Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Sunday night long run happened and it seemed to be a good thing. I did my Arley - Severn Way loop (16+) and then made up the final few miles around town. It was late when I finished. A good thing. I struggled with the last two miles. A good thing. So I'd assume the effort was just right. With the sleep deprivation and lack of food/water I'd categorize this run as a bonk run. I needed these things bad the final miles! 

It was dark early so I'm glad I had my big 'ol Petzl Nao headlamp. Motivation was tough as always but mentally overcoming this and the discomfort of the bonk can only be a good thing. 

I didn't take any photos. It was a dull night and darkness fell early it seemed. 

Monday I did get out to ride mountain bikes and as expected it was super fun as always. Riding with my co-worker at Cannock Chase was great. Finally was with someone who could ride the entire XC loop. Had a look at all the "black" (most difficult) graded sections but only rode a few of them. Since I ride maybe once a year my confidence wasn't as high as normal. Most of these were rock gardens with minor drop offs. The rest of the riding was fun single track. The craziest thing is seeing trails rated for difficulty, it really puts the trails I cut my teeth on into perspective! Essentially 75% of the riding in the southwestern US would be graded "black"! 

It was also nice to actually get a workout in. Other times I've been out with "weekend warriors" and although still fun, it's not really exercise, more of a noodle around.

Monday JKD I was worthless. The little dude hadn't slept well in a few nights, add in a nighttime 20 miler, mountain biking, and I was cooked. Just couldn't focus. 

Knocked out 16 miles with the little dude on Wednesday at the Wyre Forest. He puked up his breakfast due to a hidden burp before we left so I wasn't expecting much. However he had some milk around mile 11 and was good to go. I like to see it as he needed to hit up the aid station! 

Actually a nice break. I rarely am able to just sit and be outside. Or maybe I just don't make it priority to, I'm always on the go. Reminds me of the Colin Fletcher quote, something to the tune of "sitting on a mountaintop thinking about sitting on a mountaintop thinking about nothing at all". I always liked that idea and now married with kids those precious opportunities I used to live have been replaced! 

The Chariot will be hung up for a while as my daughter will be at home for three weeks. Her daycare gig is on hold for a bit over the school break. Training is and becomes more difficult now. As I've mentioned before those Chariot runs seemed to be very effective. The way I see it if I can at least get in three runs of 11 - 20+ miles each week I think I should be good. Although "junk miles" are important, time on my feet is what I need. 

With Snowdonia in three weeks focus on two more 20+ runs and anything else hills, then taper the week before the race. Depending on how I recover from the 58 hilly and possibly technical miles one more 20 before Cotswold? Otherwise just try to be consistent. Consistency has been tough, I had been doing great but then fell back a bit but still keeping the focus on long runs. 

Anyway...... I'm rambling on now. I keep comparing now with my pre-Superior 100 training and I'm doing ok. I can't get my calisthenics habit to stick. I'm not as consistent, but I've got more long runs. I do what I can. 

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