Thursday, January 29, 2015

Been running when I feel like it, no pressure. It's been ok but as mentioned odd not having a goal. The weather has been crappy lately, wet, trying to snow, snowing, windy but fun to get outside none the less. Actually have been running in the the daylight! Well until next week when the wife goes back to work! 

The above photo is from today's easy 5 miler, and just before I took the photo huge snowflakes were dropping! Then the sun came out! 

Day 29 of low carb high fat eating and I feel great! Never hungry. The oddest feeling! I feel totally normal and am out of the funk that is the "induction" period transferring to ketosis. It wasn't too bad but now I feel the difference. I got some stick to pee on to see how far into ketosis I am but normally can smell the acetone secretions. 

Rather than explain the whole thing this dude's website does an excellent job of explaining it all:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The date is set

A little closure to this game. March 6th they'll slit me open, poke my innards back in, insert some mesh over the hole, and sew me up! The doctor said I should be back to normal mileage by June. Also currently I can run as I please. No weight stuff thoughts expected.

It's unreal how bummed out I was and having it open ended just made it worse! 

It was nice talking to a doctor in the private sector versus public health, so much more personable! Not that the other doctors I've seen were bad, just different. He actually gave a shit about me and was curious of who I was! He had my personal history already from the previous doctor which was a conversation piece since I've got emergency medical background. I could've talked to him for hours! I think he was elated I wasn't overweight as he said it can be much more difficult to do the procedure. I wonder if it was a "whew, thank god, an easy one" moment? 

So that means I can hopefully sneak in a fall hundred miler hopefully. Centurion Running Autumn 100 near Reading or Cotswold Way Century are both options. I'd just like to keep up any qualifying races in order to get in to future events. The guys at Centurion put on a very "American style" ultra which is welcoming, they do the North Downs Way 50 which was my first ultra. Great show. It's also later n the fall than Cotswold giving me more time to train. Cotswold however is very close to home which is very convenient, it's also point to point versus an out and back format. I guess lets first see how this surgery goes. Autumn 100 will fill first I'd guess so I'll need to keep tabs on that as well.

This morning I emailed the appropriate race directors in order to withdrawal from GUCR, Lakeland 100, and the Wychavon Way Ultra. Sad, but I do at least get some money back. Kind of a bummer but maybe for the better with two kids now it may be a good thing.

Day 23 of the high fat diet. Kind of a weird feeling. I never have sugar crashes or get the hanger. Consistent energy all the time, even on my runs, even if I don't eat! Any runs have been base building and easy right at the perfect pace for fat burning. Unfortunately I won't be experimenting with speedwork. I'm definitely in ketosis as I've got body odor and also my urine stinks! I'd like to keep it up for another month and have my cholesterol etc checked to see the outcome. We will see if I last, it takes quite a bit of will power to skip all the treats! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Got out for an easy six miles today. Felt good, fast, and renewed my motivation. New current goal is run for fun, no races in mind, go when I can, as far as I feel like. There is no reason to stop yet and no goal yet and that's ok. 

Been cold out and the canal froze in certain spots. A trail of broken ice in the middle from a boat. No mud, cold air, very nice.

Doctor appointment Thursday to see what the plan is for this hernia. Looking forward to that to get a time frame, then planning can commence. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

What are the positives of this hernia situation? What are some "to do" list things? What are things I can do while recovering?

-you'll run again
- the appointment is near
- time off could be good for your feet (numb top of foot issue)
- use it to lose weight, you want to be faster, carry less
- experiment with ketogenic diet
- focus on Jeet Kune Do
- find some friends 
- meditate, meditate, meditate
- rehab with Colby while Annabelle is at childcare; walk, hike, explore
- attempt to find other stay at home dads with like minded kid friendly interests (hiking, biking?)
- get OUT with the kids

I think I'm coming to terms with a mandatory lay off. It sucks but it has to happen. Damn I've been down though. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

I was doing well and I've hit a low again. Why run and train with no ultimate goal? Yeah I guess long term there are some I've got but no intermediate steps right now. Until I have an answer to surgery for this hernia I'm in limbo and it's killing me. 

I hate to lose fitness, but the effort mentally it takes to get out, stay positive, and be happy smiley dad and husband is draining. It's even harder with little support. Saturday's are always good as my coworkers are always interested in training etc but otherwise nothing. 

This week was the UTMB lottery results as well. Obviously I wasn't in the draw, which is for the better with this hernia, but it still really brought me down. Also looking at 2015 it will be very hard to get any racing in most likely. There are very few fall races and I have no idea how my fitness will be or how long to get it back. Limbo.

I miss being around like minded people but don't know where to look here. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Date is set

So January 22 I have an appointment with a specialist to look at this hernia. Took about 5 weeks to set that up.

So far so good with the running. Still working on my goal of 40 mile weeks. Mainly doing night runs with the 3 month old up to feed at 3am and awake to poop at 430am. I'll usually stay up as he doesn't want to go back to bed! Need to shift that a bit! 

Did some furniture moving yesterday which I knew was a bad idea. Today the hernia area is somewhat sore. Going to be tough to motivate to run tonight as I was up early, now sore, and I'm watching  the kids alone with some routine changes for the toddler. Stay positive and it will happen.

The high fat diet is going well. Now on day 14 of carbs being below 150g and usually under 100g. Love not having "hanger" or craving food, mainly sugary stuff. I need to nail down more lower carb high nutrient vegetable ideas. Currently lots of spinach, kale, broccoli. Running I feel mentally good still but physically sluggish and sore. May be the adjustment to low carb, may be the short time frame jumping into 40 mile weeks, may be lack of sleep? Not too sure. 

On we go with no solid goal in sight other than to build base as I can.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Easily managed 40 miles this past week. Right where I want to be. I was however hoping to be doing speedwork now in January twice a week but I'll hold off just to be safe. Went to JKD last night and worked out normally. The hernia didn't seem to mind. A pretty mellow night for the most part, more technical than physical, but the final conditioning drill was pushing it. Two minutes of sit ups, on the "up phase" you throw a jab and cross at a partner. Of course I'm no slacker so went all out. Hernia held up ok, I need to take it easy though, just in case. 

Nixed the compression shorts idea for the hernia. The pressure wasn't in the right place. I've been trying to find another pair of Pearl Izumi Ultra 3/4 tights and/or full length in black. They are in the UK but out of stock currently. They only have the black and green. Why add color? I hate that. As mentioned the Ultra tights seem more compressive and have awesome pockets on them, back zip is bigger than normal and the two side hidden pockets are nice to have. Great piece of clothing! 

In other hernia related news no word from the doctor yet. I'm not sure how I feel about it honestly. I'm torn whether to follow up and get it done or just keep on training in hopes of at least completing GUCR. If I do it I'll most likely be shot for the summer anyway so why not have surgery post race? That is IF I make it to the start fit! I guess I need a professional to look at it anyway. Thinking positive maybe it's no big deal, or maybe it is?! 

Loaded up on shoes a few weeks back. TK Maxx (TJ Maxx equivalent) seemed to acquire a pile of Brooks PureFlow 2. Honestly I felt real bad not "supporting the local" (ie my own employer) but when I can get three pairs of shoes for one I'm going for it! Even with my work discount I'd get two shoes for the price of one! Lame on Brooks to dump old stock though. Lame on me I guess supporting it. Actually was really psyched. The wife spotted them, found my size, and bought them! That was impressive as she's not a runner, knows nothing about it, and knows I'm very specific in the things I buy. Really blew my mind she did that. That's not like her at all. Very happy husband. 

So still not morning running. No big deal. Been enjoying going out at night. The wife spotted on my Amazon Wishlist the Petzl Nao headlamp (poached photo care of Petzl!). Damn expensive. But holy shit is it awesome! It's got the battery pack on the back which I normally don't like but it rides just fine. The coolest thing about it though, besides it's crazy bright, is that it has a sensor on it to adjust the brightness automatically depending on the light conditions. Also the on/off knob uses a twisting motion which is super glove friendly and easy to operate. Pretty sweet. It came highly recommended from my friend Nathan in Oregon who used it with great success at Pine to a Palm 100. He said the battery drain isn't too bad either which is always a concern. 

So I'm the guy with all the gear, limited time, and a possible injury! Oh, and yes I HAVE ideas! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Sorry for the odd photo organization, I've been posting from my phone and tablet apps versus the actual blogger page. Makes for less options for photo sizing. 

8.4 miles to start off the new year. Temps have risen significantly which is lame. I really miss the cold weather and ice. New Years Day I ran at night; blowing wind, probably in the 50's, and light rain. Could've easily worn shorts. That's just not right for January.

Been considering getting a pair of compression shorts to help support my hernia. Seems like a good idea so this weekend at work I may see what they feel like, hopefully we've got my size in stock. When we had colder temps I ran in my full length tights. My 3/4's had a much more supportive fit which seemed to help. Looking at the crazy devices to push or hold hernias in it just seems to make sense. 

I thought I was going to have trouble motivating with this hernia but so far so good. Kind of bummed I essentially took a week off in anger after the initial doctor visit. That was time I could've been running.