Monday, August 27, 2012

Yep, well the weekend went kind of as planned. About 8.5 miles Friday, Saturday was an off day due to lack of time to get out and lack of sleep. Sunday snuck out for 8.5 miles but definitely would have liked to have gotten out for longer but once again lack of sleep. Today missed out but I was planning on having it off anyway.

The little one has been doing her thing again off schedule so I've not been sleeping much at all. In addition we had the wife's sister's family here for a night at the last minute, which although nice to have them here, messes up the little one's plans.

had to take a pic of this place

Been having a hard time keeping weight on after the 50 miler for some reason. Been eating like a fiend but just keep dropping weight. My diet hasn't changed at all but it kind of worries me a bit. I think I've actually been eating worse/more high calorie shit food than before. Normally I try to avoid any packaged processed foods, any junk food, alcohol, etc. but lately been nibbling on some of that crap. Many people think I'm vegetarian because I eat an absurd amount of fresh fruit and vegetables. I try to eat fish and chicken most days however.

I haven't even been putting in big miles but have started to add in tempo and speed work. Also trying to be more adamant about body weight exercises; lunges, squats, push ups, pull ups, etc... I want to try to avoid any injuries as I pick up my pace for shorter races in addition I need to be prepared for more hilly terrain.

Am planning on a pretty cool sounding race in a couple weeks. I believe it's a bonifide fell race, 19 miles, about 5000 vertical feet, the course isn't marked so you need a map and compass among some other required gear. I need to do some more research and I'll let you know more in the next few days.

Lightroom 4 is still pretty cool but I've yet found time to play with it so sorry but the pics posted today aren't as cool as they could be!

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