Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Final week of bigger miles is over

So last week ended as planned which I was very happy with. Topped out at 73 miles total and felt good. Saturday I banged out 17 miles before work and Sunday did 18 in the morning and then another 8 on the treadmill in the afternoon. Both days I averaged 7 to 7:20 minute miles. 

This morning got out for a fast 10 miles with a few miles around 530 pace. Feels good to go fast! Well faster at least! 

Finding time is everything in attempting to put in miles and be a family member. The early mornings work out well but can get tough. I'd love to be able to run 100 mile weeks or every weekend put in 3 plus hours running but there is no time. My max time frame available is normally 2 hours. Sunday I would have preferred to run for 4 to 5 hours at an easy pace but I don't have the time. So, despite it not being specific to my race, I get in what I can which ends up being faster paced medium length runs. This seems to work out ok in the grand scheme of things so we will see how it works for a 100 miler. 

Injury update. The achilles still is there but once I'm warmed up and stretch my calf it seems to fade. With my mileage now slowly receding I'm not too overly concerned about it. My hamstrings were better today, rolled them yesterday and I have been better about stretching. Just need to keep working at all of this so things don't get worse.

Logistics, logistics, logistics. Need to order some things such as food and maybe some clothes. Then need to figure out a race strategy and how I plan on directing any outside help during the race. I'd like to keep it simple. Give me this, make sure I do this, if this is happening recommend this. I'm pretty self sufficient but with people giving me what I need it could save time at aid stations. 

If you think about it, if a race has 10 aid stations and you stop for only 5 minutes at each you've lost nearly an hour standing around! Sure it is a necessity, fuelling up, making sure you've eaten, re-applied BodyGlide, take care of this or that. All of these things NEED to happen or you risk not finishing but in and out fast like at a car race is what's important. 

Granted early on when my mind is right the first half of the race I won't need much but later when I'm tired and it's dark, that's when it will be tough. 

So all things I need to work on over the next couple weeks.

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