And too much going on has become my life it seems. The past week has been insane. As I've most likely mentioned the wife pushed for the keys for our new house and of course it fell the weekend of my 4 plus hour Jeet Kune Do grading and the Wyre Forest Half!
I've survived for now. JKD went very well and the half marathon went as it should've. I was exhausted for both with all that is involved in a house move.
Knife flow drill, JKD |
This was my fourth time running it and the start of the Wyre Forest Half was slower than normal. I shot off the front with I think four guys quickly dropping the majority of the field. The first long downhill I opened it up and soon it was myself and one other. After the flats this guy then made a move when the climbs started, maybe around mile 4. His singlet said Exeter Uni so I assumed the race was over, I hate it when the college guys show up, he took the lead for the next few miles running about 50 meters ahead of me but wasn't pulling away.
Wyre Forest Half Strava map |
Once up top I reeled him in and just drafted for a while to get a feel for how he was doing. I was recovering, the pace was too slow! He was spent! Or at least having a low and could bounce back.
Splits and Race Info |
We were at the top of the long mile descent I'd been training with the little dude in the Chariot. It was time to really test to see if my downhill training had paid off. It had. I dumped the guy like a hot rock. I no longer heard foot steps behind me!
Strava Wyre Forest profile, deceivingly hilly |
I thought I had it in the bag until I hit the final flattish section before we gradually climb to the finish for 3 miles. The pitter patter of feet grew louder! No way that guy bounced back! But it wasn't him! Another guy had slowly crept up and as he passed me I knew it was over. He was just too confidently consistent with his cadence.
I was caught at mile 10. The next 2 plus miles are an easy but deceiving climb, then a rapid 200m downhill followed by a nasty 200m climb to the finish. No one in sight behind me I ran as best I could, pushed hard uphill to the finish, and finished second.
I was beaten by just over a minute. In the grand scheme of things that's very little. Of course I was disappointed. If I'd had a normal week, been aptly recovered and rested could I have won? I don't know. I ran as best as I could and that's all I could do.
race results |
For second I walked away with a trophy, a bottle of cider (6% alcohol), and a £30 gift card to M&S! That will be transformed into £30 worth of Lagunitas IPA! So great day, great race!
gettin' my cash money! |
In other running news the half marathon week ended up being fairly low mileage, a recovery week was most likely needed anyway. This week is starting off slow. No running Monday or Tuesday. This move has crushed me. Stress is high with two kids and lots to do. I went to bed last night at 8pm, fortunately the little dude slept until 5am, so even though I was very close to running I think sleep was the best decision.
Hoping to get out tonight, then Thursday Friday should be Chariot days. I think I can squeeze in 50 miles this week. Next week is when my Chariot days get shut down to once a week at most. The next six weeks will be tough. Mostly night running and I need to do at least two 20 plus mile runs before Snowdonia 50. I guess the biggest motivator will be new running routes!