Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Moving right along

Bullock Bridge

 Well the days have been chuggin' along. Had a fairly easy-ish week this past one. Never did get the little one out in the Chariot trailer but still am hoping to. Been working on my calluses and it seems to be working well. A couple on the main pad of my left foot are going to be tough to get at but a little perseverance and I should be able to reduce them a bit.

looking over Stourport from the trig point in Ribbesford

Got a solid night of sleep last night which was nice, I think I needed that. I sleep about 7 - 8 hours a night normally (mainly leaning towards the 7) but had been having issues getting to sleep which was odd for me. 7 seems to be no problem but sometimes the little extra may help for recovery. No run today for me so despite the wife leaving early for work, a random alarm going off at 4am, and the noisy birds, I got a pretty solid night in as mentioned.

thank you for mowing, along the Severn Way

Time to up my mileage, I think I say that in every post! Been going at 50 plus miles per week. This week going for 60 plus. I figure if I add in a midweek run in the teens mileage-wise I should be golden. Here on out am hoping to get in a 20 plus miler in every weekend. Also started doing 200 body weight squats during the week in addition to my normal body weight exercises. I've been taking the weekends off from this stuff to give myself time to recover but otherwise it's Monday to Friday two exercises each day and squats now. So each day I'll do one of the following: pull ups/back bridges, push ups/hanging leg raises, or handstand push ups/squats. I've been doing this since January and have gotten noticeably stronger since then which is pretty cool. It's amazing how weak my core and shoulders were.


Training for this beast is interesting. It's unknown territory I'm going into and despite comparing my running to  training programs it still feels like not enough which is weird. As with my first 50 miler though: "you've done the training, you'll be fine" is the mantra it seems. Most say the difference between running 50 miles and 100 miles is 10% physical 90% mental.  

The photos are from a recent loop down the canal to Stourport, along the River Severn, into Ribbesford Wood, and back home via Rifle Range/ Devil's Spittleful. Had poor light due to the overcast skies.

Anyway, just need to keep un-injured and keep to the plan!  

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