Monday, September 17, 2012

Required gear options

Fairly successful week and slowly getting back into it after that damn fell race. On Saturday got out running and my IT bands were still shredded from the downhill! Sunday a couple guys from the athletic club came out my way and we put in a couple easy hours running which was fun. Felt a lot better too which was good. I haven't ran with anyone  in training for seemingly ever so it was a nice change. I need to ramp it up now though, no more racing until after Brecon Beacons. Time to put in some big miles and show up ready to go.

Slowly finalizing my gear for the race as well. So we are required to carry waterproof jacket and pants, gloves, hat, a fleece, backpack, map, compass, all our own food (no food at aid stations, only water), a space blanket, headlamp w/ spare batteries, whistle, watch, and a minimum capacity to carry 500ml of water.

The weather in Wales can go sour real quick or may be horrid when the race starts hence the required gear. Makes sense I guess just in case, especially since it will be November. This is one cool thing about races over here. There really isn't a lot of hand holding, you need to be self sufficient.

Already have my jacket and pants sorted out. I have a Montane Litespeed Jacket that weighs in at about 5.5 oz. It fits like a garbage bag, damn British cut, though so I'm looking at other options. A little more weight may be worth a better fit since if I need to whip out these items the jacket will be first. Also if you're already uncomfortable ill fitting clothing will only make it worse. I'm pretty sure this jacket breaths about as good as a garbage bag too! Pants I've got a pair of Montane Minimus pants, 4.4oz I think. Both are actually lighter since they are size small and their measurement is off of size medium.

Montane Litespeed H20 Jacket, mine is a hideous orange

Montane Minimus pant
 Both of these are the lightest end of the spectrum. Obviously when you go ultralight you lose durability and of course breathability, both trade offs for carrying so little. They smoosh down to about the size of a medium apple which is super nice. I could dork out on the breathability but honestly when one is exerting themselves at a high level NOTHING will breath enough, not eVent, Gore-Tex, whatever.... People in the UK seem to be all about the numbers for breathability (MVTR - moisture vapor transmission rate), it matters if you are moving like a snail. Fast and light is right! Getting cold? Move faster!

Hat and gloves I'm not going to stress about with weight too much. I've got a Swix nordic ski hat I run in which will work, probably weighs about an ounce. Gloves, I do have some Outdoor Research liners but seeing as how I have frost bit my hands so many times Nordic ski racing I think something with a bit more protection may be useful. I've been looking into some of these convertible gloves with a wind proof mitten covering. Nike makes some that weigh nothing and could save me from lobster claw hands if it's cold. FYI lobster claw hands occur when your hands are so cold your fingers are useless besides your thumb and a grouping of the other four, no fun, especially if you've been surfing and need to get in your locked car and also get out of a wetsuit!

R1 gridded fleece

Fleece. Hmmmm. They require a "fleece or similar warm upper body layer". That's a pretty broad category. I've got a Patagonia R1 pullover that is considered "gridded fleece". It's super warm for it's weight and think this would most likely be the most compact fleece out there. Patagonia claims it weighs 11 ounces.

I'm too lazy to dig around for a lighter option right now, any how fleece has never been known as lightweight. I confirmed that the R1would be legit for the race with the race directors so it's at least a viable option. If I get bored I may do some digging to see if there is a lighter option out there. The only situation I can see myself using this in is if I get hurt or drop out which is the reason why we're carrying it.

Enough gear talk, I'll go over the rest another day. Wife's gone tomorrow, I should take the day off but may hop on the hamster wheel for a while. We shall see.


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