far away. The cooler races in Scotland require a chase car/crew which is lame. Was considering something longer than a 50 miler but am hesitant without any people to help as a crew. I'd love to do one without a crew but first time around it sure would be nice. So, I think anything longer than a 100km is out of the question but we shall see.

"fly by" photo of some drunk under the bridge drinking cider

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