Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week 9 and I'm injured

And the fun begins. I was insanely motivated for May. Big miles were planned and they'd have set me up perfectly for a comfortable finish. Well, plans never go as I like and should've expected the worse, especially with such an awesomely huge goal. This foot pain I acquired out of no where a little over a week ago has become a problem. I don't know where it came from. I've been feeling great, not pushing the pace or distance. I've built up slowly. Usually I can pinpoint where it happened. 

Last week I only ran 24 miles. I had planned 60 - 70. I took off five days last week in hopes this injury subsides. I ran 14 flat trail miles on Sunday and I could run on it but it hurt. It needs to go away. I'm digging deep for positivity. I thought this was my big chance to be able to train properly and be able to race a 100 miler. I'm so down its unreal. I took yesterday and today off and am planning on setting my bike up on my trainer so I can at least boost my aerobic capacity a bit and stay off my feet. But, I need to be running long miles. 

The injury looks to be associated with my extensor digitorum longus. The muscle on your shin that connects to your little toes from the top. The pain is right on top of my foot likely where the tendons from this muscle connect to the toes. It's not always there and I can't palpate the pain. I guess this is a good sign. It's likely a bit of tendonopathy so fingers crossed a little time off, ice, stretching and massaging my lower legs, and maybe some strengthening exercises and it will go. 

It's just an enormous downer when I've been so positive. If I'm lucky, and it heals, I think I can still push my taper back a week and get another solid week of training in. But I need to be cautious if it goes I don't let it return. 


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